
It is so sad that so many people delude themselves or allow themselves to be deluded into believing that cops protect people rather than violating them. The most delusional are those cops who think they can make a living from being an enforcer for organized crime and still be a good person.

STOP taking the bait, America!! With every false flag event, you keep demanding more and more militarized police power. One day, they will come for you and your children, labeling you as a "Christian Extremist," and it will be too late to rethink your "Blue Line" politics. WAKE UP, AMERICA!!

The fact is, we the People are the true government (of, by & for the People). Further: (1) Police are not true law enforcement; they are really code or "policy" enforcement (the root word). Only the Sheriff (and deputies) can enforce the law locally, who is directly accountable to the People, via elections. (2) Statutory law is not true law, according to the US Supreme Court; it is merely "color of law." Only common law and the constitution is true law. (3) Police are not allowed to use para-military equipment against the People, because it violates the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which they are doing on an increasing basis. (4) When there is no victim, there is no crime; it's called "corpus delicti," and the State cannot be the victim. Why does the State attempt to collect damages via its agents (Police) when it's not the injured party? The bottom line is that we have State employees violating numerous laws, acting in tyranny against the People, to whom they are public servants who are supposed to serve and protect us - not bully us or fleece us via revenue sourcing!