Work: your golden ticket to waste which made me realize why there is no reason to whine but instead feel blessed to find this platform. Here is how my life changed through steemit it and how you can changes yours too :-I have spent 6 months on this platform, 2 of which I was extremely sick and didn’t post anything but still steemit has changed my life completely for good since the first week I found it !! This article is inspired by @tarazkp’s post
1. Earn huge money !! :-
Of course. This was the reason that brought you here isn’t it? But wait, there is something that you don’t know yet. You won’t be able to earn HUGE in the beginning. In fact, sometimes you won’t earn AT ALL!! So don’t ever count your monthly income here when u begin. Just know that it will take time. Also, DON’T compare yourself with others. Some people grow rapidly, some grow slowly and steadily. Just be you and don’t hurry. Things will happen someday. Enjoy the journey until then 😎.

2. A friend in need is a friend indeed !!
You can’t just post here and then expect upvotes (unless you are friends with a whale already). No matter how amazing you write or how awesome your content is. If you don’t make friends here, you CAN’T grow.
Steemit has given me some amazing friends. I always thought that one should not make or trust friends on a social media platform. I mean, how can you trust someone just by chatting with them. In today’s era one cannot even trust their family members (well sometimes). But no, my believes were all proven wrong !! I have found some people here that are even better friends then those whom I made offline. Universe chooses weird ways to make people meet. It shouldn’t really matter where you met them. So befriend like minded people here. You can find those who write about the same stuff as you do and connect with them. Not just for steemit, but for yourself, for your life.

3. Upgradation :-
Steemit not only helped me improve my mistakes but also taught me how to be a perfect writer. It taught me what changes to make in the format, in the structure, how to keep the reader bound to read till the end, how to make them engage, vote and share. I knew how to write, every literate person knows that but these things that I learnt here by reading other’s content are no less then a jewel. Steemit will help you upgrade to a better version of yourself. It is important to not get noticed in the beginning because it will force you to furnish your articles. Money is important but what’s more important and permanent is the skill set that you will receive here through learning. It is important to READ before you write.
Steemit helped me become a better writer. I would ask you as well to Grab this opportunity instead of complaining.

4. See the mirror that steemit shows you -
Steemit will tell you what you are !! It will break your over confidence if you have any or it will boost your talents if you have any by bringing it in front of you. Sometimes the posts that I believe won’t earn much exceeds the dollars I expected and those that I thought is going to do huge makes me rethink my writing skills.
Steemit will help you understand the areas where you lack and vice versa. Work on them and make yourself better day by day instead of just WANTING more and more votes all the time.

5. You will learn how to be patient :-
As I said, it takes time to grow here but growth is assured if you don’t give up. People in the real life today are being more and more impatient. We all want quick results, quick money. Steemit taught me how to be patient which again helped me become a better person.
I don’t need to tell why being patient is very important in our life. People loose big opportunities, loved ones, relationships and what not just because of being impatient. I didn’t sell my steem at all and then they jumped from 1$ to 10$ !! All the impatient people suffered by selling them off quickly. So keep patience and keep steeming.

6. Steemit is an ocean of ideas :-
I see people posting crap on their walls. What they saw when they went to the market, pictures of sunset when they ain’t no photographer, photos of flowers with no original content, copied jokes and such non valuable posts. *I understand that everyone can’t be a writer but you can all be a better reader !! If for a moment you would stop begging for votes and start reading other’s content, I am sure you will have amazing ideas and opinions which you can share with us instead of those worthless posts.
When I finally decided to take steemit as my permanent work and writing as my profession, my mom asked me if I was sure. She asked from where would you bring so much content to write about? And my answer was by keep on reading. There are so many talented writers on steemit and if you are a reader (and a human), you can have opinions !! That’s it!! You get your next article there!

7. You will learn the art of being attractive :-
No no, this ain't instagram where you can flaunt your selfies to grab some votes. To be attractive on steemit, you need your words to be attractive, not your face !! I wasn’t good at socialising when I came here. Steemit taught me the art of making friends. You will have no choice at the end but to make friends to grow on steemit. It is important to stay united in this platform. Individually, you ain’t s**t. 😛
Some way or the other, you will learn how to make conversations on steemit. If you don’t know how to do it, you will learn, research and keep on trying !! This is how another skill will be added to your list 😁

8. Taste failure to taste success :-
It is very important to fail many times to be successful in our lives. Steemit will help you in this once again. Being successful in the first time might boost your ego and won’t allow you to feel other people’s pain at their bad times !! It can turn you into one selfish being full of pride.
