You CAN Make A Difference On Steemit. I Proved It 24 Hours Ago. - Resteems Are Vital!

in #steemit7 years ago


I have something wonderful to share today. With amazing support and help from fellow Steemians, I achieved great results with my latest article. With Resteems from blhz, fulltimegeek, hopehuggs, travelnepal and valorforfreedom, my article got an incredible boost in visibility... And I just thought that I should break things down for you a little bit.

I wrote an article and I had the intention to shed some lights on certain things that happens around here. More specifically, I wanted to share some details regarding the trending pages. I published the article and it went somewhat viral.

My article bloomed and it started to spread like some sort of minor wildfire.

Let me explain what happened...

People decided to resteem my article. One user after another. I'm up to 5 different people right now who've resteemed my article and it's 24 hours old.

It looks like this. Some of you will remember this as it's similar to the "pay it forward" image I've used in the past while I was explaining the concept of the @asapers project.


and resteemed it so his followers could easily find it. - Now, I'm not entirely sure that FTG's resteem brought the other four resteems, but it's very likely.I wrote the article. I published it. @fulltimegeek read it, rewarded it

I have ~3270 followers so it's likely that some of my followers also follows FTG or any of the other Steemians who resteemed my article. Or vice versa.

However, FTG have more than 6600 followers. hopehuggs have about 3400, travelnepal ~1500, valorforfreedom ~3300 and blhz about 1600... - That's an incredible amount of eyeballs!

So, due to my article and the resteems, I did not only generate new followers and some extra rewards. We also managed to do something more amazing than that.

We Made A Difference!

That's right. We actually made a difference. Something happened due to this awesome team work. In the article I published, I wrote about a specific author who's articles can be found on the trending pages. I shared details and I explained that this user never responds to any comments at all.

  • One year old account and not a single comment. Until 18 hours ago!


Honestly speaking, it's not the best comment I've read. It's pretty dull and boring... Butour team work, which is awesome!, the reason for his comment is due to @meno and

Take A Look At This:


meno borrowed one of the images from my article and wrote a superb comment on this authors most recent article. - Which he suddenly decided to reply too! This author has been here for one year without ever writing a single comment. Until meno wrote a comment. That was the deciding factor.

(Thank you @meno, and thanks to everyone that helped us achieve this!)

I know, this is literally nothingnot because I'm someone famous or someone with millions or hundreds of thousand of Steem. - I'm just some seaweed at the bottom of this ocean. I'm literally a nobody. but it's still something we should value and remember. I brought this up, a random Steemian from Sweden with a little more than 1000 Steem Power in my wallet. The fact that I delegate 100% of my steem power to others or the fact that I'm the benefactor of the @asapers had nothing to do with this. This was

This was because of you. It was because of the exposure and the extra visibility my article got. It was due to the fact that we have people on Steemit who truly cares. This was the result of a caring community.

This nobody proved that we can change things on Steemit. No matter how small or useless we might feel... It takes time, some luck and dedication.. But most of all, it takes one small act of kindness at a time.

What's Next?!
What Should We Try To Change?!


I will take some credit for this as well. Just a couple of minutes later he responded to one of my comments that actually gave him a reason to respond. I told him I flagged him and why I think his arguments are invalid.

When 99% of people make comments like "wow crypto, such moon" than there is really no reason to respond at all to be honest. I don´t want to defend finprep here. Yet very often it is quite hard to respond to such shallow comments.

Yet very often it is quite hard to respond to such shallow comments.

That's a very good point. Many comments are just a simple: "nice post", and there's no need to reply to those. However, I doubt that this person have published more than 300 articles and never got one single good, legit comment to reply too.

Hey... hello from an old friend. Do you remember @intelliguy ?

I've been absent for a bit... but us oldies need to remember ourselves. :)

Nice post... and when you said this:

have something wonderful to share today.

...that is the point of steem... it's not facebook, its not twitter, and its not reddit.

You have to read steem to see "wonderful things to share". It is a network all its own.

Kudos to you!

Hey man, yeah, I remember you. Thanks for the comment, I appreciate it.

I do agree with you. Facecrap, twatter and all those other platforms is garbage in so many ways. Steemit actually means something.

That is a very cool story! And yes, re-steems definitely matter and can make a big difference.

