Maybe when you realize your actions have negative consequences, you'll get your head out of your ass and figure things out..

So, here goes..
Most freelancers give up shortly after starting because they lack the patience and perseverance to stick with it. Here’s the honest truth… your odds of landing ten, twenty, or thirty sales a day right out of the gate are slim to none. Just like you can’t expect to make hundreds from a new blog in the first thirty days, you can’t expect to be a top-seller on a marketplace in the same amount of time. But a majority of would-be sellers can’t grasp this truth. Most new sellers join a marketplace, create a service listing or two, wait a week, make only one or two sales, and then give up. They draw a false conclusion that it’s impossible to make money on a marketplace, ultimately moving on to the next “magic bullet” tactic.
And let's be honest.. The same thing goes for #Steemit too!
MOST people on Steemit signed up due to all of those AMAZING payouts.. They create a bunch of posts themselves and earn a few cents here and there.. -"The system is rigged!" is a common phrase. However ... Such thoughts won't get you far on steemit, or in life..

For starters, don't think of all the money you can make...
I've written a bunch of posts myself so far, and I will continue to do so.. And you know why?
Because I love to share and I love steemit. Period.
Take a look at these:
How To Build Reputation, Credibility And Make Money On Steemit? - Here's some answers
Life As a Freelancer: The Myths And Realities.
How Steemit Changed My Life In 48 hours.. -It's MAGICAL!
You Changed My Life In 48 Hours.. And This is How it Happened! -Thank you Steemit!
My earnings or success so far..
I made a bunch of posts before I finally reached this: $327.82. That's from the first post in the list above. For some reason, I hit the "jackpot" again with my next post. $767.82. From the second post in the list above.
So, with all of these earnings, I was amazed, thrilled, ecstatic and I've never made that much money online before. Never. Due to that, I made a third.. (The third post in the above list.) $17.34........
Honestly speaking..
I thought I'd make tons of cash on that one too.

And.. I'll admit it .. I was kind of disappointed.
What did I do next? - I made another post!
And BAM!
-The 4th post in the list above.. $613.90.

And don't think that I've been making this much money on all my posts..
Just take a look here: hitmeasap blog. As you can see, there's a BUNCH of posts with less than $4 in earnings.. The two most recent ones, (before this) is also low.
If you read this previous post of mine, I tell you the exact reasons for my earnings.. It was because some of the famous whales landed on my content.. And they landed not only once or twice.. They landed three times on 3 different posts.

Do you think I am disappointed?
Yeah, in some ways.. As you can see, the posts I made in the beginning of my "steemit career", was random, rather low quality and I made a bunch of posts in various niches, about different things and I did my fair share of failures..
So, I stepped up my game.

And honestly, I believe I'm writing posts of rather high quality and I spend hours writing most of them.. I'm not native in English but I try. I do try my very best and I put in effort in my posts.. And what happens.. I earn almost nothing on some of them.. That's just how it is.. And I would never let that stop me from writing more!
Wanna Know Why..?
Because I don't write the things I do for the money rewards!
I share the things I do because I've done that during the past 15 years on other places... For Free. Places like internet forums, facebook and twitter.. I've always shared my thoughts, ideas, knowledge and experience. I always have and I always will.
Like I've already said... I won't lie.
The money rewards is amazing and I wouldn't mind if this post made me that $10,000 payout.. But, that probably won't happen.
And yet, I'm still writing it!

Feel Free To Follow Me. Also, here's some of my previous posts again..
How To Build Reputation, Credibility And Make Money On Steemit? - Here's some answers
Life As a Freelancer: The Myths And Realities.
How Steemit Changed My Life In 48 hours.. -It's MAGICAL!
You Changed My Life In 48 Hours.. And This is How it Happened! -Thank you Steemit!
Best Regards,
I am new here but I am not here for the sole intention of making money. I am here because I see great potential in this platform. It is only when we stop trying to please the whales and post what actually makes us happy as we would on Twitter, Facebook, Redditt, or any other social media site that we will thrive. I hope people will continue to share what they think is funny, inspiring, or insightful, regardless of who they may or may not think will like agree.
