good job :)
one to add to list @lexiconical getting most comments voted up by @nikez452 just before 6.5 days average $4 a comment
good job :)
one to add to list @lexiconical getting most comments voted up by @nikez452 just before 6.5 days average $4 a comment
Keep lying buddy. Our relationship is publicly stated. She only bought into to this dying platform to support my work anyway.
Also, if you do care to look Bernie, look into Isacoin begging for Freedom delegation just like Transisto highlighted that scammers do now (he claims it's a "joke"):
"yesterday isacoin Transfer 0.021 STEEM to freedom PLEASE delagate 500k SP i will pay 0 SBD EVERY day"
Also, you can look into his shit-posts/reposts, since anything more than $0 on them is too much:
yeah sarcastic memo shows how much i scam money from the platform
your comments are voted $40 a day before window closes
you use bots to vote up posts on dead witnesses $30 + damaging witness system
"yeah sarcastic memo shows how much i scam money from the platform"
Thinks sarcasm is a good reason to spam people with memos. Check.
"your comments are voted $40 a day before window closes"
Make no argument about quality of posting or interaction, uses absolute numbers only. Check.
"a day before window closes"
Changes argument when pointed out they are lying. Check.
"you use bots to vote up posts on dead witnesses $30 + damaging witness system"
Thinks I'm responsible for people's witness votes if I post about them. Check.
Yep, every one of your arguments fails the Idiot Check.
trying to spin bullshit heres is proof
Lol, proof of what you fucking idiot, that I made far below minimum wage for a day's worth of work on this platform, despite my 3 advanced degrees, and it still required my girl and I to invest $200,000 USD?
Maybe if you ever get to be a big boy and accomplish anything other than being a fucking moron, you too will get to have some stake and distribute some rewards. After posting 7000 POSTS, MANY COMMUNITY ACCLAIMED.
What's your investment in this platform, again? Fucking nothing?
If you think I'm making any profit off of this platform you are delusional. I've delegated over 10kSP to community projects.
Steem is a LOSS for me. You're not intelligent enough to understand that.
spinning bullshit again i dont care how many degrees you have or how much invested
you are raping reward pool simple as
is incentive platform not selfvoting POS platform
edit for below :
yeah all your rewards go to MSP
i put 500 sp here and have made 150 so no im not raping reward pool
Had you followed my trading advice when i used to post would have made 300% in July/August
think is a small bit better than transcribing witness details.
so you paid for privilege to reward pool rape maybe this is why so much is ignored
you made $7k since you joined so i dont see where your so called loss is

Edit 2 some recent posts
Whatever you say, liar.
"your are raping reward pool simple as"
You have done nothing but lie on this point. I do not rape the reward pool, my earnings go to MSP and other community delegations, my girlfriend can do whatever she wants with her stake, and my contributions are high-value and, if anything, underrewarded.
As I said before:
Why don't you try showing that my almost 7000 posts, and the quality of my content, are actually over-rewarded?
You won't, because you can't, because you have no evidence. All you have is a girlfriend voting on all my shit in a publicly stated manner.
If anyone is farming the reward pool with shit around here, it's you:
I can't find a post of yours that even uses complete sentences, most of them are ABSOLUTE SHIT.
Also, you should look up these words:
...because you don't understand what either of them mean.