That's amazing Rich. Did the Vet tell you how he administered the DMSO and how much he used?
If administered by syring within 90 minutes broken backs and necks heal up 100%
A book I give to doctors is called- DMSO : Natures healer.
You can even cure Downsydrome with it.
Thanks for sharing such a uplifting story. very happy right now.
I know it was syringe I don't know how much. I know in the 60's it was illegal... It's also a solvent that penetrates skin almost instantly... The hippies in San Francisco were dissolving LSD in it and squirting cops!
I have mixed feelings about curing Downs Syndrome... I coached Special Olympics in college and most of my athletes had it... I loved them for how they were. We could all learn so much about love and trust from these incredible people!!! I wanted to take them all home with me!
DMSO on the forehead and temples for headaches... ;)
Love the DS kids spirits, your right we all could learn much.
It heals the deformities and mental IQ's with daily use.
Your a great person, glad to know you.
That goes both ways my friend! I've been really fortunate as far as headaches go. I've maybe had 5 (due to my eyes, I'm sure). I had a friend in Phoenix who got "cluster" headaches. He said they're also called suicide headaches- supposed to be far worse than migraines. I went to his house several times and he would be on his hands and knees drooling and moaning. He couldn't stand or open his eyes. Then they came out with Imitrex and he said it was like a miracle. It was expensive back then (all drugs are when they first come out) but he said he didn't care if it took his entire paycheck!
I never heard of Imitrex?
I am glad it worked for him.
It came in one of those injectable pens like Insulin does now. Within about 5 mins after injecting himself, he was back to normal.
I'm going to do a post about ausbitbank... I didn't know how to do the whole nomination thing. I'm not much of a tech guy- I need help checking my email lol!