I hope users will never be disappointed because their content didn't generate a high revenue. I hope we will grow to a point where we have such an active community where making friends and meeting new people is enough of a reward, just like another other social media platform. But hey, if you can make a couple of bucks along the way, that would be pretty sweet too.
And ... steemrolled nailed it! :)
None of us earned money on Facebook or twitter for our posts and contributions.. So, when we finally stumble across something THIS amazing as #steemit, people tend to see ONLY money.. And that's very unfortunate. For all of us.
You sound like you're here for the right reasons and with the right mindset.
Definitely! :)
This is what I hope for to happen too! Well put!
I used to Digg but then they sold out.
Then I Reddit and enjoyed that but now the many users make good content drown so quality sinks.
I sincerely hope this site can keep it steeming!
#steemyourself, it's the best way to #steem and also the best thing to bring #steemit to the sky! :D
There is a rush of bloggers who want to make a big win. They want to write a great submission and ride it to the top of trending. They will soon realize that is not a realistic goal, and leave. However, they will be replaced over time by people who enjoy the community for what it is.
I'm hoping that in the coming months, Steemit attracts a wide range of content but also a community that encourages participation in those submissions. I think that is almost as important as content.
I have discovered some great articles here. Which is crazy because this platform is very new. But not sure we have much of a community yet. I still haven't really seen anything controversial.
There's a LOT of good articles and superb content on steemit. Unfortunately, it's followed by TONS of crap and low quality too, so it's hard to find the gems sometimes.
Couldn't agree with you more! :)
I concur. Haha, love it! :D
I Agree 100% being here is a win in itself.
Yeah, Steemit is a wonderful place and I've been enjoying every single minute I've spent here.. Although I haven't slept properly in two weeks now.. I'm addicted! :D
My online career actually started out on a similar platform with a revenue share model. It took me a whole three months to earn $2 pumping out content back to back. It got a lot easier, all I did was STICK TO THE PLAN and was making a pretty good monthly salary in less than a year.
And that's what it's all about!
This is a great post, well thought out and well written!
My advice is to also ensure that your posts are thought provoking, or at least provokative.
You would probably be front page right now if you just move the head up your ass picture to the top and restructured this just a little so it flows better from there.
The other thing people forget is that you will on average make more money from insightful posting and early upvoting, than you will from blogging.
I made over 3x money on a single comment where I called a particular whale out for talking like a sociopath and explained why supporting what he was supporting was just morally wrong.
The average length of a comment here is 15 words. Mine was 300. I was compensated $3 a word. Even without that one post though, the bulk of my income here comes from commentary and finding the right stuff to vote on.
So don't forget us when this one or the next, or the next makes it to the front page.
Thank you @williambanks for the advice and suggestions, I appreciate it. :)
As I'm not a superb writer and not native in English, I just do whatever I can.. But I'll use your advice and change the picture at least.. I did a few minor modifications as well. Thank you very much!
You're very welcome and frankly I couldn't tell you weren't a native speaker. So at a minimum you are extremely competent and fluent with the language.
Thank you!
I appreciate your kind words. :)
You're welcome. Congrats BTW, you're trending and you're still low enough that if anyone upvotes you their curation rewards will be significant, so expect a rash of upvotes and then a whale or two to pop by. This is really good stuff!
Thank you @williambanks! - I doubt it. 15 hours to payout and I've often felt that whales only upvote new(ish) content, until it reaches the top 25 trending spots or so. Then EVERYONE votes :D But we'll see. Hopefully it can grow a bit bigger, and in case it does, well, then you've helped me achieve it! :)
Thank you once again for your kind words :)
If you look at it from the perspective of how many people you can help, then the paradigm shifts. The more people you help, the less vulnerable you become to bad fortune. It's social security, done just like humans have done for thousands of years. That's my guiding principle. I have big plans, master plans that involves spreading magic's only possible with this platform....Big dreams yield big results. Help a million people and you'll soon be a millionaire.
It's just like old Zig Ziglar said: You can get whatever you want, if you only help enough people get what they want!
Awesome comment! :)
Exactly! It starts with one person...
That is true!
Really good perspective. This is part of why you are doing so well. The focus shouldn't be money, money will come when you focus on helping people.
yes, and creating immense value to others. Plus, being honest helps others see how they can also become honest. It's a compounding effect. I'm not driven by greed actually. I have other more insane plans.......but money is essential for freedom.
