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RE: TIL -- how to link a comment

in #steemit8 years ago

Yeah it's true , groups are needed , I can't imagine having a profile on 200 people and going over them from time to time , especially with the load and time it takes on me , my pc , posts, life too much to manage.

Something needs to e done smarter or we would miss all the good posts for a bunch of high earners :| , I don't mind whale people, but they get exposure mostly because they have money and people flock there, for instance @krnel is a great guy but the amount of information he posts is astronomical to go through that coupled and multiplied by 1000 and it' impossible to grow as a "minnow" you have to struggle for months , or get the whale votes :D

Anyway there are much golden posts here and they have ~10$ .. the hard fork needs to fix those issues. And return the 1500 payouts for posts that brings attention , not you will make 10 cents ,:D I didn't mind making 3 cents for my 1st post , I enjoyed the fact people read it at least , but the amount of promotion and time I took from my life doesn't amount to a gain. Might e bad post :) , I wouldn't say that.

So yeah so far I'm keeping tabs open 50+ and try to catch up on everything , return more than I receive and I've doubled my stakes :| , need more farm :D

Are you interested in working together by the way I would love to be a part of a group of developers and give my 2 cents for Steemit :)
