• Man
The present reality isn't as incredible
As it used to be one time
Whenever Man and mammoth were unified with trees
What's more, no one was prime.
Be that as it may, as the wheels of time moved by
The state started to change
For Man started to think he was
The Ace of that age.
What's more, it was then that things started
To go a great deal downhill
For no one set out to raise their voice
Against the Man that lived.
It was this self-esteem of Man
It was this love propre
That prompted this disturbance today
In everyone's life.
Man has a favorable opinion of him
Indeed, even among his kindred Men
That to set up his space
He stoops so low to murder them.
• The Window
Gazing out of the window, what do I see?
Immense fields and knolls, feathered creatures on mango trees.
A cow nibbles all over, chomping on the grass,
Sheep and goat and bison, navigate the landmass.
Gazing out of the window, what do I see?
Tall structures of concrete, dull and dim.
An auto sounds all over, an engine marvels past,
What's more, in the event that I happen to see a tree, it abandons me alarmed.
Gazing out of the window, what do I see?
The obliteration of my town and the type of a city.
Rather than truck and bull, I see an engine auto,
What has happened to my town, I don't know who to inquire.
Gazing out of the window, what do I see?
With broken heart and watery eyes the feared City.
I ache for fields and long for trees, yet none would i be able to discover,
The main thing I have today, is smoke in my eyes.
• The Tale of jack, The sharp-sword bearer
As he opened his eyes one fine morning
Who jacked see, if not the Lord!
"Gracious Glory," he said as he gravely bowed
"Let me know, in what manner may I do you pleased?"
"Gracious Jack," said the lord with a calm temples
"We require you in this disturbing hour,
"The divider has tumbled to the adversary
"We require you desperately, for recovery!"
"Dread not, my Ruler," said Jack as he stood
"For I will do decently well,
" And drive the Adversary back to his home
Among his own fearful yells."
So saying valiant Jack put on his shield,
Sheathed his sword with no less fabulousness
And keeping in mind that the Lord and individuals observed
Directly into fight, Jack had walked.
He cut a head with his sharp sword
Also, another hand with the blood-recolored sword
Until the point that the Adversary fled in dread
From Jack the Forceful, Sharp-Sword Conveyor!
The Ruler was extremely satisfied with Jack
For sparing the Kingdom with such a smack
The general population too were no less satisfied
What's more, before Jack went on their knees.
The Ruler gave Jack a pack of gold
What's more, kissed his hand, lo and view!
For had it not been for Jack that day,
The Ruler would have been the Adversary's prey!