Money will come if you stick to the plan. :)
I'm a miner so I hope this encourage charity, I mean, easy money make you think a lot.
Wise words from the true #dolphin of steemit.I too have plans. Not any major master plans at this time, but still plans I'm eager to set in motion. Thank you very much for the upvote and the comment. I appreciate it :)
ah, no problem. But it is getting harder and harder to find the quality posts.
And I imagine it will be even harder now when steemit is growing this fast.. But I love it! :)
Thanks for posting. These are definitely points which can't be repeated often enough: that it takes persistence to get rewards, that setbacks are only temporary, and that one of the most important rewards is the joy of the process.
Have a great day
Nice comment @churdtzu!
Oh, here another favorite: (and a word of advice)
Nah, failure is failure. If you don't want to keep failing you need to learn from the mistakes of yourself and others. That whole warm fuzzy "this is really that, if only" stuff gets irritating. Nothing personal. Just want to state my opinion on the topic.
Oh here's my favorite quote on the subject.
"Past events are not what makes a person, only future action, because it's only the future that we have the power to change. Just because you once failed, does not make you a failure anymore than having once been in kindergarten means you are a kindergartner. So grow up!" :)
Yeah, I see your point, but like you said: "Failure is failure. If you don't want to keep failing you need to learn from the mistakes of yourself and others." -And that's exactly the point in the above picture. Failure is Success if we learn from it.. That's how I interpret it at least.
Good pep talk! I think that not only here, but in most of our lives decisions we have to put money asides and do things with passion. If what you are doing is your passion and you are working hard to do it well, then it will always pay off.

But what if it doesn't? You can't deny that money usually plays a big part in our lives as well and while it's important to follow your passions, you still need to have a plan in place and money always comes into play at some point.
Money always matters. But that's also the point. Do things without thinking about money first hand and do things with passion instead. That will usually bring you even better results.
I do agree with you. Great comment :)
Nice post! It's very much inline with my post about why I'm here and while I'll keep going. I'd rather spend my time writing a post here that makes cents than waste my time with other activities that are nothing more than time sucks.
Thank you, I appreciate it. :)
I want to be noticed, but being with an unknown nickname that I used only in one place doesn't gives me the proper "fanbase". I love my nickname, cause a nickname doesnt essentially rappresents you, it's just a container, the stuff inside is something different. I'm doing hard work, researching, trying to involving people in what I like, but I don't want to end up talking of cats only. I want to be myself for once! I'm here to be myself, and I won't give up, not this time. NOT this time! Even if my most successful blog posts are my intros, I don't care, I want to show to steem world who am I!
Things sure would be easier if you had a huge fanbase from before. Being a blogger, a youtuber, a successful internet marketing guru or whatever.. That said, anyone, with any nickname CAN make it on steemit. Anyone can become successful... And I hope that you'll find your success! :)
I feel the same way to be honest. x
You should never give up. Keep #steemyourself! :)
Agreed. It is a numbers game!
I mentioned the 80/20 rule in my previous post. There's been a lot of discussions regarding that in the last couple of days. 20% of your posts will be rewarded etc... I personally think it's pure crap, but in case it actually IS true.. Then, you'd just need to make 10 posts and you'll be rewarded for one of them, so I can't really see the complaints about that either.... Why can't people just be happy about the possibility you have on steemit? You CAN make money.. It's not set in stone that you will earn any money at all.
I agree with that! Nice posts!!
Thank you @coinhoarder! The sad part is, that people are often greedy and that's also the biggest reason for all the complaint about peoples earnings..
I can confirm it though, 80% of my money comes from 20% or less of my activity.
Just remember, around here just as in life, you get what you earn, not what you deserve.
Yeah, okay. When you mention it like that, then it's understandable. The thing is that the ones I've heard talking about this (well, what I've read actually), they seem to truly belive that they'll earn a shit ton of money on each 5th post. Which basically means that they can create whatever crap they want, the 4 first ones, and then make a million bucks on the fifth, and that's not how it works.
Even if the odds are 80/20, that still means it's a numbers game. You can earn on five posts in a row and nothing on your next 25 ...
