Yeah it's true , groups are needed , I can't imagine having a profile on 200 people and going over them from time to time , especially with the load and time it takes on me , my pc , posts, life too much to manage.
Something needs to e done smarter or we would miss all the good posts for a bunch of high earners :| , I don't mind whale people, but they get exposure mostly because they have money and people flock there, for instance @krnel is a great guy but the amount of information he posts is astronomical to go through that coupled and multiplied by 1000 and it' impossible to grow as a "minnow" you have to struggle for months , or get the whale votes :D
Anyway there are much golden posts here and they have ~10$ .. the hard fork needs to fix those issues. And return the 1500 payouts for posts that brings attention , not you will make 10 cents ,:D I didn't mind making 3 cents for my 1st post , I enjoyed the fact people read it at least , but the amount of promotion and time I took from my life doesn't amount to a gain. Might e bad post :) , I wouldn't say that.
So yeah so far I'm keeping tabs open 50+ and try to catch up on everything , return more than I receive and I've doubled my stakes :| , need more farm :D
Are you interested in working together by the way I would love to be a part of a group of developers and give my 2 cents for Steemit :)
The man whose post you're in tried to offer a solution to help with these issues, the problem seems to be that unless the large undersea creatures agree with your solution, you can only get so far.
As for being a developer, that sounds like it might be a tad out of my area of expertise. Sigmajin might get a good snicker out of the thought of that considering the questions he's answered for me. He should really write the steemit for dummies book, he is a master of breaking difficult (for people like me) concepts down in to layman's terms. Speaking of posts that deserve far above what they earn...I discovered him in a comment section and he really could take the comments he posts in a thread, add a little context and make invaluable posts with them. But why would he waste his time when he can't hope to get paid what he should, and if it's not picked up the likelihood of people even seeing his gold is low.
Thanks I'm a bit lost i guess I though I was talking to him :D , only now did I open the whole post and remembered my fallacy ,
yeah I agree to that
It's a sad story , that we have to spend months building followers, comes from the fact that people don't read ,it's like a stock market here , just stocks up and down , but that is not a good way to produce real content, rewards are great , but if they turn the whole site into a stock market firm :| we will lose the creativity and the free entrepreneur spirit , most of the people are well off and don't mind the extra rewards , but if they are a primary goal it would be bad for everyone, just like the real world where value is based on perception at least half of it :|
Thank you for taking the time to answer and good luck on your posts I can't read your story :| but do love the headline and the visuals,
Reborn Steem ON!