Why Steemit Has Started Penetrating The Social Circle Of Which I Am A Part.

in #steemit8 years ago

Yesterday, I was sitting in the library, on my phone browsing steemit. I was there with a few friends who had gone to pick out a few books. So, my friend comes up to me, sees me browsing Steemit and says, "Hey @infinitor, you on Steemit too?" It took me by surprise. I had no idea this guy knew about Steemit yet alone cryptocurrencies. I replied, "Yeah. Are you on there too?" with a hint of surprise in my voice. He answered enthusiastically, "Of course". He told me how many other people whom I knew regularly browsed Steemit. I remember the first time I talked about Bitcoin with my friends and coincidentally this guy was also present there. I had tried to explain to them how crypto-currency worked but it all went over their heads. They brushed me off and when to the cinema. It was more or less what I expected, but seeing the same guy talk about Steem definitely took me by surprise.

The guy who hated the very concept of crypto and even found it boring was asking me if I was on a decentralized, block-chain based network.

At that moment, I found out the appeal of steemit to the masses. Although I had originally considered Steemit to be a viral, exploding sensation but only in the cryptocurrency circles. However, that little interaction changed my view. People enjoy social media. They love money. So what would they naturally be attracted to? Social media and money. Or, Steemit.

I had thought that I was the only one who was aware of Bitcoin's existence yet alone Steemit's. But I took a breath of fresh air when I learned that a lot of the people that I personally knew and their friends and relatives were very much into Steemit. Somebody uploaded pictures, mostly lurked. But almost everybody participated. I realized that if my social circles have been penetrated by the Steemit sensation then what more could've happened. Right under my nose and I couldn't even smell it. I was very happy that people that I knew participated on Steemit.

I proceeded to talk to my friend about how he came to know about Steemit, Bitcoin, cryptocurrency in general, his views on the recent events in crypto and the lot. I had a really good talk with him and a few things that I have learned.

More people know about Steemit than you and I can imagine

My friend told me that it was his brother's friend that told them about steemit and introduced to them the basic concept of it. If I wasn't already surprised, this thing just blew me away. It's exactly what social media does. It attracts people. I think steemit knocked it out of the park by displaying the amount of money to be earned at the bottom of the post in USD. Not only does it make people understand it better, it also makes it less confused. Imagine what would happen if it displayed the money in Bitcoin. Although it would be pretty self-explanatory to you or me but think about the user who just discovered this site. They wouldn't understand half of it.

USD is the universal language that everyone speaks.

Steemit has gotten to a point where frankly it has to prepare itself (and it's servers) for the massive influx of users just waiting to happen. I mean, one day we're going to wake up and find that Steemit is down. We google it and the first article reads: Steemit down due to massive traffic. We have already been seeing some downtime but this traffic would be nothing as compared to that traffic when it does happen. I hope that Steemit has it's servers and protocols in place if something like that happens.

Steemit has spread quite significantly over the past few days. I mean, how many of you actually use social media aside from promoting steemit and your articles? You can find tons of articles and discussions on the steemit platform on multiple sites and forums. Some claim it's a ponzi scheme, some claim it's the future. While others claim that it is simply ground-breaking with the ability to dethrone reddit and bitcoin.

All in all, we can safely say that these past few weeks have been defining in the history of this social media website and the coming months and years would be more or less the same.

We would continue breaking records, continue achieving milestones, continue making history. For all that there is one thing of which we have had and still need a continuous supply of: trust and support.

Although we have achieved so much, we have still a lot more left achieve. I see a few people losing faith and belief in this platform when I read some posts and I say to myself, Why is this happening? This shouldn't happen. If people lose trust, faith and interest now, then the future if dark. Otherwise, it's brighter than a thousand suns.

If Steemit has penetrated my social circles, then it could've penetrated yours. Think about it and ask your friends and fellows. You might never know how many steemers and steemaholics are under your very own nose.

#steemit #social #steem #socialcircles #appeal #social-media #money #financial #crypto #cryptocurrency


Now our family chat on facebook is taken over by steemit.

I'll be your family here !

Steemit certainly penetrated my circle. #NSFW

Personal, anecdotal evidence of fundamental strength.

EASY to get people to look into and consider it.

Only a matter of time before the token demand starts outpacing the supply. Last time that happened we got monkey wrenched by the hacker. Lots more room to fly.

5 days ago I signed up to Steemit. On day 2 of my steem life I told all my approx 10 close friends about it. None of them has experience with cryptocurrency. None of them was eager to give Steemit a try then. Today I received 400 SMD for a comment. I told my friends about it. Their reactions in order of appearance: 1. No way. 2. Really? 3. WTF, WTF 4. What was the name of that thing? 5. How can I sign up there.

What is this friend’s Steemit username so we can verify your blog’s claim?

Also I’d like to read his posts to learn more about his journey.

Steem is easy to sell to people.

It's like reddit but you earn money instead of karma

"It's like reddit but you earn money instead of karma"

That is a great line to use since most people already know reddit (to some extent). Add the part about earning money instead of karma and that is hook, line, and sinker. :P

I'm going to use that line, thank you!


Dammit. I'm so late in the game. I'm still trying to figure out what karma is on reddit.

the asimilatiom rate is so snappy. thas why it is such a unique product

I dont know that feelin. Coz crypto has penetrated myself many years ago...

Hey infinitor I put together some growth possibilities for steemit
Here is some information that may help the bullish fundamentals Very interested in knowing your thoughts on this


The same for me too everyone I tell Steemit about is VERY interested, but I do think that it will go a lot more main stream when there is an app :D

Yes! An android or an iphone app can work wonders in introducing steemit to the masses.

Great attitude and great story. I've been evangelizing about the crypto space for some time now, with friends and family. The advent of the Steemit platform has helped make the case for my argument.

It's been happening with me as well. I jumped over to FB the other day to report what I've been doing here, and thus far I know a couple of people who've made the switch. Such as @bambiskyy and @kichen , who I believe are still settling in after having made their #introduceyourself posts recently. Granted, they haven't generated much revenue as of yet, but they seem to be pretty excited about this place. I hope they like it here as much as I do. :)

great post! nice
thank you @infinitor

Traffic will definitely be an issue at some point

when you say penetration, to me that is an understatement. i have been super duberly engolfed, enslaved by steemit all the way