Are You Struggling to Find Your Blogging Cadence on Steemit?
Every day I have people tell me that they are going to get started on Steemit. As I say great, welcome aboard, in the back of my mind I know that their chance of success is tiny. Read my article "Pareto's Principle on Steemit". The thing is that blogging and especially successful blogging needs to be a habit.
What is a Habit?
How I Formed My Blogging Habit.
- I made a commitment to write once a day, at a minimum, for a year.
- I made a mental contract with my wife. Someone I am accountable to.
- I set a goal of earning a certain amount of Steem.
- I write even when I don't feel like it.
- I constantly take mental notes of articles that I should write.
- I am always on the look out for topics.
- I find joy in it.
This is How I Look When I Blog. Passion is 90% of The Battle.

If Blogging is Not Your Passion Then Don't Do It.
- If you are a photographer then share photo's. @Sunscape is a good example.
- If you are an artist then share your art. @Opheliafu is a good example.
- If Vlogging is your skill set then do that. @Exyle is a good example.
See we each have our skill sets but each of the people above have formed a habit of creating in the format that they enjoy.
Randy How Long Do You Commit to Each Blog Post?
This one took me 20 minutes. I could literally write 10 times a day but I also have a business to run. Once you form the habit it gets easier and easier to extract your ideas and put them into blog format. The key is to start. The next step is building a following and that folks is a whole other topic!
Thank you very much for sharing these tips.
I wish you a great dayHow many reasons do you have in this post dear friend @hilarski, I totally share your words, many arrive thinking only about the money that can be earned, without thinking about the sacrifice and commitment that is being here.
I love it.
To tell you the truth I never blogged before or even liked any social media and I'm still not in huge favor of it.
But once I joined Steemit, it all changed. I love this platform and how it changes peoples lives and you meet amazing, amazing people from around the world.
I am seriously addicted to this platform and like you said if you don't like what you are doing, you will never succeed. You have to find passion in whatever you are doing in order for you to succeed.
I try to put at least one post a day, every day and like you said it is getting a bit easier and I'm always on the lookout for new ideas and reading and learning from other posts.
I would say consistency, patients and passion are the huge factors that will make you succeed here on this platform.
Consistency and engagement pays off here.
This article helped me a lot to understand how to succeed on steemit.
Thanks Randy, you're explaining straight to the point.
Good advice. Advice that I am trying very hard to heed in my own life. I always seem to find excuses, but at the end of the day, they are just excuses. Thank you for sharing!
Guy you motivate me!
So you say I shouldn’t worry if, after 2 weeks, I get maximum 2-3 upvotes per each post, is it? ;-)
I’m joking, of course.
I don’t have a habit yet.
I’m able to write a 500 words article in Italian, my native language, in about 10 minutes.
They are 20 minutes in English.
Time is not a problem.
The problem is I find hard to write such short posts, I always end up with long form posts that I’m not able to write each day so long articles that get no traction.
Furthermore, I’m still looking for my own storytelling format: it means I often feel unsatisfied of my posts, so I take many pauses looking for the right inspiration.
I think I should write and publish something each day, no matter whether I like the end product or not.
What do you think about it?
You have to network and do what you did right here. I don't recall seeing your profile before and it says you just started in January 2018. Put in the effort and get rewarded. You are new and missed the struggle we went through over the last few years. Your struggle will be getting noticed. Good Luck and we will see if you are still around after 3 months.
Thank you for your honest and sincere feedback. Much appreciated!
Staying consistent will be a challenge, a real proof of will for me.
In the meantime I’m replacing my time on Facebook with time spent here.
See you in 3 months, then! (Maybe) ;-)
Don't mind friend, following this life is changed on Steemit. How I Formed My Blogging Habit.
I made a commitment to write once a day, at a minimum, for a year.
I made a mental contract with my wife. Someone I am accountable to.
I set a goal of earning a certain amount of Steem.
I write even when I don't feel like it.
I constantly take mental notes of articles that I should write.
I am always on the look out for topics.
I find joy in it.
Why do you just copy some part of the original post???
Just wanted to highlight it.
Thank you so much for the mention @hilarski wonderful son that you are. I am so happy that I listened to all you encouragement, suggestions and inspiration on staying the course even when sometimes you don't feel like it. I have made it my number 1 #habit to post daily. Thanks to you I have found a creative way to share some of my passion here on #steemit Great post son!
I have a blogging habit too and i feel passion sharing important info and somethings of my life or my skills in a post. Day with day i want to improve my skills as blogger in order to share useful content with people, i always have a open window for steemit :). Regards
you need to fall in love with the platform in order to succed
@hilarski I noticed that when I go back through people that I have followed sometime during the past year or so, I can thin out the herd because so many just walk away..........Everyone should do that if they get a chance Lions like to thin out the herd. Be a Lion participate in your success everyday !
