i think you put very eloquently into words a feeling we all feel sometimes - going unnoticed or unloved or feeling like what we're making isn't good enough. but it is - look at how much you've grown in terms of your writing and content - look at all the new skills you've learned ! becoming a better artist and learning how to draw, becoming a better writer, and growing as a person. that is how we should measure it. I've been frustrated a bit on steemit too - posting lengthy heart pouring posts and songs I've written about my personal life and sometimes they hit and sometimes they don't. and thats okay, because maybe without steemit i would'nt have written that song or poem or did that sketch - and look at the beauty it created and inspired me to do. lets lift each other up when we feel we're going unnoticed because surely that is the most important thing we can do on this platform - lift each other up. <3