Have you ever wanted to look at someone's profile page without all those Resteems clogging it up?
Well, I made you something
Whenever I am trying to 'size up' someone from their profile I always want to be able to disable the 'Resteems' for a moment so I can see what they're actually putting out there. I've heard a couple other people mention this too, so I figured I would try and make something. My Javascript abilities are pretty basic, but I figured, why not give it a shot? It only took like 20 hours LOL :P I am calling it 'Extreemit', because I have plans to keep adding little design tweaks to the Steemit.com UI as I go.
It just inserts a little button above the post_list on profile pages, and allows you to toggle display of Resteems.
You can see the code here on my github. If you want to install it in Dev Mode, there's some instructions.
If you just want to install it the easiest way, you can do it on the Chrome store.
It does remember your selection as you browse around the site, so if you show them, it will show them everywhere, and if you hide them, it hides them everywhere(profile pages)...I believe if you close out of google chrome entirely it will forget your last setting, and default to show.
It's purely a javascript injected CSS + html hack. So while the page is loading, you might still see the Resteems for a fraction of a second before the injection happens. When you scroll down their profile to load more, it should manage to 'hide' them before they load. I've noticed a couple of possible bugs when you have hidden enabled, and you're looking at someone's profile that is ALL or MOSTLY ALL resteems, sometimes it might prevent you from loading more...you can try just reloading the page, or disable it for a moment.
If you're familiar with websites, you'll obviously understand that this only removes the posts from the DOM, and doesn't actually fill those empty spots with fresh posts from the blockchain. I figured that this might be a good first step, and perhaps it will be possible to pull fresh posts from the blockchain with steem-rpc and process them onto the page. This type of technique could open the door for ALL kinds of modifications, not just cosmetic ones.
Some quick thoughts that have skipped across the surface of my mind
made a great post about it today
User Notifications
Post Notifications
Automatic (and dynamic) signatures on posts and comments
Maybe better picture uploader
Floating Vote Bar + vote by dollar amount instead of %
Saved Posts - Favorites?Smart Feeds that are operating literally in the users browser, processing raw blockchain data to build custom configurable feeds, @p0o
Do you have UI interface suggestions??
Features you'd like to see fixed in the Steemit UI? Little itchy will see what he can do with his magical noob javascript!
Dude this is great .. I need this in my life. Resteems are cool and keep planet Steem spinning but like yourself I often want to view specific original content and this is the answer. Thanks for sharing! .. Resteemed! lol
haha, thankyou perceptual!!! muchas gracias amigo!
Wow, You Did it Fast ! We were just talking about it yesterday on @klye 's post about his cool new FloatVote tool. I'm gonna try this on Firefox with tampermonkey. It should work...... I'll let you know if it does. Thanks @itchykitten
if you want a TamperMonkey version, check out what I put together in the comments below!
Wow thanks @alexpmorris . I'll load it up and give it a try.
Totally!! Give it a try, you might need to make some modifications, a lot of the 'state system' of the tool is built using chrome api calls...I have no idea how well it would transfer over to firefox.
wow, great work with this! I was actually thinking about doing exactly this but using tampermonkey instead, once I finished messing around with WhaleBoT! I had no idea you were a programmer as well.
I'm now also your first project follower on github too! lol
ps. Who would have thought you got my attention with sour dough, and now we're talking about programming, yo! Only on STEEMIT! lol - btw, you see my post from yesterday about foraging MUSHROOMS in Central Park with Gary Lincoff?! lol
haha, only on steemit! It's a great interweaving though! I'm not sure I'd call myself a programmer lol!!! But I can write a bit of javascript when I get excited enough. No! I haven't seen your post about foraging mushrooms in Central Park, but I will go read it right now =)
(but also a big "shoutout") lolhey @itchykitten, I gave you a little bit of competition! ;)
Link: "Hide ReSteems" just Released... a new and simple TamperMonkey Script for you know what!
