How to Promote Steemit on Linkedin

in #steemit8 years ago

Leveraging LinkedIn to Help Promote Steemit and Your Blog Posts.

If you are in business or in the job market you know that LinkedIn is one of the top social media platforms and is the King of social for professionals. I have personally landed to much business over the years from LinkedIn. I also know that this is one of the profiles people visit when they want to know more about me. Since I am a very public person I leave my profiles open for all to view. If you are building a personal brand online I recommend you do the same.

Today I Want to Teach You How to Optimize Your Linkedin for Steemit Promotion.

Your LinkedIn profile is your online resume. Your profile should be as professional as possible. You just never know who is going to stop by and visit.

Tips for Steemit Promotion

  1. Add Steemit Blogger to Your Subtitle. If you want the check marks on your profile also, just copy and paste from mine.

  1. Repost some of your Steemit articles to the blogging section of Linkedin. Make sure to give credit to your original post on Steemit. Example How My Love for Blogging Returned Thanks to Steemit..

  1. Connect and Endorse Your Fellow Steemians. Head on over to my Linkedin and send me a request to connect. When Linkedin asks how we met select business. Once I approve I will head to your profile and endorse you for skills. Make sure to add as one of your skills and put it near the top. Randy Hilarski on LinkedIn

  1. Post your blog posts to LinkedIn. This seems easy but you will be surprised how many people don't utilize their Linkedin for promotion of their content. Make sure they are professional especially if you have plans to use LinkedIn to find a job or promote your business.

Take advantage of every opportunity to spread your content across the internet. I think of myself as a Johnny Appleseed of social media. I toss seeds of Steemit all across the internet.

Connect with Me on LinkedIn


I created a Klout account because of your post talking about it. I already knew about klout but I had never been there. I then proceeded to link my linkedin to my klout account. It's then that I thought I should be posting my Steem post to linkedin. I'll check it out later. Thanks.

Building a spider web of links across the internet is the name of the game. Klout is a great way to measure your effectiveness. Thank you for your support.

I meant to comment with my main account. ; )

That's something I will implement asap!

That's a great idea! Thanks for sharing!

No problem Brotha! Connect and spread the love, rinse and repeat.

Tweeted here, feel free to RT.

RandyHilarski Randy Hilarski tweeted @ 15 Dec 2016 - 14:30 UTC

How to Promote @Steemit on @Linkedin by @RandyHilarski #SocialMedia

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Upvoted, Followed, Resteemed! Thank you again for your work please keep it up!

I am in it for the long term. Thank you for the help!!

Great post, thanks for your tips!
We were just looking into ways of how to promote steemit posts on LinkedIn because it's a really powerful tool for B2B marketing.

Especially for companies like you guys. Thank you for the support and make sure to connect with me there so I can share your posts and content.

Thanks a lot! We would definitely connect with you!

You always have quality post my friend. I appreciate it.

No problem Michael, I want all of us to succeed.

I really need to go and update all of my social media sites - which is quite a daunting task...especially since I really haven't been paying any attention to them since joining Steemit. LOL

I would start with LI and whatever one ranks the highest for you when you do a Google search. Then work your way down.

hmm... Facebook, LinkedIn then Twitter in that order.Of course, on the sidebar my Google+ profile is showing but I think google is a little biased of its own. lol.
I think this may have to be my weekend project. Thanks for the tips and the reminder that the other social media sites still exist with a potential huge following.

great tips @hilarski I just added you to my Linkedin and followed you here, thanks so much. I live next to you in Costa Rica, cheers mate. 😃