Pound The Rock
Stonecutter's Credo

With this video I want to simply give some encouragement to pound the rock. No matter what things you think are impossible to accomplish or get done, pounding the rock will help you to slowly chip away at completing what you set out to do. Become a stonecutter. One blow, two blow, three blow...split. All those micro fractures of the stone in your life have now manifested in the form of a breakthrough. This is what I live by and taking this to heart will build tremendous amount of diligence, resilience, and strength. Shalom.
What is the rock in your life you are trying to split?
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I definitely feel let down when my hard work doesn't get upvoted or at least commented by the steemians. I agree it's their choice to upvote or not upvote or pass comments or no comments but it feels good if they at least mention a “ Thanks for posting” in the comment section!
Like I said ,once again, it's purely the steemian's choice .
What do I do when my hardword doesn't get upvoted? I keep putting in more hardwork. If there is anything I have learnt. It is that hardwork always pays. It may not pay immediately but it does in the long run so why give up?
Winners are those who decide a new meaning for their failures. Have you heard about Thomas Edison and his countenance when his life work got engulfed in a fire and he lost everything? He called his workers and told them to get prepared coz they will start afresh the next day....that's the spirit of a winner.
Sometimes I feel funny when I see, after creating valuable contents I am earning just few cents and some stupid contents earn more than 100 SBD! But it doesn't me I want to leave this amazing platform!
Try and try one day you ca fly! This is a a good quote for that type of situations!@humanearl,
Then I say to myself, "Rome wasn't built in a day"!
Inspiring bro. You’re a true champion.
It really hurts when my hardwork goes unappreciated or underappreciated.
I'm only human afterall...
for some reason I cant hear anything.. ??
Edit: got it fixed. for some reason video was on "source". You are 100% right. It's easier said than done at times but nothing beats consistency.
Another smart disscusion topic sir...
What is the rock in your life you are trying to split?...
What is the biggest challenge in your life? Why?@humanearl sir...
The biggest challenge in my life (our lives) is myself (ourselves). In this contemporary world with such complex society and environment, many of us are blinded and inappropriately influenced by material matters and things, so much that, what others have, we want to have too, what others are, we want to become too. Many want to become rich (worst still... wanting to become rich overnight...), many want to become famous like so and so... And then they copy methods from one another but only a few genuine good ones succeed. Those struggling either gave up or continue to struggle.
The modern world and society have made many people forget the basics while the most basic thing is actually "Me, Myself and I". People forget the fact that I am I, he is he, she is she. We know so and so become so successful and we want to be like them but we forget about the process and hardship so and so has gone through previously. Blinded by what is around us, we end up forgetting who we are, our means, personality, intelligence and drift in life.
That is why it is common to see many life strugglers today still trying to become another so and so, and not knowing and not accepting who they are themselves.
Therefore, one should start by knowing himself/herself more today and accept who he/she is. Then work his/her way to success, and a unique success.
Good luck sir...
I'm actualy realy like this "Jecob Riis" qoute...
Jacob Riis, in full Jacob August Riis, (born May 3, 1849, Ribe, Denmark—died May 26, 1914, Barre, Massachusetts, U.S.), American newspaper reporter, social reformer, and photographer who, with his book How the Other Half Lives (1890), shocked the conscience of his readers with factual descriptions of slum conditions in New York City...
Wel done and perfect work sir...
Cheers~~Another wonderful and interesting post by @humanearl sir...
Yh.. Its not easy tho but we just have to keep pushing. Im actually going through that phase right now but the more I try to fight it the resistant i get. I just hope Im able to overcome such power ASAP. I KNOW i can do it, I just have to put in more effort and thats what I will keep doing because I dont wanna be a loser. Whenever I remember this saying
Its gives me a strong drive towards success and I know it seep in my heart that QUITTING AINT AN OPTION. Therefore, I dnt care about any rock that im trying to split right now in my life because I know and believe that with time it will be split into pieces. Hardwork surely pays off
Thanks for this opportunity @humanearl keep being an inspiration to us. The Evangelist of hope.
Don’t push your goals to “later” or “next time.” Don’t wait and think that your big rocks will fall in place by themselves. It’s not going to happen that way. Unless you consciously set aside space for your big rocks, they will not come in. The gravel, sand, and water — i.e., other people’s expectations of you, marketing messages by big companies, government propaganda, random time wasters — will find a way to fill your agenda. For your big rocks to happen, you need to make them happen.
You are one of the main reasons I post daily @humanearl your life motivations are just legendary keep at the great work brother
The number one rock I am trying to split at this point in my lifetime is failure!
I am at crossroads, with only two options, fail or succeed.
I chose to succeed in the glaring face of failure with all its circumstances thrown at me.
I dropped out of school, had no one to support me. Either slack and complain of my life being over or take charge and do what is required to change my situation and I think and believe I will.
Thanks for the motivation @humanearl
I usually cry a little bit.
then i go and promote it somewhere
then i cry more because someone said it sucks
Those that tries often will somehoe succeed. Thanks for the inspiring words.
Great message. I think it can be frustrating at times here on steemit. Even though all the money we make is just a blessing and we never made it before starting on steemit, when you work hard and do not get the reward you think you deserve it is frustrating. Love the analogy of pounding the rock. So true, we all need to just keep chipping away. Great post!
