When I first got started on here I searched for topics, then hit trending. That allowed me to find the more popular people posting on a given topic. From there I was able to start growing my web of people posting quality content on topics I care about. I have an awesome feed in just a short period of time (including you).
I think what you're proposing is basically to make what I did an easier default. Instead of having to think to search before hitting trending, the page prompts you to select a category before showing you trending.
I haven't really been back to look at trending since my first few days on here, but as a starting place, it can be helpful in this way.
Multiple tag search would be awesome!
Yea that’s exactly what I’m proposing, and it sounds like that idea worked out well for you!
Well this conversation really planted a seed in me. I wrote a getting started post yesterday and instead of doing the typical "this is what curation is; this is what your wallet is; etc." I decided to walk them through the steps of getting started well on here. Half are about skillfully navigating the system.
The technical parts are important too, and you're suggesting here a technical implementation to make ideal navigation automatic. But in the meantime, I'm trying to spread the word that this is what people should manually do!