Last month, confirmed that several million accounts were hacked on the social media website and user data was stolen. It came to know yesterday that in reality, 29 million accounts were affected and details like name, school, college, personal contact and more were stolen. The firm says that it is already working with the FBI to check whether any other service has been affected or not and how deep the situation is. However, by then it has also been revealed that the team will reach those whose accounts were hacked.
Facebook has said it will send messages to users who have been hacked and will tell them what information was actually taken. Although it has not yet happened, you can still check whether your account is affected and what information was stolen.
Here’s how you can test:
Step 1: Open Facebook on the desktop and go to the Facebook Help Center ( website.
Step 2: Scroll to the bottom of the page and look for the sub-topic ‘Is my Facebook account affected by the security issue?’
If your account was hacked, it will be said under sub-subject matter, “Yes, on the basis of what we have learned in our investigation, the attackers have access to the following Facebook account information” followed by ‘name’, ’email After the addresses’, ‘phone number’ and texts It also states that the information was not stolen by the attackers.
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