Each person has certain goals in life that seem difficult to him. This can be compared to the rock that stands in your way. I once again remembered a man whose direct purpose was to become Scala. He is a poor man from India who lost his wife. His wife did not get an ambulance because the rock interfered with the passage, and to get to the dairy in which he lived the ambulance had to make a long way. After the death of his wife, he had only one goal - to make a pass in the mountain. No matter what, no one survived what he experienced. No one believed in him and no one helped him. He just continued to do his job day after day. As a result, he managed to do it and he became a national hero. He was called a mountain man.
On the example of this person, it is possible to judge some to broadcast.
The first is never to give up.
The second is not to rush.
The third is simply to do your own thing. By the word simply I mean - "less thoughts and more work." I think that one of the most exhausting factors are excess thoughts. When thoughts are very much they drain our energy and we feel tired. You need to be able to concentrate your attention on the goal and take control over the flow of thoughts. It's difficult, but possible. It's my opinion.
I wish you to recover as soon as possible and return to work.
While I really had to deal with this the situation pretty often but despite of that I always look forward and keep on going .We all should go on like that .
Life is never the easy one ,it does takes time but ultimately it will happen !
If your at a AAA meeting do they serve wine? , Nope
If your a IT Technician do you sell cows? Nope,
Money VS group support.
So if you are getting no money maybe you need to find your group and support them
instead of being a lone wolf.
This is about people and love and community's.
So forget about the money aspect for now and find your group and reach out to them
They will support you and......... BANG! Wow it happens :)
Thank You for the inspiration Earl.
Your the best :)
GB !
Toddjr. #smtfloridacommunity
If you do not consciously work on your big rocks, you are never going to get to them. For example, I’m doing what I love today and I’ve built my passion into a full-time career. This did not happen by chance — it happened because I made the decision to quit my job nearly a decade to do what I love. I knew that I didn’t want to be 5, 10, 20 years older and not be pursuing my life purpose. I knew that to pursue my mission fully, I needed to quit and build it from ground up.
I think it depends on a person....I used to have a blog for years before steemit where I just posted for fun and never got any money from it. I like to say that I just need to verbally vomit somewhere because no one in real life lets me even finish my sentence (people can be so rude...or maybe I just really talk bulshit).
The money from upvotes is definitely a nice incentive but I wouldn't recommend to feel to hung up on them, especially for people who are just starting because it just discourages talented writers from keeping up the good work.
That is compound effect at work. To the eyes of an untrained observer, the last blow did the magic. Every blow play its row in splitting the rock. Keep pounding...
The philosophy of compound effect has kept me going on steemit and life generally. It feels like giving up many tines when the result does not correspond to the efforts.
Hard work, hard work, hard work! I love this! The days that tasks feel like a struggle are the most important days to push through! It teaches your brain that even when you feel drained the grind doesn't stop!
Nothing comes easy and it takes constant work! Remind yourself of why you started and the goals that you set and keep pounding the rock!
Keep spreading positive messages! Your words are inspiring many. Thanks for speaking my thoughts and for the encouragement!
Great motivation! I can't wait until that rock splits!
Not giving up :D. Thx for motivation dude.
What is the rock in your life you are trying to split?
In my life, the biggest rock I fight with is laziness. It affects every person. You come from work, and do not want anything, here it is, laziness. We all have to struggle with laziness, work and achieve our goals. Without advancement, we will not progress, therefore, we will not improve. Fight with your laziness, do not let her take over you.
Some times that can be hundred times.@humanearl,today you gave topic so different.you are right. How ever we have to do our aims and targets.If we are not coming to the tracks every one will go past us.Ya true, when we are tired we have to try again.
You've got this, man. I'm proud of you for doing what it takes to get the video out. That's the only way forward, so good for you for getting it done!
Awesome video brother!
Your daughter is beautiful. :)
And just wanted to say Thank you, for supporting us as a community so hard!
Thanks for that :*
There's a motto I had when I joined Steemit.
That has been my comfort when my post doesn't received as much as I think it should and it has never changed. ' one day, I shall be discovered'
3 days of the month, I wish it was like that for me. Since I only post once per day it got better tho.
I must say that the Steemit downwards spiral affects me too. I wanted to cash out 10K USD with my 1K SBD when the price of SBD was high but then it dropped and now I just hodl and hope it bumps back up again which is unlikely.
Anyway, I am just posting 1 post per day for 6 months, some did the self-employed thing for 5-10 years before they "succeeded". I am self-employed for 2 years so I still have a long way to go.
It is really important to switch things up here and then because the boredom of the routine can affect the mind in a very negative way.
@humanearl - Sir this is what we call as encouragement... No matter hardwork gets upvote or not, we all must add true value to the community...
its all about believing and doing the best the consistency matters and one day it will be recognised by others
We recommended this post here.
A farmer doesn't plant and expect harvest same day. It takes time
Life itself... what do i mean by life? Well... almost everything to be honest! steemit, college, gym, friends, girlfriend, you name it...
I totally feel what you mean by feeling down when your hardwork doesn't get recompensated since i'm not a full steemian i try to step back, give myself 1-2 days of rest and go back at it with full steem!