Hello Ainie, here is my third entry:
South Africa has eleven official languages. These are English, Afrikaans, Xhosa, Zulu, Sotho, North Sotho, Venda, Tswana, Tsonga, Swaz and Ndebele.
Here are son San people engaging in a conversation. The San people are the owners of the language found on our Coat of Arms.
Hello @happyhairdays, Excellent to handle eleven languages, it is not easy but I imagine by the culture of each town, manages its particular language but there must be an official language I imagine.
On the Topic 34
We have many more than 11 languages, but the state must give support to the 11 official languages. Many people communicate out their culture in a second or third language usually English or Afrikaans!
Hi Philinda, 11 Official Languages! That's awesome. The native people they are so natural. I am happy to learn a new culture of yours. Thanks and have a great day :D
On The Topic 35
Thank you Ainie, yes it is difficult here with all these official languages, it costs the country lots of money to maintain.