Steemit teaches you many lessons, one of which is that we need to fail many times to really understand how success feels like and to truly enjoy success when it approaches. Struggle has its own joy and importance so if you are a struggler here on steemit, be happy instead of being sad. Enjoy the journey.

Ive been thinking for weeks about a topic i want to write about. Theres just too much in my noggin amd without anybody asking for a certain piece of info my brain is judt like" /-here-" here is everything, pick something". But, i can not. And that makes me blue :(
Create several accounts maybe?
That would mean i just have multiple platforms in which i can draw a blank lol.
@jamesford, I would say, write about two to three topics that you love, let's say: criptos, food and nature. Your posts can be of value to others, especially if you have experience in any field. Sometimes we assume people already know what we know, and that is not true, everyone has something unique to share. Start posting and see what the community likes the most. Don't wait any longer, make it happen! You have nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain :)
Yeah you're right. Most times im just really quick to dismiss anything i want to share
Do it! and keep me posted.
Well i wrote something for jerrybanfield's supernatural writing contest. Not because i have a winning story but because you believed in me lol it was scary, the story and writing it, hope someone gets something out of it
Great advice. Thanks.
You make some very good points here, and I admire the work put in - plenty of content and you make good use of animated graphics to emphasise points. Our mutual friend @nainaztengra said to me that community and networking was the key to growth - and she is of course perfectly correct. And that community can take many forms, making friends, commenting and sharing on others work - supporting those struggling that you feel deserve the help - sometimes the smallest acts can make you the biggest and most fierce allies. I would say I enjoy a varied range of posts, and many people I follow can pull off a post with just a photo a few lines no problem - because they can take an amazing photo and it speaks ten chapters of text. Equally I have been amazed to discover great works of writing, @mistress lists the developing novel Mistress of Magic: Morgan's First Apprentice by @techslut and it's honestly made me remember why I enjoyed reading books when I was young. #thealliance
Exactly !! Steemit taught me to read again !! I used to read novels when I was a teenager. I left it long back due to a busy life but now it again became a habit.
and yes, some photos speaks a lot but i agree. I appreciate photographers but sometimes people just put photos because they don't want to write. Their photography tells if it was done from heart, or for formality.
Thanks for your support all along :D
Wow, this is a great article. It gives encouragement to new Steem users, or perhaps users like my self that create an account months ago, but became a little discouraged. Im not a very good writer, I don't think I know the secrets to be engaging to readers, but you give some great ideas on where else to create content and gather ideas. :) I'm going to Follow and Resteem this Article. Thanks!
I am glad I could be of some help. There are more ways incoming in the next part soon. Thanks for your comment and resteem. I followed and upvoted you :)
Thanks for the post
You're right with all your points!
Almost everyone signs up for "huge money", and that includes most of the whales, who might already be holding some big coins. As you post regularly you do tend to become a much better writer, especially after knowing what works and what doesn't - the hard way.
The biggest lesson is indeed patience! I wrote about it some time ago in my post, Steemit Teaches You One Of The Greatest Virtues
I'm staying tuned for part 2! :-)
Yes no one joins here to learn !! But god has his own way of teaching things to people. Steemit is a different kind of social media platform, a revolution !! It is completely out of the box. A big salute to @ned and @dan :D
I said it earlier in my reply to your comment at Adsactly, that I had a feeling that I might be able to learn a thing or two from you. I ended up learning 15! You're amazing. You write beautifully and from the words you wrote, there is no doubt that you are a very observant person. Of course, even in sales, people buy from you, first because they like you, then they buy again because they trust you, not because of your dazzling sales speech or your expensive teeth and certainly not because of your perfect dentition.
A basic need of humans is the need to connect and there is no better way to do that than to dig in and find something beautiful within each person you meet and show it to them, making them see that you see it too. They walk away saying, "That woman/man is nice."
Not really, you only made them feel nice. In summary, success on steemit, social media and life is based on the realization that Life is not about you. It is about us. Everyone
I mean, think about it: If you post good content, eventually people would find it and when they do, they would feel bad that they did not find you earlier. They would call their friends and loved one, "Come and see." If you sit waiting for people to come, no one will because everyone has their troubles.
