****I don't know about you my friends, but as for me i have been on Facebook since 2008, and at some point, i virtually spent a minimum of 18 hours on Facebook, chatting with friends, making friends, making comments, posting pictures and other contents****.
In all this years, i have not received any special acknowledgement that will be described as a form of compensatory mechanism for the sleepless nights I have had and perhaps still do have on Facebook, not to speak about the money i spent buying data through the years. When I say compensatory, i mean in the category of what steemit.com is doing today.
Towards the end of last year or at the beginning of this year i can't really precisely remember, Facebook rejects any link that contains cryptocurrency item i post on it, which is for advert purposes as well as referral. It will say the content that i wanted to post is being regarded as SPAM. In addition, i have a page on Facebook that is expected to generate traffic for what i market, but the platform deliberately obscured it from getting noticed by users. That before my page gets to be noticed, i must pay for adverts.
In my opinion, Mark Zuckerberg and Co are behaving like paupers, what exactly do they need? I can't be that super rich and still come down that low. I consider it a blow below the belt. Instead of him and Co to start thinking about how to give back to the users that made them this super rich, all he cares is how to fleece us the more. If he cannot give back anything, at least he should not prevent us from using his platform optimally.
It is very sad that Mark Z. has chosen to tow the line of the few wicked cabals that hold the financial world to ransom. I use to hold him in awe but, that and his reputation has plummeted considerably where i stand.
To this end, i am 101% behind and in support of those who are calling for the complete boycotting of Facebook as long as anything that has to do with cryptocurrency advert is banned as well as barring other forms of adverts for financial gains.
Finally, i have been promoting steem and steemit.com in the little way that i can over here in my part of the world. Surprisingly, 1 out of 50 people have not heard about steemit and this is even a conservative estimate on my part.
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Excellent article. I learned a lot of interesting and cognitive. I'm screwed up with you, I'll be glad to reciprocal subscription))
Thank you for stopping by. Well then let's screw him too :).
Dear friend, you do not appear to be following @wafrica. Follow @wafrica to get a valuable upvote on your quality post!
I thought i was, sorry about that. Thanks for the information. I have done as you have instructed.
I'm saddened by the number of hours that humanity as a whole has spent on the site. I wonder what those collective hours could have turned into? In the end, I'm not sure people will be remembered much for their photos, news, and one-liners posted there. In hindsight, I would have rather spent more time with the handful of folks I really loved, or at least enjoyed my leisure time in a more beneficial way to me.
Alas, it's never too late to change my ways and start now!
You are quite deep. I like that part of spending time with loved ones. Thank you for stopping by.