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RE: Why I Think More People (Especially Women) Need to Tune into the Crypto Convo

in #steemit7 years ago

this is so true, and not a conversation that's had enough in the blockchain space, let alone all of tech. im a designer and have been working a few projects in the blockchain space (mostly around designing and developing user friendly platforms since im a UX/UI designer), but also in understanding the landscape of tech thats out there and where it can go from next. I was at London Blockchain Week a few weeks back and very few female representation there, especially in the panels and presentations. My panel was on Blockchain Beyond Finance, a topic I'm super passionate about - and was fortunate to have 2/5 of us be female. But those percentages are rare. Happy to connect with you @theaudgirl and talk crypto anytime :) Let me know if youre planning to attend any international events - I travel frequently for them and would love to connect IRL too!


It's women like you that are those already badass women in this space. :) Also, I would love to sit in on a panel discussion like that. One commentor said that in LA there was a conference for Women in Crypto, you should look into that, especially if you like to travel! I am definitely going to look into attending some in Cali since that is close to me or even go to an international event... it's a perfect excuse to book a trip. :P Thank you for your comment and now following you!

There are definitely a few badass women on Steemit and I LOVE it! Just became friends with the physicist working at CERN on here - love her ultimate nerd posts and reminds me of my days at MIT surrounded by nerds galore;p And it's so important for women empowerment to just talk about it - like "hey girls - how cool is blockchain tech? dapps? did you see litecoin jump yesterday!?" because once its a normal and blasé as that people start to see it as this scary, high-tech thing, and just an everyday topic and conversation that anyone can join. i like talking to kids about it - kids are never skeptical or weary. Anyway I'll look into the Women in Crypto event - I don't usually do the west coast events as we have another team lead out that way who usually does but I'm the only female lead haha so might look into it. Also need an excuse to get to LA and visit the Ames Center - I have a friend out there who's actually the most badass female ever - shes a NASA astronaut training for Mars - nuts right?! I need to get her on Steemit!:D Anyway thanks for the thoughtful reply and I look forward to seeing more from you:)