Please DO NOT make comments like... "Upvote Me/Follow Me/ETC." You know SPAM when you see it, and so do the posters. Instead, actually read the post and make a comment that is relevant, funny, or whatever AND doesn't make you look desperate
Normally I just ignore users fishing for upvotes or follows through the use of hollow, cookie-cutter comments. Today, however, I actually decided to flag someone for spam because they replied to a post with a link to their own post that had nothing to do with the post they commented on. I can excuse tactless behavior from new users that are still learning how to network, but some behavior is simply not okay.
Thanks for helping out newer users! I gave you my measly little $0.01 upvote :P
Thanks for dropping in. Yes, it's really annoying when people cut and paste those comments in every post. Sometimes I think Steemit should limit the number of posts/comments that we can make a day to some reasonable amount that would keep people from excessive spamming.
Yeah, they limit voting power, it would make sense to create some sort of limit on commenting to prevent copious copy/pasting to tons of blogs.