Steemit Tips for Successful Blogging.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)


Steemians Write in Your Native Language to Achieve Your Greatest Impact.

I have noticed many fellow Steemit users doing a disservice to their blog and the community. Each and every one of you have something to offer the community but when you write your post in broken English it ruins the message you are trying to get across. I know it seems like you need to write in English to be successful on Steemit but this is a fallacy.

Users Who Write in Their Native Languages are Doing Very Well.

Here are examples of some users not writing in English yet are still having success on Steemit.

  1. Korean @abdullar related tag kr
  2. Spanish @AnaHilarski related tag Spanish
  3. Indonesian @masriadi related tag Indonesia
  4. Chinese @oflyhigh related tag cn
  5. German @lichtblick related tag deutsch
  6. Chinese @htliao related tag cn

If Your language is not seen on Steemit why not be the one who starts building your language community? Remember that Steemit communities are coming to the platform soon, so why not start building your language community today? You can start out by utilizing tags.

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Makes a lot of sense my friend, thanks for the tip.

I have learnt a lot here during the last three months. My vocab has increased and grammer is also improved. I don't see anything wrong about writing in english here. If we don't try, we won't learn anything.

Nope, not gonna happen lol. I'm also here to learn the language... so the more you practice, the better your speech becomes.

English is not your first language, @yaan? You write well enough that I had no idea. :)

Nah, it is very bad compared to a native speaker ;)

You might be surprised by how bad most people's English writing skills are here in the USA. ;-)

If it were not for your handle, I would have assumed you were a native English speaker. haha

I love to learn more languages too ^^

well said

ColorChallenge — TuesdayOrange — Pieces of the Sun@hilarski, I need in Your advice, please. I badly write in English? Better to write in Russian? For example, these posts are easy to read?

Fifty Word Story Contest Week #21... NEW... Are You Ready for the NEW?

Great idea! I noticed several posts the other day written in the broken English and thought to myself what a shame it was, as I was certain the individuals were quite literate, but came off as sounding uneducated. I felt badfor them. Also just today I saw a post from an author writing in the Czech language. I think best to publish in your native language then translate if you so desire. Kudos to all the native language authors!!

Cheers to them!

100% upvote for you Sir!

Thank you Brotha!

I wish you a great weekExcellent post dear friend @hilarski, very good advice

Great idea. Definitely something to think about.

This is so true! People think that English is the almighty language because that's what most people speak on Steemit. Although the truth is every language is just as important. By writing in your own native language, you are creating that niche for everyone else to join you and share your experiences. Steemit is a community to connect EVERYONE, not just English speakers. If we want to expand worldwide, we need to have people from all walks of life. That's what will separate Steemit from every other platform out there. Thanks for sharing :)

I can do it in my native language but I only met 2 people so far

thats a good point with writing in your native language, there is always more finesse and sensitivity when you use your everyday language.
altough steem still operates in 90 % in english and it seems like english will dominate steem at least for the next months

I could see Steem having an auto-translate feature in the future so writing in your native tongue is the way to go.

First Google needs to make Google Translate perfect.

Let's start it from here maybe people who use the same language as I do can see my comment. สวัสดีครับ คนไทยติดตามมานะครับ เดี๋ยวพาสร้างสังคมใหม่

That looks like Thai.

It definitely is. How can you tell? Have you been to Thailand before?

Excelente Post y muy cierto lo que dices.. Saludos..

I guess it depends, I am a native Spanish speaker so obviously I will write better in Spanish than in English, on the other hand I like practicing English so I prefer to post in English. Also you have to admit that by a huge margin you will target the largest segment of users by writing in English.
I guess the people who write in broken English have the same idea so I see nothing wrong in them trying to post in English, I guess a solution would be posting the same article in their native language and also in English?
Another thing about Spanish is it uses a lot of accents, I don't know how to type these vocals with the accent tilde, and apart from that I am not so good with accents so in fact my Spanish even though I have very good spelling has that flaw.

All great people to follow! I need to start learning to write in Korean again lol

The Korean community is strong!

I heard around 50% on steemit... hmmm, Ill get my mom blogging haha

You always put out some great post, this is very important so i will resteem

I see a lot of posts on here that I can tell were ran through Google Translate and they're difficult, if not impossible to read. I know they're trying to target the largest segment of users, but omg their posts are incomprehensible and that isn't the way to get upvotes. I wish they would feel comfortable writing in their native language. Eventually all communities on here will grow. :)

Practice make perfect lol...