It is true that people are selfish and unkind but what happens when you go all out to help one of those selfish and unkind person? Somehow, they begin to see you as an extension of themselves. I am preaching to the choir here, obviously. But what I am saying is, beautiful post: I can totally relate.
Well done!
Wow, this is so profound . I couldn't have said it better myself. This seems to encapsulate what the Steemit spirit is all about. Thank you so much :)
Thank you for your validation. I am glad you agree.
Thanks church boy. But there are only 8 points above, not 15 :P others are on its way.
Your name symbolizes so much about your mindset, I like it :)
I am sure you learned more then I wrote in my article. Your words speak so.
I post content with all my efforts into it. I sometimes know that almost no one will read it. And most of the time no one does. They still vote seeing the length of the post but I still give it my best because if only 1 person would read it, my words would actually make a big difference in his/her life.
Selfish people also can be won by being selfless. but sometimes they try to exploit us even more. I then try to stay away from them and help those who truly deserve it. It's just how I think. There are always people who DESERVE help and some who don't.
Thanks for the amazing comment. Followed you :)
Thank you. Yes you are right. There are only 8 but I did not count. Yes, not many people read the posts because not many people read. Those people who love to read, sometimes, do read. I could see the amount of effort you put in your writing because only such effort could make posts easy to read.
And yes, I have reflected on these things about steemit on my own and most of what I wrote in my previous comment were my own conclusions about the nature of things here. Having said that, I must add that steemit seems fairer than life itself. Here, you have to care somehow, or at least pretend to care or else you're easily forgotten. In life, most people can do just fine without caring or pretending to care.
You are right again that some people deserve help and others don't. The way I see it though, is that help rendered to those who do not deserve it is wasted on them because there are surplus of those who do.
Oh, and I'm only churchboy because I live beside a church. If I knew I would be spending this much time on Steemit, I would have chosen steemboy. Now I'm stuck with churchboy because I'm sure steemboy is taken :)
Thank you for taking the time to reply my comment, for checking out my blog and for the awesome support. And thanks for not holding it against me the fact that I read the post you haven't posted yet :)
You're appreciated. By the way, awesome profile on instagram and so many followers! It goes to show that you consistently post quality content across different media. Okay, I will stop here. Of course I followed you first!
Good post
This is very encouraging, thank you for sharing this, I've learned a lot...yes we have to spend time also reading others' content because there are jewels there.
Exactly. And it would only help us at last !! Thanks for your comment. I followed and upvoted you :)
Yeah, same here. I just hope I don't give up at some point cus I'm new here. I'm glad I stumbled on this😀😁😘
You are very right about that.
Thanks for such a motivational post,beginners like me will certainly benefit from it.
I am glad i could help :)
I needed to read this article to make my way throught Steemit. Who knows, someday you might have my gratittude for running across this encouraging article. I am your new follower now, and maybe your friend in the future :P
Upvoted and resteemed with pleasure 🌸
steemit is nice place to meet nice people from each corner in the world lol. keep steeming and eatning chocolate lol
Indeed Khaled. You’re one of the nicest people in the Steemit community. 🍫
thanks. glad to meet you as well
amazing post dear, thanks :) I'm feeling exactly like those words..
You nailed it.
Yes. A tortoise can never be compared with a rabbit !! But it can still win, with its persistence and willpower :D
Thank you so much for your upvote and comment :D
You read my thoughts. Very nice writing, good job :)
I've actually influenced a few other people around me to start posting on Steemit. Some of them dropped out shortly after, because they were expecting to earn lots and lots of money after their first 2 posts. They thought that they will, by magic, become popular and get lots of upvotes, even though I explained to them that it's not that simple.
Hhahahah I can relate to you with this one. It happened with me and my friends as well :p
thank you for giving me the encouragement to keep writing on steemit @himshweta, i started my journey last october and i have grown a bit but sometimes I felt lost in motivation and your post gave me the boost i needed!
Very very well written my dear friend and iam agree with each and every point that you mentioned here and especially with the "Friendship" related because this community is based on mutual support so if we want to grow here then we also have to help others to grow.
My life is changing because of steemit and the crytocurrencies world, I live in a very strange country , Venezuela, and this new world has opened new ways of life for me. It is true, this plattform is not for everyone, requieres time, discipline, learning skills and empathy, in my case I enjoy all these things. Thank you for your words, greetings from this corner of the planet!
Same here !