Thanks Alex!! Were you able to get the state saving working without Chrome API Calls?
didn't use any specific chrome API calls. By default, if you go to a new page, the script resets back to "hide resteems". If you do want it to save the button state (at least up to the point that you completely refresh the page), all you would have to do is remove the line:
isHiding = false;
from line 26 of the script!LOVE the initiative!!! Trying it out as we speak - thanks mate
thankyou knowledge! I appreciate that. Let me know what you think...I think there are a couple of bugs I've seen already...I won't say anything though so tell me if you see anything funky.
Scratch my last comment - now it works like a gem / purrs like a kitten ;)
what about similar code for filtering out content?! :)
it gets tricky...in this case the extension is literally just deleting the posts from the DOM (local copy of html stored in your browser), it's not replacing what it deletes with 'fresh' content from the blockchain that passes the filter, in this case, that isn't a resteem. In order to do that, we have to add a couple big layers of complexity on top...BUT...I think it's doable.
I meant to have a similar code to have more "search-ability"
what if this approach would be applied to be used on new / hot / trending feeds to "hide" any post that does not contain the search term?
You could absolutely do it, but it would have the exact same limitations, it would only display the valid ones, so if two posts matched, you'd see two posts until you tried to scroll. Could work alright, but would be SOOOO much smoother if we could pull fresh posts from the blockchain with steem-rpc and filter and merge them into the feed as it loads.
true that - I'll have a chat with some developers...
either way, thanks for your effort mate - greatly appreciated
mhmm I get an error (chrome extension): Your file was not found
it worked for others?
Hey, this is EXCELLENT. Thank you. Greatly appreciated. Followed and will Resteem, as well, because people need to know! Haha
thankyou! Hopefully some more to come
That is amazing! Really good work! Thank you 😊
thankyou fern!! glad you appreciate it.
Great idea! Not sure if mine is working though...? Sometimes the "hide resteems" button shows up, other times it doesn't. When I click the extension I receive a "Your File Not Found" error and I'm not well versed enough with any of this to know how to fix it myself 🤷♂️
Great!! Thanks Toast! Yeah, the clicking the extension I am aware of. I think maybe the button goes away when you move between tabs on the profile? As opposed to loading the profile directly? Or refreshing the whole page. But there are likely other cases out there I haven't found yet.
I just received the same error 2 minutes ago... please inform on what to do next?
don't worry about clicking the icon, just go to someone's profile page when it's active, and look at the top of their post list
I'll be talking about this in my next vlog. :)
Thanks Winston!!! I'm glad you like it, it's a bit hacky right now, but it mostly works! I'm going to be cleaning it up and adding additional features soon as I can! Figured I'd share first and get feedback early.
Works good enough for me right now, that's for sure. I did notice that in profiles that have a lot of resteems, you have to scroll down a bit to let an ample number of posts populate, otherwise it only shows maybe a couple of them when the resteems are removed.
yeah! So, I'm hoping to be able to pull those 'fresh' ones in automatically without you having to scroll down. It will require quite a bit more complexity, but I think I can call more posts straight from the blockchain with javascript, and merge them into the list. Which would make it a lot smoother, and also open up the ability to do some custom filtering / sorting on all post_lists. Figured I'd share early on though so I can get some good feedback about where to take it.
I'll totally check this out! I like people who curate, but I also absolutely creep them before I follow, so this is a handy on/off switch to have. Great idea :)
Yeah, that's how I am too...usually its when I'm trying to decide whether to follow someone
Aha 🤔 that's a cool plugin... Clears up the resteem clutter 👍
hehehe, glad we can release that particular hangup Adrienne, and make room for something else. I've heard that it's a husbands sacred duty to give his beloved nightly foot rubs for at least an hour.
I think Resteems are good actually! Gives people a chance to share content with their followers which the followers would like, but would not see as they might not follow the person from which the post was resteemed.
Totally!!! It's not about getting rid of resteems...it's about being able to toggle them quickly and simply. Sometimes I just want to see what a person has written themselves...and then with a click of the mouse I can go back to seeing their whole feed.