Pareto's Principle is a law that can't be undone.
Thanks., It was good to read you. I restart
Yes consistency + persistency + commitment = Success on steemit.
Absolutely. If you are passionate about something you'll always be inspired and will find content. Commitment and perseverance will get you out of the "minnow" mode
"As I say great, welcome aboard, in the back of my mind I know that their chance of success is tiny."
@hilarski - You know I won't let you down, right? 😒 😁
You have a history so your chances are much higher. Keep it up.
Thanks! I genuinely appreciate your support!
Blogging is my passion and I'm glad you gave us these tips. I try to post every day and comment on the posts I like.
You are right:
Randy you are such a true inspiration and i know one thing that gets to you is watching how many of us don't help ourselves... i watch myself consistently rebel against (my own joy of) posting on steemit and procrastinate thinking i never have enough time to do anything decent...yet i tell 20 people a week YOU GOTTA DO STEEMIT, i dont fucking do it myself, so thanks (again) for sharing your secrets to success, I guess I just need a wife
Thank you for stopping by Elissa! Hugs from Panama!
at first i was a terrible writer..But after starting blogging here i feel like i am improving myself..i have learnt alot because of this platform..this is the best place
hahahahahahahahaha happy to see kermit in you :P so cute when you focus on one thing.
Yes, you stated it correctly. #steemit is another set but greater than facebook social media. The platform is still in infant stage though but the ideas are keep on coming.
Contribution from #steepshot #Dlive and with collaboration of everything is in perfect rhythm.
Once you find your forte it will be a knock-out punch your success. As my mentor told me, "never too late to learn something. As you read your book of expertise and by the time opportunity knocks, you will come out hungry for success."
Thanks for sharing. God bless @hilarski
I agree with you so much that it has to be something you love. For a lot of people it just isn't there thing. You have to find your niche that you become passionate about. Doesn't mean not everyone can join Steemit...but some users may stick to engaging with other's posts instead of creating their own content.
I have never been a blogger but since I got on the Steemit platform I have started. At first it took me awhile to get in a habit but like yourself I have been committed and do daily posts where I analyze market trends as well as give updates on current cryptocurrency news. I realized that I need to choose something that I need to work on or would like to learn as it forces me to learn alongside my readers and followers. Thanks for the article loved the read and keep up the good work.
I do have it now, finally! Thanks to you Randy! For kicking my ass years ago...i finally got it :D
Yes, the important thing is to say what we feel and it does not matter if we do not succeed, I will try and try to have to succeed one day Thank you for the wonderful post
Great post sir...Really i like your post..thanks for sharing your blog.. @hilarski
its very easy to run out of steam if its not a habit and blog on things that you love, it will lessen the burden
Thanks for the information and very useful. thanks for sharing,

100% like and resteem
my favorite habit that I have formed this year, by far, is this blog. I went from blogging very inconsistently and even taking a year break to posting several times each week
Hey thanks for the inspiration @hilarski. I have been here over half a year and I love it! My things is commenting on blogs and engaging in that way, however I want to actually blog on a regular basis. I am not a writer by nature but want to get to that place. Sounds like you hit the sweet spot. Have a great week!
wonderful post! I endeavor to discover a point that I can shape different posts about and I go in stages. As a not as much as tried and true lead I will encounter a few days with sports posts, by then some days on thing surveys, and now my fixation is all things considered news and authoritative issues.

Yeah, I believe steemit is not just about earning few bucks but also trying to be interactive, get to meet new people and also show what one is made up of. In short, steemit is a platform everyone should adapt and get into. Go steemit!!
That's right, writing a blog here is the old one of the best habits that you should have. Firstly - it's useful when you write a blog, you reflect and so your brain develops. And secondly - it's useful for your wallet, because the daily writing of blogs will give you a certain circle of followers.
Find your topic, which you will develop every day. But the main thing that I think is especially important is not the number of blog posts, but their quality.
You can write 10 uninteresting messages that no one will read, and you can write one good and quality message - which will bring you money.
Thank you, good article
I 100% resonated with the way you think!
I followed you and I am waiting to read more from you @frank1in
this encourages me to set a similar goal! thanks for the tips <3
Good advice for a new blogger. Passion is essential to be succeed in our goal of life. I can't blog well but I read others blog . it help me to enrich my knowledge.
@hilarskiThis’s s hat we newbies need. Great step by step totorial “How To Forme Blogging Habit.”