Just found your series here and started reading. You make some valid points. Failing is easy. All you have to do to fail is give up.
succeeding is hard. If it was easy to be successful we would all be rich. Remember the1% rule. To be successful you might have to write 100 articles just to get that one that explodes.
You might have to look at 100 companies before you find the one that is right for you.
So many people give up before they even begin. The go out and try something new and get turned down by people and even by family members and after being rejected a few times they just give up.
Be patient and enjoy the journey.
Thanks so much for sharing wrote everything i needed to hear
I will just copy this, n save somewhere
You can bookmark as well :P Or can come to my profile every few days :p. I am sure there would always be some thing or the other here to help you :D Because that is why I write :)
so true! newbee here so to be honest I decided to be a member because of MONEY real talk! but after reading this article it opens not just my eyes but also my thoughts, my way of thinking about steemit. Thank you
we as humans want quick results and success that sometimes make us too impatient but we have to keep in mind that ''Rome wasn't build in a day and ''never say never''.
Thanks for such an encouraging and motivational post...i shall remember the lesson :)
love this sooo much! so much good knowledge in this post, very inspiring and everyone should read it!
Thanks Alla :D I am trying my best to make it reach it to all possible steemians. Even Jerry Banfield helped me reach many people by resteeming it. I am feeling very much peaceful and happy to find how helpful this post is acting for everyone.
Thanks for your support :)
nice point im the new on this steemit community after spending 20days her i unable to understand what to do because by seeing others earnig and comparing with zero ther
i thought it was very hard toget that target but seeing ur points i got encourage thanks @himshweta
It is hard !!! No doubt in that. But success doesn't come easy. Better to enjoy all along the way and not to rush.
Thanks for your comment :)
This is great advice. To be honest, I do find myself getting frustrated. I feel like I am not getting the results that I should but at the same time, I am enjoying the process of improving my blogging skills. I came from an engineering background, so my style of writing might be too technical at first. I am learning and actually enjoy the process of creative writing.
As a native English speaker, I realized that I don't put enough time into improving my own lexical resources and style. This platform allows me to have fun making pretty photos and writing in a way that engages people. I have had success, thanks to curie, but now that my reputation is higher, I am expected to up my game. That isn't a problem for me. I want to find ways to improve every post but other times I really do wish I got my eyes on my posts.
I've invested a fair bit of money because I do believe in this platform. I guess it'll just take time.
This year would bring much more then expected for steemit as far as I believe !! We steemians should become an example for others to join in !!
You are lucky to be seen by curie. I never got it’s attention 😛.
I wish I could feel that joy too when u see above 90$ on your post 🙈
But it’s okay, Slow and steady tortoise can also win the race. Here you need to knock others door to view you. This comment is a way you knocked mine. I will have a look at your blog now 😋.
Thanks for your comment :) 😁 All the best.
Thanks for your nice posting!
This is really inspiring and I agree fully!
It would be so good if people realize that asking for an upvote is totally non creative and has nothing to do with sharing ideas and inspiring one another.
But maybe we must be aware of the fact that there are a lot of people out there, not capable of the kind of creative process that is necessary to "blog", but were attracted to steemit in the believe to make some quick money!
grtz, @vjbasil
Yes but it's okay. Sooner or later, those kind of people will leave !! Don't you think so?
I hope so
Wow! I'm so speechless. I'm someone that usually do not have the patience of reading a lengthy article but there is something about your article that made me read every word. I mean it's so educative, interesting, motivating and well structured that I'm ready to read it over and over again without being tired. Thumbs up for you, thanks for the great ideas and I see you're truly a writer. Keep it up
Haha :p Its because this article is made to benefit you and it is what you were looking for !! ;)
But everything I write would benefit you I assure. :) because that is the sole purpose of my writing. To help others :)
Thanks for your comment :)
Hi @himshweta, I love the perspective points you have shared here. I definitely resonate with the sentiment, as Steemit has been making my life so much better, too!
I think the part about patience and the ocean of ideas is key. This is a place where you can really explore and also begin new niches that haven't even taken a root here yet. It's a fascinating place to find oneself, especially if the intention is to participate and grow.
You understood it very well !!
Everyone needs money, i agree but the lessons steemit teaches you are priceless. :) :D
thanks for comment.
I bumped into your article at a Discord channel. I'm glad I took the time to read it. Your making some good points there.
SteemIt is changing my life too. I never used to be a community person, but these last couple of weeks it feels like I'm sucked in... and i don't even mind. There's some great community power going on in here.