Hey, you sound like $17.34 for a post is a bad day on here. Plenty of people are putting out posts that make exactly $0.00 cents on average. I don't know but I have never been paid a cent for anything online. Even making 10 or 12 bucks seems exiting.
Hello @fireriseace, that was my intention all along. When you've earned $300+ and almost $800 on two posts in a row, a payout of $17 isn't what you're looking for.. You expect to reach the same amount, or perhaps even more, as the second post paid even better than the first one..
With that said, I am satisfied with whatever amount I get.
I've tried to explain this both in my post but also within the comments.. And the reason I explain things the way I do is just to make people aware of the process on steemit.
Even though you've had a great payout on one post doesn't mean that you'll automatically get another huge payout on your next post.. And some people seems to believe that only people with huge payouts are able to earn, because they'll earn on ALL their posts.. And that's not the case. I'm an example of that, and that's what I'm trying to explain.
I'm sorry for any misunderstanding, in case it sounds like I'm unsatisfied because I'm truly not. I'm more excited and satisfied than anyone could imagine! :)
I see your point. I guess it's all about perspective. The person who is killed it with a $1000 post may not be too exited about getting a post worth $20 because a higher payout is now the norm for them, vs. the guy who is making nothing and then gets $20.
I didn't get the feeling that you were unsatisfied from reading your post, just wanted to make a point about how being rewarded for even a few bucks is still great! Steemit gives people a platform to earn online and that is inspiring. In the real world people have to bust their asses everyday for not that much money in a lot of cases. People are moonlighting over at uber and lift just to make ends meet. Now, just by being creative and thoughtful, people can get on their computer, sit down, think and write whatever they feel like writing about and get rewarded for it. It's great basically because people are now getting another option. Like you I'm super excited about it as well.
Steemit is indeed a new, innovative, fun and intriguing new way of making money. Or, perhaps I should rather say, a way you CAN make money but there's no guarantee for that, even though some seems to believe so. The thing is, that I personally feel it's very unfortunate that these "dreamers" so to speak are here to begin with.. At least with that type of mindset they have..
That's also another reason that I write what I do. I've shared things like:
And even:
All of this, is shared for one simple reason actually. To make people aware of things so they can stop being delusional.. As that is actually what I see. I see delusional people trying to grab every inch of nickels and dimes they can, and they are doing this wrong. They don't take steemit seriously for what it can be, become and what it already is. They take it as a "get rich quick" thing, and that's both ironic but also tragic at the same time..
I hope I'll be successful enough to make a real impact, change and to help people on their steemit adventures.
All I can do, is to keep trying and never give up. :)
Take it as a get rich thinking or not, every person has the right to have a shot at improving one's lot in life. Even if people are delusional about it, when people are active, that activity in turn improves the site. For example, if we see the signup rate increase and we then start to see more content being put out that increases the overall value of the site. Then, your votes matter more because you have to be more accurate. I personally think that we should welcome your average dreamer who comes in to be a part of the community. I'm not going to give up either, but the competition is not going to make steemit worse, it's going to make it even better.
Perhaps it's due to me not being native in English.. Or that I've been awake for about 24 hours or so.. But I get some sort of feeling that you don't fully understand what I'm saying.
What I mean is basically this:
I do whatever I do and whatever I can to make new people on steemit aware of the whole process here. I want to give people that "wake up call" I believe some of them needs. Competition is needed for steemit to grow and I'm all for that. That's what I'm aiming for. I'm trying to build relations here on steemit and I will bring everyone I know to steemit. At least as many as I can. Steemit is an amazing platform and I love every inch of it so far.
However, what I want people to understand is that steemit is not a "get rich quick" fix. Even though one might think so due to all the amazing trending posts with $10,000 payouts. Some people are lucky. That's that.
And the reason I point this out multiple times, is just because of one thing. All the complaints I've seen during the last few days here. People are complaining about them not getting upvotes, about whales upvoting girls with boobs and crappy posts and so on.. And I want to make these people aware of things.
I'm not an important person on steemit. I'm not a whale and I don't have a bunch of friends on here who's upvoting my content.. And I'm not one of the highest earners around either. Far from it. Even so, I still want to educate new people. I want to teach them things. I want to help them.