This will help to connect with lots of people with same interest thank's @hilarski for these tags

Yeah I agree and don't agree. I think if you are practicing your English, cuz your learning it then maybe you should try doing English in steemit. But if not then go ahead and write in your native language. Nice tip tho!

Great Info Sir @hilarski, btw thanks to sharing.

I would encourage people to write in both their native language and English, but with the warning that machine translation (such as and usually mangles grammar, syntax and meaning for anything more complex than subject-verb-object (Mary saw John).

I'm an EFL teacher in China, and I speak from painful experience.

Good post ! Actually it is one of the many reason i had the vision of making the #Greek-Trail and group up with other fellow Steemians to build & setup the Greek community !

GO for it! I think it will take a little work but if you build it they will come.

Actually i am ON it ! Still need lot of work but we will make it ! at #Greek-Trail we have post the first sample of statistics after the flyer hand out

This is great! People should be encouraged to write in their own language instead of English!! It will help to spread Steemit in those communities too!
@rlamasb and @andyluy time for you guys to start writing in Portuguese and tagging Portuguese and Brazil :) get more Brazilians on here :)

That is a fair point.. I've seen a lot of posts written in 2 languages that do pretty good too. Even some that regularly use google translate for the english part(which is terrible and makes it unreadable) but still make hundreds of dollars on their posts.

I will have to try this. Great post tho

Pls follow me @jakemore. Check out my first post.. Counting on your support. Thanks

Just an FYI, it looks to me like htliao is writing in Chinese and for the Chinese community under the tag cn, not in Japanese.

Good tips man, I have also noted that many people write their header in English and the rest in the local language. Do you think that is more successful?

That actually annoys me...

yeah, it looks a little weird

It is not only annoying but kind of a dishonorable upvote-bait strategy about International community? At least using two language..own language and English :)

Definitely, writing in your native language is good because if you don't, you're cutting out the very people who live in your community, that only speak your language. But, I absolutely love seeing interesting posts from different countries, so adding translation at the bottom would be a great place to practice your English or use Google translator instead if you don't want spelling errors. Great post @hilarski!

I would offer an addition -- post in both languages. To Randy's point, if you want to expand the growth of your own blog, posting in your native language is going to result in your highest potential rewards!

Cheers & Happy Steeming!

I love it that @anahilarski posts in Spanish even though my reading ability is not very good.

It makes the most sense to post in the language of your audience, yes? If you want your audience to be mostly Spanish and you are fluent in it like Ana, then post in Spanish.

If you want your audience to be English even if you are not a native English speaker, you are better off posting in English, right? I love how you two work as a team too. One of you covers the Spanish market, and the other the English one!

I don't mind the posts in other languages, but I honestly do not look at them much. The only ones I do look at are Spanish, and that's because I'm currently learning it as a second language.

I always bet on my strengths and Ana definitely feels more comfortable writing in Spanish.

Makes sense! (Putting your effort into your natural talents and passions). ;-)

Great post Sir, upvote and followed you Sir.

English is so difficult, I will stick with the Aussie language.

Thanks for encouraging us to write in our language. It is a difficult decision, I feel that writing in English is not only a matter of "being successful" but being capable to reach greater audiences and be part of a greater conversation.

I mean, it is true that some of us have a better punch in our native language and this would help to diversify and enlarge the steem community. BTW, good luck to @anahilarski in her endeavor to write for the Spanish speaking community

Thanks for the tips my friend :)

The community here is very ripe with opportunity!

I would love to write in dutch, the only thing is that there are only a handfull of steemians speaking dutch. And I am scared if I write only in dutch that my english speaking followers will unfollow me.

Very good point. I never really thought about this but your point is well taken.

One of the reasons that I am on Steemit is that I want to improve my english.
Practice is a good teacher. I think that on Steemit are a lot o people in this case.
Including me :)

great post!

Wow nice ..i like you

Nice in Spanish xD

you have reason but I do not agree. Even we speak pool language,but we still wanna tell something from our posts. You can make people understand more about your country,about tradition,about culture,about language,etc.

I want you to succeed. Sure, post a few to enlighten us but make your focus your own language for long term success.

Very good advice in this post. Thanks for sharing and bringing value to the Steemit community.

I'm reading a lot of posts in two languages (I only read one). I see uneven results in translation, but I'm still glad to see the posts.

I'm thinking there must be people in each language who could offer translation services here with the steemgigs tag and maybe that would help.

That would be a money maker for the translator and a help to the content creator.

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