Why Steemit needs REALLY SUCCESSFUL bloggers!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I'm sure I wasn't the only member of the Steemit community whose jaw hit the ground at how successful @guerrint 'First Steemit Makeup Tutorial' was. In case you missed it, $30,000+ successful (Record Breaking Post).


Rather than get green with envy, what stuck me was the importance of successful bloggers, and how all Steemit members will benefit from the success of the few...

Let's have a look at the potential impact of aforementioned post by @guerrint. It can be summarised below;

  1. It was original for Steemit: She was the first to do it, and was compensated for that. How many users suddenly thought, what hasn't someone else done yet? What can I be first to do? I was one of them (https://steemit.com/charity/@hisnameisolllie/we-can-harness-the-power-of-steemit-to-help-syrian-refugees-steemit-s-1st-charity-post-we-can-change-the-world-one-up-vote-at-a). This will diversify the original content on the platform, which is great for every member.
  2. It will attract other beauty vloggers from Youtube. Beauty Vloggers attract more than 700m hits (in 2014 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2583445/Meet-vloggers-making-millions-makeup-tutorials-Beauty-videos-reach-700-million-hits-month-mark.html), this is sure to be far higher now. It's a massive industry, and we are sure to see more content coming. Where there is money, they will come.
  3. Content Creators will see the success of certain members and up their game. There is sure to a better content, and creators making more effort than ever to attract the up votes
  4. Generally this is only going to have a positive affect on user numbers across the board. Steemit is suddenly a really serious platform. $30,000 is life changing money to many people.
  5. All of this will lend itself to support the value of Steem, and increase it's circulation and distribution in long run. This is exactly what the creators of the platform are striving for (https://steemit.com/steem/@dan/steemit-s-evil-plan-for-cryptocurrency-world-domination).

So, Users get better content, User numbers increase which supports Steem Value, Payout's increase which then in turn attract more users... Perfect incentive circle.

Bring on more successful members on Steemit. I will be jealous of your wealth, but I will also benefit in your success.


Any steemian reading this, if you know successful bloggers or vloggers or streamers, encourage them to have a presence on Steem. A win for them and a win for us. A win win.

I've told some of my friends and even posted about it but people tend to stay away because they can't comprehend the value. It's mind-blowing!

@christoryan This will change. As soon as you can show your friends the money earn't from the platform in your bank account, their attitude will change. This is definitely the main barrier to signing up users at the moment, it just seems too good to be true...

Great point @eeks Steemit is shout pretty load at the moment. I'm confident we are on to a winner here!!

I will be the first to upvote and turn myself into a dolphin..

now the network is too young but in a short time the users will filter the value content, i am very interested in the evolution of content in steemit, it is a very big real time experiment

@bhokor I agree with you. I do think we are already seeing a movement towards better quality, original content rising to the top already. Slightly less Steemit related posts in the trending feed. It'll be a slow transition, but I think the aforementioned post is the start of this... Thanks for you post

I see a very complex system with hundreds of different niches. Right now it is like a big dump of all kinds of ideas but will slowly get more organized. Quality content will probably still be scarce, but will be valued and easier to spot. If this gets to the masses we can expect all kinds of things getting tons of money, from porn to 10 year old kid reviewing candy, just like other social networks.

It is a crazy real time capitalist experiment. Exciting times.

I think that sums it up quiet nicely. Great perspective @cloveandcinnamon

Made me think of this heavy metal belly dancer girl I know. She already creates great quality content, has a loyal following and is passionate about life and what she does. She might make a killing here.

@herbert-boss, I'd up vote that!!!

It's really something. Contacting her right now...

@herbert-boss Please message me if she post something. I do not want to miss this :) You can message someone by sending them 0.001 Steem, and put the message in the memo. I will be sure to send it back (and up-vote you of coarse)

Will do. She's in London right now for a month so we'll see how fast she will respond. In the mean time I'll google "how to send someone 0.001 Steem"... new at steem and crypto... If you got any recommendations as to which platform/wallet to use feel free to share. Thx a million.

You actually cannot do it just now @herbert-boss because transfers are down. You can do it internally. When it's up and running, you can go to your wallet, click on the drop down by your Steem Balance (not, there at the moment, but will be) click transfer, then send it to my name (hisnameisolllie), amount 0.001 Steem ($0.004) and then put your message in the memo.

Sweet. Learning as fast as I can.

Well I started blogging on my website about a month before I came to know about/joined Steemit. I have always enjoyed writing and bringing quality/original content to the world.

Although I am new and not that experienced, I will try my best to write as much original content for Steemit as I can. Be sure to support me though :)

@sauravrungta I look forward to reading some of your content :)

will be my pleasure! :)

It's the way forward!!!

@michaellamden68, I know where I'm coming if I'm struggling for a picture to sum up my content. Very good!!!

I'm always happy to make a suggestion or two!! Thank You

I agree. We need more quality talented bloggers blogging about unique and useful stuff. Not just people reposting pictures and Youtube videos, that sometimes are not even their own.
The question is, if the mainstrean prefers popular stuff over quality and uniqueness. Time will tell...

@arian1 That will be interesting. I like to think (with the incentive structure) that we can build a community which rewards 'quality and uniqueness'. But you are certainly right, only time will tell

Great way to Explode Steemit content with right bloggers. Its a Mutual benefit create a great content and gives credibility to the creators.

@howelltan01 Exactly. Steemit is full of these perfect incentive cycles. This will be hopefully what will make this concept a success...

Hi, I just responded. Vote me up. It's the whole reason for this reply by me in the first place, Thanks!

@toddl984 Thanks for your response. I will be more than happy to up vote you if your response contains opinion/thought/fact or something interesting. Although my up vote is only worth $0.23, I want to incentivise quality original content. Hope you understand, and I look forward too hearing your thoughts in the future

SUCCESSFUL is a subjective word, if you want conent that has facts, research and reason there are Tags for that.

@cultra.bitcoin It certainly is, and good point.. My point was that Steemit.com needs financial successful bloggers, whether we individually think they deserve the monetary reward or not.. It has the positive impact of attracting more users, increase competition, and over time the quality will come, because that will simply win out over the kind of content you are alluding too