I want to help as many people as I can for three reasons. To make them feel good about themselves. To bring even more quality to steemit. And, to feel good about myself too.. And I will never stop. No matter if I earn $5,000, $5 or $0,5. My point is, that I don't do this mainly for earnings. I do this for other reasons. The money rewards are a superb bonus and I wouldn't mind earning a ton of money while doing the things I do.. But it's not something mandatory for me. I will do it no matter what.
And that's what it's all about. That's what I am all about. I want people to see the platform for what it is. I want people to contribute for the sake of sharing and not for the money in first hand.
Sorry for any misunderstandings up until now.
Good post, but the more people that try it the more money those 2 cent posts will go up. And the more people will fade the negativity. And since negativity cant take control because its the blockchain. They simply cant win.
What can i say? i would be happy with just a few bucks per post. But still hard to make some reputation around here.
Any way, i'm new with this, never had a blog or anything like that and i'm loving it.
have a look in my new post
Hey @steemitdude, you and me both. Most of us would be happy with a couple of bucks on each post, but there's those people who seems to be unsatisfied even with $10 or $50 for their contributions.. And that's very unfortunate.
The main problem with this community is that everyone is joining in the hope of making a buck. Very few people care about the content they write about, so most of the content is low quality shlock you could find in any magazine.
Well, that is only half true, but I see your point.
There are still some really good authors writing about their passion, life-stories and a bunch of other things.. But I do agree with you. Most of the content around is of extremely low quality in it's all created with one single thought in mind. Money.
I think that was a pretty good post.
Thank you @edouard, I appreciate it :)
I guess it's only s little while before people leave the community and there will be only whales and big boobs
and you were right about every single word you said
Let's hope that will never happen. Steemit users combined are stronger than boobs and soon everyone will realize that they can look at boobs for free on various sites. They don't need to do that here on steemit. ;)
I wish that too
Well. You have made me look at myself. I have posted many little tips on the forums on the Internet and before that use-groups and before that bbs-echoes. I never got a dime from those. So, why should I feel bad because I don't get as much as someone else? If I do it for free I am happy, so I should feel happy if I get a penny or a centavo or a Korean won's worth of STEEM or SBD.
We are looking at the score and we see zero. I think I just need to train myself to just pretend the dust reward value isn't there. Stop spending hours that you wouldn't spend elsewhere.
If you allow yourself to fail, and continue to work hard, then I'm sure you'll get success. That's what I'm trying to do at least. :)
Thank you hit
I guess, one do need to be persistent
Gaining all support from everyone
You're welcome. And yeah, you'll come a long way with patience and persistence.
great post, speaks to everyone on steemit as well as newbies like myself.
Thank you jemscfc, I appreciate it. :)
This is why we need to upvote posts that are genuinely good and not just upvote our own stuff and what will make us the most money. If the whole system fails all the steam power we have acquired will be near worthless.
One should always upvote good content, no matter if you earn from it or not!
Your opinions are appreciated as i also thinking that many many steemers are just joining it to earn not to share good contents,thoughts and experiences to improve social and financial life.
Thank you shaheeer001. It's very easy to see why that's the reason they join. Just take a look at all the complaints and all the whine about #whales not upvoting their content etc... It's very unfortunate.
I like the way you think........... Thanx man
Thanks christiaan. There is no rocket science behind my thoughts.. I just did what I always does.. I share whatever I feel like. :)
Couldn't agree more. Post valuable content. Actively curate and comment. And, maybe, perhaps, you'll get some money. If you start from the money side I won't expect much actual value from your content.
Thoughts echoed in my post here:
I believe you're right. 100%. I can relate to anyone who wants a piece of that money on the trending posts, but if you commit yourself and put in the necessary time here on steemit, you will make it.
easy money are rarely easy....
Sometimes it is... but it won't last long.
I like your post and it's really useful because I've seen a lot of posts that don't get enough attention. I was like that too, but I didn't give up. Now I can't complain. ☺
Thank you @diana.catherine, I appreciate it. And yeah, it seems like you're doing quite alright on steemit. I'm glad for you! :)
I must say the first picture gave me a weird feeling...
Haha yeah, that's the point. ;)
Like you, I enjoy writing. And while I'm not making the big bucks, I'll soon be making more than my blog was paying. One curious note though... how do you get more than "Five" topics listed at the end on this post?
thanks bison015, I will! :)