Great post! I try to find a topic that I can write multiple posts about and I go in phases. Sometimes I will spend several days with sports posts, then some days on product reviews, and now my obsession seems to be news and politics.
I definitely agree that you need to make a deliberate attempt to make this a habit if you want to be successful.
It is hard to get going but once a habit is formed it is so much easier.
But once more, it is fun!!I did the #challenge30days last November, where I posted at least one post a day for a 30 days period. That helped we to get into the habit of writing, and now I just keep on doing it anyways. As soon as work finishes I start writing and I have to confess it is fun!! But I need more than 20 minutes, I write in German too and English isn't my native language!
Your committed yourself for a year, I'm taking my hat!! I hope I can follow ;)
See, you were accountable to the challenge.
My problem is I want to write... mini in-depth books with great illustrations. And the great illustration takes a day in itself.
I have not found a balance that will allow me to get something out there each day.
My best idea is to turn the illustration into a much more quick sketch looking, unpolished piece. I am practising that.
I miss your articles on $200 promotion... but, the promotion is really just getting out their each day.
Images are a whole other story. I just taught myself pic monkey. Illustrations on the other hand are much more difficult.
Nice tips Mr. Hilarski; Especially for those who are new to blogging and Steemit, I'm working on a steemit academy project in order to cover these little details that in the end makes your blogging experience an easier one. Cheeers!
This is so funny ! I have just write (for my book about Blogging on Steem) the exact same subject :-) Just finished 5 minutes ago LOL :-) We are connected ;-)
I explained there that I created a routine (every sunday for 4 hours I write one or two post).
I also do Batching (write or shoot severals videos in a row).
My passion is blogging and I don't have another things to do than it so... :)
How I Formed My Blogging Habit.
Those are very useful tips! Actually I am writing 3 articles per day! I know I am earning nothing comparing to others! But I am keep writing :D@hilarski,
Luckily for me, I actually really enjoy blogging. It's something I've done for a few years away from the Steemit platform. Although I'm really new here, I'm finding it relatively easy to be motivated to post. I perhaps need to post more blogs than I do, as I've found myself spending much more time in the comment sections of other peoples' posts!
True, blogging is a habit, and I am trying to build one.
I have failed in it multiple times but I come back and try again.
You've mentioned some great habits in there that can definitely help people overcome the 'wall' so to speak. Setting goals, forcing yourself to write and mental contracts are all good and fine, but the last point you touched on I think is the most important. If you don't enjoy doing something, you aren't going to do it for very long if you're not receiving enough rewards. Just like in a 9-5 job, if the pay does not outweigh the burden of being there, it's never going to work out.
So, to avoid this burnout, join a group, dig into a topic that interests/excites you, network, network, network. I have had the most success commenting and being genuine on other peoples posts rather than through my own content creation, and that's fine with me.
Like you said, not all of us are bloggers, but I do believe that there is a place for all of us here on the platform
Wow! @jasonshick I think this was the most genuine comment I've seen on Steemit. Even though you don't blog that often, I would love to read your stuff in the future!
I think we all have something to offer, whether it be through writing, networking and encouraging comments. I look at this platform as a team, Some individual players are better than others but every person on the team has something they can contribute
Exactly! Just curious, are you an entrepreneur?
I have an entrepreneurial mind, but I am currently employed
I think it won't be much until you'll start your own venture!
Indeed, you have the right mindset, so you should really try once you feel ready for it!
PS: I am here to support with everything I can!
I like sticking to a handful to topics. It makes it easier. Your followers will definitely thank you.
Those people who write about everything are so annoying. You follow them for a great article on a subject thinking you'll see more of that but their next 10 posts are just dumb shit and news. Appreciate you sticking on what you know and are best at ;)
A Spanish blogger taught me "When you're not inspired, or do not feel like writing, blog with your feet". Going for a walk can activate your creativity and change your mood.
So... you and your wife are psychic? ;)
Yes, I can read her mind. It saves me many headaches.
I never thought of it like this but this is pretty funny :D
Blogging is what you do with passion , it is the expression of your feeling your learning and experiences :)
Great work sir :)
That's pretty cool to know thanks for the tips by the way, have a nice..
I personally find that choosing the orientation of my site and sticking to it is the most difficult. Followed and Resteemed.
Wow, that's a fantastic post. It is very motivational for me. I agree that the key for success is persistence and once, the one is into blogging, vlogging or other topic and regularly posts, even if he doesn't earn that much. He will get the ideas what to be posting and slowly more and more people will follow him because of his patience.
Also, as an additional point, posting often increases you the ability of writing and expressing your ideas so in time you will be more efficient to share your thoughts, your articles will become better and from that point you have just one way to go: