Good news everyone! Tomorrow I will be giving a talk at Hacker Congress 2016 in Prague! The main topic will be Steem which in my opinion fits extremely well in the congress:

The concept of authoritative state is gradually becoming obsolete. The rise of sharing economies with reputation models, digital contracts and cryptocurrencies makes the role of central governments useless. In this era, you might share more with random people from other parts of the world than you do with your neighbors.Come and join us at the 3rd Hackers Congress Paralelní Polis with hundreds of technology enthusiasts, tech-entrepreneurs, activists and cryptoanarchists to celebrate the age of digital freedom and decentralization!
The congress is organized by Parallel Polis - a local hub consisting of the Institute of Cryptoanarchy, Bitcoin Coffee, and a co-working space. I am expecting to meet many smart people, hackers, crypto-enthusiasts and other interesting folks.
That's why I will be also introducing AI Squat there. I'm hoping to find more people interested in this idea on which I have been working during the last month (I am preparing an update summarizing what I have been doing).
I am so excited to be there and to be giving the talk among so many amazing speakers! I will be talking about following topics:
Low barrier to entry
- Easy to use - There are many cryptocurrencies trying to solve practical problems. Unfortunately it's usually quite difficult for ordinary people to use them. Steem has a simple web interface with basic functionality working exactly as one expects from any other web page.
Steem values
- Free speech - What you post on the blockchain stays on the blockchain.
- Community - We have self-governance: we can vote for witnesses, who take care for running the network, and thus effectively vote for hardforks. We have a reputation system. We have money.
- Self-governance - changes to the network are made through user voting
Steem ecosystem
- Support for free market
- Low friction trade - stable cryptocurrency, no transaction fees
- Already a hundred of applications around Steem
- Funding projects through posting updates
How does it work
- Incentives: Who produces what values and how they are rewarded
- Efficiency
What do you think, is this list missing something important? What message about Steem would you highlight if you were on my place?
Thanks for reading!
I would emphasize that given all these great stuffs, Steem is so young and it's even still in beta mode. So everyone can come and contribute his/her imagination and help shape the bright future together. Good luck with your talk!
Hi Peter,
thanks for the good talk! Here is my short report about the first day of HCPP with a picture of you:
Nice posting nya
This would be my highlight:
Free speech - What you post on the blockchain stays on the blockchain.
Thanks for spread the word about Steemit !
This is just awesome and I'm sure you're going to blow their socks off when you present both Steemit and AI Squat!
One thing that seemed worth including, is the motivators for collaboration, the ease the internal economy has on it, as well as the opportunity to cut out middle men when ready to deliver a physical/digital product or service through the same internal economy or sites like (or even apple app store) which now let you buy and sell with steem currency/SD's.
I've heard about PeerHub, but didn't have time to look more into it. Is it decentralized, or it just accepts SBDs?
That one just accepts steem and/or sd (cant remember specifically which). I don't think it's decentralized, but it shows the concept of how steemit gains access to the marketplace so that blogging isn't the only $ generator.
As I mentioned, I love your idea. Does the word 'squat' have a meaning that is favorable to you? Maybe English speakers won't be the main adopters of your idea...but the word 'squat' has several somewhat negative connotations.....I just wanted to be candid about that with you....
Also, I did want to thank you for upvoting my posts. I do appreciate that very much.
I know that squats are usually connected with breaking property rights. I am not supporting this. But what I like about squats is the community life style people living in squats often have. And also the idea that it is not important where you are living (squats are often ruins), but what you are doing there.
On the other hand, it's not always bad to have a little controversial name. And the connection with AI makes it obvious, that the subject is a little unusual.
Is this what you were pointing towards? Does my explanation address it?
I think I would highlight the fact that Steem Power is a 2 year long investment. This does make Steem very different from other crypto projects that see a lot of pump and dump issues....
by the way your website design is fantastic.
What about stability with the dollar peg, and maybe speak about the fact that our community has attracted not just pornography (reddit in the first 2 years), but artists, poets, devs etc.
Also maybe mention the future with smart contracts and a whole seperate economy (we are not just another social netwrokign site)
Good luck
That's true, the variety of topics on Steem is incredible, considering how young a community we are...
And the separate economy.. I agree it's really game changing!