roi is a slippery slope here... as you invest your time and money, it gradually begins to work... although I couldn't do what I do if I didn't have 40+ hours a week do do this stuff. however the idea is hard work in the beginning pays off towards the end. For me, as a new writer, this site has exactly what I need to get me writing, and networking every day.
even if the platform tanks (not likely imo), I still have a bunch of work done that I wouldn't have gotten done before. so I guess that answers why it works for me, and you may have answered why it doesn't work for you...
why not just scale down your effort, and hang around... or is the problem you spend too much time in chat?
I know we have similar interests and intentions, but as you said, the variable at this point in time is, well...time. I just don't want to be a contributor of average content, so I struggle with the variability. My latest post is a great example...a few hours invested for a handful of views. That said, I agree that the act of creation IS the value in and of itself. I never intended to cut and run, but instead, continue to strategize in order to be the value that I think the platform (and users) deserves.Yo @inquiringtimes
The issue is probably that your blog in general needs greater visibility... but how to achieve that? to me that's the real issue. you wrote a thoughtful article that I will read again after I'm done with my final edits on a post I'm about to publish (which actually goes over some of the points on how to achieve greater visibility)