Also, I've always been kind of a loner in my online life. But here on SteemIt, I notice that lots of people are reaching out, and I find myself interacting with them pretty often. I never thought I would be able to do this.
SteemIt has become a full-time job. Not because it has to be, but because I want it to be :0)
The only thing that's worrying me these days is the giant in-stream of new people who just start posting crap, without taking the time to educate themselves. Sometimes I'm scrolling the tag streams and it seems impossible to find a quality post. With the prices of SBD and Steem this high, more and more people are going to sign up and 90% of them is going to start posting crap... I'm a bit worried that this will eventually lead to the death of this platform...
Nah don't worry !!! Steemit will find a way I am sure :D
Just keep supporting the good content, the bad ones will automatically leave sooner or later ;)
I don't remember how or why I ended up here in your post, but as you know that's also part of this wonderful platform, magical things happen, yes magical.
One of the things I kinda hate here on Steemit (and I know you will feel familiar with the feeling too) is when you read something from someone and it's really cool and you actually enjoyed it but there is no almost no way of just saying "thanks for sharing" and not looking like vote begging or just plain random commenting, and the feeling goes evn bigger when you are not a writer or content creator BUT, and then it comes this huge BUT, is that whenever you start commenting and you truly liked the post (as it happened to me) the connection between you and the post starts flowing, ideas come and you connect SOMEHOW with the OP.
Don't know maybe it's just me, but honestly, I am no writer, I am a businessman, an investor but its totally true when you said "Steemit will help you upgrade to a better version of yourself." it's is so true at least for me.
Anyways, great post, keep them coming and I think you forgot to link the gifts in your post.
Wish you the best!
Haha. This comment of yours says so much!! You might not be a writer but we all have something to say!! We all have our opinions!!
That’s what steemit do to u!! Brings out what’s all inside you. Yes it happens with everyone. People will start loving this platform no matter what because it’s giving them so much and they would realise it only if they don’t give up.
Yes i had to link the gifs. Thanks for reminding. I will have a look at your blog now 😋.
Thanks for going to my blog I'm kinda newbie here and i started to participate again like 3 weeks ago. I feel happy i came back, i have learned a lot and now we have more great people like you!
Thats so sweet of you to say :)
Nice write-up. As a newbie, you answered some of my questions. I consider this write-up as an orientation of some sorts, introducing me to steemit plus I can see that we have some common interest. I'm following you right away. Thanks for the enlightenment.
Nice article. I came to Steemit with no expectations at all. Within a month I was lucky enough to discover some incredible people who opened up to me and welcomed me in such a warm way that made me feel like a family. I am looking forward to seeing where this journey will take me.
Great post! Your gifs give me life! This may sound like a silly question, but how in the world do you insert your gifs? Everytime I attempt it only comes out like a picture. T ~ T
well i just upload it the way i upload pictures. And they do fine.
What an amazing post! I totally agree with everypoint. Well written
I find this post to be very helpful in every sense,i joined steemit through a friend and i just wanted to make it big on a very fast terms but it don't work like that,i haven' been here for more than two weeks and i got over 300 posts which is insane,i typically just comment on anything and that took out the quality of my work which may be what's affecting my bandwidth limit,it just goes from negative to positive every now and then.
I saw this link via discord and the caption was nice very nice in fact and that was what led me here and i've learnt few things from here,thanks alot and i will be watching out for the part two.
Thank you for sharing this great insight ,great content and I really appreciate all the effort you put together, we all do. PATIENCE sounds like the major key , only key. Patiently waiting on the other part.
Thanks for your comment :)
Every single word of yours are on point, before I got to steemit I do really find it so difficult to read any post that contains much words but now I read them all with calmness.
very true! To be honest, I decided to become a Beginner because of the true talk of MONA! but after reading this article, it opens not only my eyes but also my thoughts about how to think about steemite. thank you
Thank you for you info.
Wow! Kudos to u. U av said it all, i was almost discouraged, like posting things & having few votes, gosh... it was so annoying & i felt like quiting, but now I'll just be patient. Thanks for ur words of encouragement
being patient is not enough. You will also have to try different things, and experiment WHILE being patient.
All the best to you. :)
Hi @himshweta Thanks for your thoughtful words. I am also around since last September and "keeping on keeping on". My main postings are photographs and generally that does not really create much engagement and few votes and comments.