Ah, okay. I understand then! That's much better. I wish you lots of luck with your plugin, it's very nice of you to offer something such as this which could help our community grow!
Nice work. It seems like the developers of the steemit site might see this so they can incorporate your idea into their code directly. Is there a place to submit this type of feedback?
I posted it to steemdev, and it's all opensourced....but realistically the code I made is for hacking it together on the front end. If the devs were going to do something like it, they have more thorough ways of going about it.
That's a pretty neat function you came up with! Awesome. I'll have to check it out.
Let me know how it works Karen!
Does it work if you don't use Chrome as your browser?
Not at the moment, unfortunately..I'd have to build a plugin for a different browser.
hey, also! My good friend Lily just made her intro post as LadyLunasi, Would you go say hi?!!! THANKYOU!!!!
Sure no problem!
thankyou Karen =) much appreciated
This is GREAT, man! (^ワ^)
ahhhh thanks Sulev!!! Please let me know how it works, there are sure to be a little bug here or there. But It was working real smooth for me this morning.
Ahh thx for that, this will help me for sure. Sometimes it is annoying to see plenty of resteems on someones page. To disable the resteems for a moment helps a lot.
What I want to see in future is a video uploader, this would be awesome
mmmhm, yeah, that would be awesome. The video would need to go somewhere that you could stream it from. I don't know what that would look like. Do you not like using youtube?
Nah nothing against Youtube, but to have an alternative to youtube would be cool. I am sure not every1 knows how to upload a video on youtube, especially the older generation. With a upload function on steemit we would see more videos i guess
looks interesting. I'll have to remember to check it out tonight.
let me know what you think ace!
Works OK. Suspect some bug there but don't know what. Once the button disappeared and I had to close and reload but then I saw this when I click. Maybe this will give you a clue.

Still worth the write about it. :-)
yeah, I forgot to fix that button click, it doesn't actually do anything at the moment. I disappearing show/hide toggle I'll fix here asap..I think I know what it is. THANKYOU!!!
You're welcome. Another thing is the button also show on other tabs like [Trending] for example. I've seen it on my [Blog] tab and [Replies] tab. It would make more sense for it to be on the [Home] tab only. Not a big deal but not sure if that's a technical challenge. :-)
thankyou ace!!! I really appreciate this. Taken notes, and I'll see what can be done!
You're welcome and I wrote a post about getting this. :-)
I take my words back about it being in the [Blog] tab.
It is useful after all. For example, even looking at my own of other peoples Blog page, it may be useful to filter off the resteem
Excellent!! I only just started steeming recently and woke up this morning thinking about writing my own haha. Glad you saved me the time ;)
Shame we can only use Firefox at work though... Will definitely check it out at home later today.
Ironically, this will be my first resteem ;)
hahaha Thanks Ant! You can always grab the code from my github and make one for Firefox =)
I will indeed! Already went through it so I just need to get home and put something together this weekend to upload it to the 'extensions portal' (whatever it's called haha).
Cheers mate!
Way cool ! I am going to give it a try. Very cool idea
Awesome plugin, thanks for doing this. Resteeming this to help spread the word (oh the irony)...
hahaha, yeah :P
Thank you! Followed you for more awesomeness :-)
hey p0o!! I appreciate that. I love your initiative getting us all started talking about accessibility of content. I think that is such an important conversation right now. I am looking forward to seeing what we can as a community can do with it. Definitely following you too friend!!
Very nice, Don't forget to list it on http://steemtools.com (form at the bottom)
Thankyou for the support Transisto!!!! Much appreciated.
That's a great idea, I'll go do it now. Do you have any thoughts on next pieces of functionality that would be useful? I need to clean up a few bugs with the hide / show resteems...when you click between profile tabs it disappears. I'm feeling like username mentions and maybe post notifications might be easier ones to start with while still diving into steem-rpc calls, which could eventually bear some really cool features like custom sorting / filtering.
People are talking about making SES the equivalent of RES, Reddit Enhancement Suite for Steemit.