And here's another thing with re-steems: Because Steemit is GLOBAL, resteems can help you hit different time zones, which brings more exposure to an audience that might not otherwise see your content.

For example, you write a post in the afternoon in Sweden. At that time, it is 7:00 in the morning here on the US west coast. Maybe I get on Steemit and see your post... after you have gone to bed for the night. And I resteem it... to (in my case) 4400 followers who are used to me publishing during USA daytime hours.

One of the things I always recommend with resteems is (unless it's an urgent, time sensitive post like a scam unfolding) don't resteem a brand new post while it's still high in the original poster's feed. Wait a couple of hours, then resteem it. It'll be seen by more people.

That's a very good point and a superb recommendation too. Thank you very much! :)

Right there with you, and those reestemers that you mentioned are great people that i had the opportunity to speak with on discord and on steemit! Great people make a great community, a great community means a solid future to STEEM!

Great people make a great community, a great community means a solid future to STEEM!

Very true words. This is just one tiny thing we've been able to achieve... So imagine how much we can do with time and if we'd combine our strengths further.

I know few random accounts that does same act too, not sure maybe the account hasn't commented at all. I just know he doesn't reply comments. It won't be fair enough mentioning the account here, hope you dig?
I will forward it to either meno on yourself on discord. Thanks @hitmeasap I just did, lol.

Even though I appreciate it, it's not necessary to provide such information because truth to be told, there is very limited things I can do about it. In fact, I can't do anything about it, except writing an article about it and that wouldn't work very well if I had to write articles about literally dozens or perhaps even hundreds of different users.

The trending pages is a mess, but the one user I used as an example in my other article is just one out of many.

I do understand that quite much. And thank you for putting up such an article.

Have a Nice saturdayBravowell done.... we are in the Same time zone so the tip of resteeming by @denmarkguy is true. And its a MUST to reply if someone took the time and courage to reply. Thats steeming. MYbe we should do a blog about resteeming. Maybe people think its going to effect their rewards or something .... well you achieved it and Made your pint. I am resteeming it now 5 hours after release under My 1300 lovely steemies.

Thank you for the resteem, I appreciate it and yeah, resteems are great in terms of visibility and growth. Especially as we live in different time zones.

But I think other steemy’s maybe think that Will cost them anything I am sure that a post on it Will be good to do, I am thinking about it. Resteeming makes the time zones invisible indeed

You mean that people might think it will cost them something to resteem an article? - Perhaps. I haven't really thought about that. We might just need to publish some articles about resteems and what type of effect they might have. Which is kind of what I did with this article, even though I didn't mention that resteems are free.

Am i allowed to use some off your text and try to get more off the steemians and My followers to resteem something, I was thinking off a blog to do that......

Hey that's awesome to hear!! Way to go @meno too, for taking that extra step. I just read your post from yesterday and was floored that someone would have zero comments! Good for you @hitmeasap for getting that ball rolling! And of course, it's always a great thing when @fulltimegeek pays you a visit :)

Yeah, it's crazy. More than 300 posts and not a single comment. We should probably give him a prize or diploma for it. - One of the worst things I've seen on a social platofrm.

I wonder if it would even make a difference @hitmeasap; I know he did one comment, but I wonder if it will be a continual difference? Like a new habit?

Who knows... I guess only time will tell. Hopefully, it wasn't just a one-time thing.

I hope so too @hitmeasap! It would sure add value to all of this if if was really that easy to change someone's behavior on steemit.

Excellent article. I really liked it. Good luck to you and Love.

Отличная статья. Мне очень понравилось. Удачи Вам и Любви

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. :)

It's a step in the right direction, accounts like that are pretty much useless. Getting rid of bidbots would be the next step, that way people who use this as a social media platform would be in trending.

that way people who use this as a social media platform would be in trending.

That's not entirely true, but it would definitely be better compared to now. The trending pages would consist mostly of heavily invested whales and dolphins as this place still has plenty of greed and selfishness. But it would make it easier for "the average user" to feel like a rockstar for once.

Hey mate , where can I contact you directly ? Need to talk to you .

discord channel.You can find me on Discord or in While you're at it, you should consider joining the @asapers

I'm also doing the best I can to reply to each comment I get, so you can always reach me through the comments on my articles.

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