I would like to write more. Though for me it will need a re-ordering of my practice.
I have spent forty years in the corporate world writing, documents, memos, procedures, presentations and training courses.
That doesn't fit me well for the blogging style.
So I have some work to do. Any thoughts you have would be welcome.
think about what you can write about the best. Can you teach what u know to others? Start tutorials !! Just use your 40 years of experience. I am sure there will be more then you can imagine.
thanks for your comment. Keep visiting
well, Steemit is good on testing yourself with words mainly. If you are not good with words is like being ugly at Instagram
lol HAHAHA. that was funny and true :p
I loved this. I'm already noticing a few differences and some improvement in my writing even after just one week on here. Of course it's disappointing to spend hours on a post and not have anyone read it, but I am using that as a lesson in patience, like you said.
Yes !! But also you will have stuff to show to people if someone asks for it !! Like someone u know already, not on steemit. I only write the best possible i can or i dont write at all .
Thanks for ur comment. Keep visiting :)
I'm so lucky I get to read this post. I'm a new member here and every article or blog I write is somehow unnoticed and unappreciated. I felt discourage from time to time. I keep in mind that my introductory post was somehow appreciated and i guess i need to improve my writing skills or my art skills more so i wont go unnoticed again. But heyyy, failure lurks just around the corner. If ever i have something to post, sometimes, i doubt if i should post it or not. Im thinking if its a post worth checking or reading, or just another crap in their feeds. Reading this post made me realize that im just not the only one struggling to sharpen their skills. It gave me confidence that its okay to have a very slow start. What's important is the process on how we improve ourselves until such time, we'll get benefit from it. Thank you very much for this post!
INTroductory post is always the most noticed. May be that’s why people have hopes . Hehe
Try to make ur post, the best u can !! Dont fear criticism , only fear NOT IMPROVING after being criticized.
Yes keep moving thats only what’s required!! There is always a scope for improvement even when u r the best
Thabks for comment keep visiting :)
Thank you for your post! It's really touched me. Especially part about being sociable, because for me it is a struggle... I am not good at socializing and I grateful to your for your advices which I personally find really helpful.
Waiting for your next part :)
Glad i could help.
Thanks for your comment.
Next part will be out soon :)
Reading someone like you who have same interest as me is a huge inspiration. Hope to sail in the same path. And I want to learn lot from you. Thank you for being there to help us.
The urge to LEARN will take u far, trust me ☺️
Thanks for ur comment :)
This is absolutely spot on.
I am new to steemit, and believe it or not, not for the money.
Although there is a certain attraction to it of course ;)
I love these tips. I can totally relate to it and it is a nice set of "game rules" to start with.
Love to see that you are here for only 6 months and already make this kind of lay out articles.
I hope to learn and evolve on this platform which struck me as " more mature than any other platform I know"
And that is what kept me here after making my account.
Hope to see and of course read more from you, and again, thanks for sharing these insights with us.
Glad to be on board on the steemit train

YEs only 6 months but totally feels like my old life was years ago! My life has completely changed !!
It is mature right noe but soon more people will aboard crowding the platform. Lets see how it all goes !!
All my pleasure. Keep visiting :)
Very helpful, thanks. Something to start thinking about as I am unemployed and have lots of spare time on my hands :) Alex
Go for it. I was on the same page once. Steemit gave me a chance to fulfill my dreams 🤗.
Thanks for ur comment. Keep visiting.
Great article! Really drives home the idea of helping others before helping yourself and what an amazing platform we are all part of.
Your comment is Short but sassy !!
Thanks for that ;) Keep visiting.
It's just been a week when I came to know about this platform. Firstly, I want to say a lot of thanks for writing such a motivational, beautiful and satisfying post which no doubt is really an absolute guidance to beginners. Secondly, I must compliment your writing skills, how beautifully and concisely you wrote everything which can make any reader bound to read till the end. Thank you so much once again. Though my SP is too low still I'm upvoting this post and resteeming it as well.
@abdulmanan I encourage to read this post, please.
You have no idea how long did it take me to learn it all . Hehe. Glad you liked it. Thanks for resteeming voting and commenting.
Keep visiting here for more amazing stuff ;)
Oh my, what a great post. And all the point you made point to success in general with everything. Your description is so perfect, total common sense, and a great encouragement for all of us.
Thanks shevans. Glad it made sense to you. Keep visiting for more helpful stuff.