Are you on steemit.chat ? Ring me up, same name.
just sent you a message. I think it's a grand idea :P
click here!This post received a 1.2% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @itchykitten! For more information,
That's a cool 😎 idea, or sure if I want to resteem it tho 👻
great post!
Bravo! 👏🏼
WelcomeToSteemit.com. Thanks for the great tool! :)Hi @itchykitten - I just added this articleto the front page of
thanks trevorly! appreciate that
I would love to have that feature, but I have no idea what you are talking about. I think it is an interesting effect them having it set up the way it is. For me, it makes me only repost things that I really want to be associated with me. Perhaps that was their intention. Still, it would be an amazing feature. <3
Did you try out the extension Jess? Click on the link at the chrome store and see, it's mostly working :P
ok, I'm gonna do it :)
Hi my freind. Im newcomer. help me. plz follow me :)
i'm fresh out of handjobs, you'll have to come back next week.
So far do the work. What I do not like now is that when you hide the re-steem the phrase "show resteems" looks to big and it divide in two lines, resteems stay over the pic of the first post like in the pic.
Maybe with just "show" will do the trick, suppose you do not need to know anymore for what the button is ;)
Also, and this is just for the look, could be "Hide Resteems" and "Show Resteems" with the first letter capitalize better that it is now "hide resteems" and "show resteems" with all the letters equal.
Nice job!
oh interesting...I haven't seen it do that yet. Thankyou for the feedback Juan Miguel...do you by any chance know what version of chrome you're using? If you go up to Chrome Menu, and click 'About Chrome. It will tell you.
You are welcome! Versión of Chrome 59.0.3071.115 (Build oficial) (64 bits)... resolution of my screen (maybe the problem?) 2560x1440 Windows 10
hmmm, yeah, we have the same version of chrome, but you are using a much bigger resolution then me...I'm going to go ahead and take note of it, and maybe when I have access to a larger screen, I can test it out and see whats happening.
Thankyou again sir!
hahaha lol! I should remember to add this answer to my MEME collection about "follow and upvote askers" :)
Really nice job @itchykitten, looking forward to see the others developments you talked about in the post. Will try the button now, let you know how it works for me later.
This is a wonderful idea, thanks always looking at such a lot of reposts and looking for the one I really want to read.
thanks bigbear, hopefully have some new features on the way soon
I wrote — ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND. Why?
Don't worry about clicking on the icon in bar(I will fix that shortly), once it's installed just navigate to a profile page, and use the 'hide/show resteems' button that shows up above the posts list!
Hmm. Understand. THK=))
This will come in very handle. I appreciate the initiative you have shown here. I normally don't mind seeing resteems, but sometimes they obscure the users actual posts. So when a quick tidy up is needed this is ideal. Am using it now, so far so good.
thanks naquoya!!! I'm glad you're enjoying it, the quick toggle is essential for me too
Homie you a genius!!!! Bout to get this now!
thanks Chrissy! Let me know what you think.
Yeah I'm really enjoying it! It encourages me to resteem cause im not always worried about how the post will fit in with my feed and it lets me "size people up" WAY more efficiently! THANK YOU FOR CREATING THIS
awwww thanks Chrissy ! I appreciate you letting me know that you like it!!! hahaha, makes me feel all special and important =) Hopefully it's just the beginning of numerous useful additions to Steemit.com interface. I am really excited to keep working on it, even though I might be a bit busy for the next few months.
@itchykitten, awesome!!!. I am a newbie just a fortnight here and this was looming on my mind for some time now.
I have thought of a simple turnaround too, not any plugins or anything ( I am an ex geek having left coding about a decade ago. so my coding skills are almost nil) .
It is a very basic and rudimentary stuff, but that adds a bit of value into this whole resteeming thing.
I shall write a post on it soon. But then honestly your plug in looks great and cute. well done !!! and a big thumbs up to you and thank you for the same :)
Thanks so much,
That is pretty slick!
great content @itchy! You know why i see this when i am opening it in chrome?
i don't see anything up and left...