This is how Steemit looks today. Steemit will change it's look and feel soon!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

The "endless scroll" of posts is already happening.  That's about to change.

I give credit to @condra for inspiring what you are about to read, from this one:

Without even interviewing the steem developers, I can feel and see the writing on the wall of how they launched steemit beta:

  1. Create the foundation for a blockchain that can support a system like steemit
  2. Have the right business model
  3. Release it into Alpha, then Beta, see if it goes viral
  4. Lock down security early.  Wait for the hackers and DDoS'ers to come (they always do)
  5. Allow the system to scale, bear the load, become stable and security tight.
  6. Build more features.
  7. Go back to stage 5, and then stage 6 again, rinse and repeat.

We are in stage 5 right now. We're going to be entering stage 6 within the next 6 months.

Once the system starts scaling and is stable, and security tight, that's when they will build more features.

This probably has been the "catch" until now.  What features do you build, until you see the need for them?

Of course you can try to build features in advance... but why do that, until you see the trend and apparent need?

Look at Facebook for instance.  Facebook has evolved and grown, and swayed, with what makes sense over many years...   You have to grow and twist your platform's functionality with user demand.

The worst thing you can do, is pre-plan what the user demand will be, and funnel people into your vision of the system.  Let the users decide what feature is needed next, and if the consensus by the community is that a certain feature needs to be made sooner than later..   You have an instant blueprint on what the next new feature needs to be.

I don't believe steemit developers wanted to force us to learn a complex system that was a vision of "what they wanted".  They wanted us to be part of that vision too...  It makes sense to first create a solid community of users, who then will grow with steemit together.   

Good ideas always float to the top.  Every day someone posts a new idea that makes sense.

This is the best way to grow a system like steem, and we need to have more faith in the developers.  They will get there.  They read our posts even if they don't comment or upvote them.. They see our wants and needs.  It's all in the cards.

The features we need, are already being talked about, planned for, and maybe even alpha tested behind the scenes, it must be that way..  It's a bright future!

P.S. one of my next posts is to talk about upvotes and curation rewards. People think if they upvote a post that already has a lot of upvotes they don't earn anything. That is not true.  Coming soon...


I cant wait for the phone app... that's gonna make a great thing incredible!!

The website on mobile is pretty good, but a native app will be even better!

Me too, but I hope they do it right in the first version. Then we will see the boom.

Steem just hit 27,000 users and ranked top 45,000 in the world for most visited websites. Slowly but surely getting there!

do you have a website for that? how do you know that?

You can find number of registered accounts at

See you at 30,000 soon!

Where can we see the number of users?

great post, anytime I see complaints about features or usability of the platform, or basically any complaint about how steemit works, I can give that complainer a link to this post :)

That's a great idea, not only will it calm them, but the developers can stop feeling pressure and can concentrate on what they do best... Develop! :)

sometimes it is good to complain so the team knows what can be fixed in the future. In my opinion there is a lot of work to do on steemit. But it is already a very good start. One good thing is the implementation of the mobile website. It is working just fine. :)

I was going to post about upvotes and curation rewards... and still will, but unfortunately a pressing need was to post this one.

(Sorry, the other post about curation and upvotes is still coming)

I agree with this post and like your ideas :)

Brilliant Idea. Wish I thought of that sooner.

well done. Like reading posts put together well. I call it research as I find my own voice :)

You're very keen (not that I'm complimenting my own work).. but that's exactly how I got started, and I recommend people do the same.

I agree with OP. Now there is enough content on steemit to organize the site more like reddit. Features will be built!! ;-)

I think you are right about the order in which we're seeing advancements on the platform. They are definitely still in the security stage as that is obvious. Thanks.

Popularity is always going to attract Hackers. The steemit team has been doing a good job so far dealing with it.

so glad to read something positive rather than people that whine for this and that. ITS BETA! Of course it's clunky!

but it is still healthy to tell the team about the bugs. Precisely because it is a beta, we need to get out the bugs as fast as possible to get the best user experience.

exactly. Everyone is bitching about down times and error 500's. its fkin beta, people need to calm themselves.

Great article and thanks for the shoutout. So exciting watching this site growing, in real time.

Like @dan said, anyone can create a steemit app, so we just need the community to work together and even raise funds here for it to come to reality. Doesn't take much to make it happen.

And then sit back, relax and watch the world come together in one place. :)

love to see that improvements soon

Imagine a mobile app that could give different views of the feeds. Here are a few feature examples:

  • Geographically relevant news and event coverage
  • Notifications of your social group's postings
  • Transfer Steem dollars to a friend to split purchases
  • Direct upload of photo/video links to blockchain

Your last 2 ideas could be merged. The blockchain shouldn't carry photo and video links in my opinion. But what could happen is that a photo sharing service could accept STEEM in order to host the images/video. A feature would be built in, that they agree to take 5% of your post's payout. This way if you go viral, their 5% goes viral too. Put that with all the steemit posts, and it would be a very lucrative business for those "steemit partners" that wanted to support the system.

Those services are probably looking for new monetization models. Personally I would love to use a service that depended on this type of solution rather than traditional advertising methods.

Once the platform is stable enough you will start to see an explosion of apps created to fill particular niche in Steem. Music, Photography, Art, etc could have to own custom front-ends that cater specifically to those groups.

I was wondering if they would add more profile features, and what they will look like. According to this it might be in the next step. That's exciting.

Agreed and great observation. I noticed the devs added a WYSIWYG to make posts today. Didn't see that yesterday and was wondering how long we're going to have to use Markdown. It's a small update, but shows they're working on features already.

Also, if anyone's interested, please come join my discussion on "How Steemit changes the social media landscape and the internet forever"

Coin could all overtake easily, it is really a good thing to blokcheyne, all promise to do something about raising money and pulled, and everything is done and went public with the finished product, the main thing that no problems with hackers) Fly to coin odnaznachno up IMW .

Awesome idea :D

Great points to be made. looking forward to your next one :)

great article - any 'embryonic' stage needs nurturing and eventually it will evolve - hopefully this will be the same for Steem as long it doesnt develope like facebook!!!

We will be having more and more features

Very well thought out post. It certainly helps me to have a better understanding of Steemit. Thank you so much for your post!

I can't wait for the look and feel to change. It's needed for the platform to grow. This is fine for beta.. but it needs to be more user friendly for the masses. Plus features, features, features. It's an exciting time to see how this will grow.

Both yours and @condra posts highlight some important points. I have covered some of these points in a recent post of mine too:

Hello, you're absolutely right, but it is sung that the pirates appear, they always do and they might be already planting seeds in the system.
Is there anything more magnetic and attractive to an offender that a system like Bitcoin? The demanding design Bitcoin with its characteristics of "difficulty" and "halving" is the most attractive and powerful force in the universe for a criminal. Let me explain with another question: to provide energy + hardware + tracking + hours of valuable time to decrypt a block BTC, if using only a fraction of the above I can rob a major system? Leaving thousands of users without coins.
Your answer is inside the mind of a criminal.

This has nothing to do with the topic.