SteemSwap - Like Craigslist for STEEM

in #steemit8 years ago


I am working on a website that will act as a marketplace/ directory for STEEM and SBD.



If you have a service you would like to offer or something you would like to sell in exchange for STEEM/SBD you can post an ad



If you have STEEM/SBD and would like to spend it without having to convert it to another currency you can search for things for sale, pay for services and post wanted ads if you are looking for something specific.

Ultimately, I would like for it to act as a craigslist style classified ad, business directory site. I should have it ready for people to start posting in the next couple of days.

There are 2 pages

Great! Suggestion: use steempayments and maybe consider hosting the ads on the blockchain? Eg publish all ads via the user "steemswap" and serve them from that place. Also "validate" users via memo and this way you can link tomstewmit for others to "verify" the seller (and buyers for that matter)

Excellent. I have been waiting for someone to do this. Thanks.

It looks like the steemit will gonna be really big and important thing in the future.

Dude you're going to be rich!!!!!!!

I was totally going to do this same thing. Glad you beat me to it. Saves me some work lol.

I had the same idea, but I'm not a coder and didn't know where to begin. Good luck with this highlite.

great idea... can only help the value of steemit!

I've been meaning to make a video expressing how direly needed something like this is. Establishing an economy in STEEM (that is, people buying and selling otherwise valuable goods and services with STEEM as the currency) is one of the biggest steps we can take to keep Steem alive long-term. Also, as my "Why Money is Valuable" video alludes to, it could also be a surprisingly powerful driver for positive societal change as well.

Thank you, @highlite, for taking on this project.

First of all, amazing idea.

If you are taking suggestions, may I add:

  • accepting btc as well as Steem/SD (in order to bring new folks into the Steemit world)
  • setting up an escrow service as part of the site

I am definitely thinking about the escrow thing in the future, I also considered featuring BTC but for the moment my main focus is on STEEM and helping to build the economy.

Imagine people converting BTC to STEEM to purchase instead of the other way around.

I think thats the right approach. As long as they can input btc from your site, then you dont necessarily have to "take" btc for the transactions AND you are still bring folks into the Steemit process

It sounds pretty cool. Will you be doing any marketing other than posting about it online etc.? I think the biggest issue will be to get a 'flow' going with the amount of offers/customers. I also think the odds of similar services existing out there is quite large. Best of luck to you anyways! :)

Once it's up and running, the first step is to get the current community using STEEM as a method of payment instead of converting it to another form of currency. I am not really thinking about how to monetize at this point, just hoping to strengthen the currency.

@highlite Great, but I'm afraid some people might use it to post fake listing and con people into paying steem for nothing. I hope you'll think about that too.

The reputation system should take that into account. You have to be careful with people who have a low reputation, but you could sell more expensive items to those with a high reputation and have a dispute center that would show how many times a user didn't receive the goods they wished to.

A buyer must give the money and then the seller send it. They should be required to have a tracking number on the item sent if it is above a certain dollar amount. The seller then becomes the one who needs to be trusted and not the buyer as they have already given the money.

Since it is visible on the blockchain, if a seller has 3 unresolved flags on their account, maybe their account should be frozen until they resolve any differences with the buyer.

Well, that sounds quite well planned. I hope everything works out well.

Big thumbs up for this! Looking forward to having this site when you get it done.

I love this idea! I tried to post a similar idea that may be of help to anyone wishing to investigate into it further. I wanted to create a platform more like ebay, but craigslist seem to make much more sense due to the low cost. Buying and Selling on Steemit


I care less about who gets more money for implementing the idea, and more about the future value it will bring to steemit as a whole, by being a gateway into the platform for those with no interest in blogging.

Maybe they will enjoy curating content or just reading, but a marketplace is a necessary feature that should be implemented. Great work!

This is awesome, can´t wait to test it out! Thank you and keep up the good work :)

Awesome! Thanks for building your site! I look forward to seeing the announcement that it is operational.

Steem on,

Projects like this are a good sign of a growing Steemit community and people are getting inspired.

good idea.
more services - more Steem users.

Just curious, is this service based on the Steem blockchain?

no, it is just a classified ad and business directory site, similar to craigslist. Just making introductions not brokering transactions.

it would be cool if it takes off to make it into a blockchain based database instead of a centralised one. I am pretty sure steem can do multisig so the whole thing could ultimately become fully peer to peer and impossible to shut down. It would be simple then to write apps to query it and with cryptographic signatures, people's sales and service records could be trustworthy and immutable.

Definitely sounds like a great idea to provide for businesses to post ads, sell their wares and become more noticed.

I love this idea! A side Benifit will be the effect it has on steem value too.

I can't believe the speed at which the Steem network is growing!

This looks awesome. Yet another killer piece of the puzzle to help Steemit grow. Upvoted, followed.

I've never used craigslist, but this sounds interesting.

Cool. Listed you under "Tools" on my SteemIt Forum.

This will attract more people on the platform I'm sure. And create new opportunities for everyone. Upvote!

Hell yah! Totally love it!
What you are showing will be a Quantum Leap.
I getting notions of a STEAM app store . . .
let us know

I read a stat that craigslist has 200 million post a month.. that's a lot of activity that is good and all craigslist needs is a reputation system

Great Website, I think though that Steem should have something like fiduciary accounts, so that both parties can rest assured that the other party also has something to loose. Only if both parties agree that the trade was fullfilled as intended they would get their collateral back. I think Steem is already multisig-capable...

I went into detail here in this post:

Wonderful job! Can't wait to check it out!

Great ideas! to do it!
And good things!

Is there going to to be a reputation system on Steem Swap? Kind of like eBay or Amazon? Or are you just going to go off the blogging reputation from Steemit?

right now it is just a classified ad style site, initially I will potentially incorporate some type of review system, possibly make it so you have to register to post an ad so people can leave reviews on the posters profile.

The site will not have anything to do with the transaction, simply a place to connect people with businesses and individuals who accept STEEM and SBD as currency for goods and services.

As a few people have mentioned at some point potentially expanding it to offer some type of escrow service to broker the transaction more like an ebay or amazon would be amazing.

I think there should be an additional reputation system as a great blogger may not be great at performing or delivering work on time

Tendrá lenguaje español también?

Was wondering when this was going to be done!

Holy cow, if you can make this all work it could be huuuuge!

Amazing idea! I think by building this exchange, we can truly spend with our STEEM and the community could be further stabilized!

This is a brilliant Idea!!!

Wonderful idea! I have been thinking of how to apply my skills in some adjacent fields besides my "day job" and this could be an easy way to test which skills I have that are appreciated by the market and which perhaps I should develop further. Thank you!

Very Cool... I am looking forward to this page :)
I hope that it will help many. @foxkoit

What a great idea, thanks for the opportunity to advertise on you site. Will anybody be able to advertise from anywhere in the world? Or only US residents?

Let me know when it's up and running - I'd like to sell stuff on it!


Отлично.Побольше таких проектов.Главное что платил выплаты.

That is a great idea. This would definitely allow people to spend their Steem/SBD without the hassle of going through an exchange. Keep up the good work.

That's an awesome concept you came up with,great stuff mate.

Is this gonna be a regular centralized web page or are there any plans/thoughts on building it as a dapp,.. maybe on ipfs or something?

Quite interesting. Have you heard of OpenBazaar ?
Perhaps you can use some ideas from that or get that project to support Steem as a currency, if that is possible.

There are 2 pages