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RE: Banned from Facebook. The Need for Censorship-Free, Decentralized Social Media

in #steemit7 years ago

Hello @kafkanarchy84,

This is a fantastic post and one that has come to my notice at a perfect time. I don't often use terminology like cosmic, but it's definitely a synchronicity and I feel that we are definitely not alone in this.

I have just told someone sat next to me that I used to say that the main tool for control is division, but I have updated it to 'centralisation and division'. It's uncanny timing, as I wrote it down today, as a reminder note, to write a post with the same heading - 'Centralisation and Division - The tools of mass control'. I still might :).

Facebook, YouTube and Google share analytical information and sell 'you' to yourself. If you haven't got a product to sell, you are the product, but there is much dearker, more insidious workings afoot, as you have described in your well put together post. I have a very small issue with youtube videos being shared on here, with a single sentence comment, by someone who didn't create it, and without giving any credit to the creator, but I am a patient man, and will wait until the wheat and chaff stand separated by their indifferences.

The demonetised YouTube accounts that have been obviously attacked for their content and their content hidden from searches, would be not only wise, but not stupid, to move their accounts over here and to bring their subscribers with them.

I say here, but I mean D Tube and all of those channels should start making their videos fro D Tube and not YouTube. YT has done all it can to close itself down, but the masses that are indifferent or just aren't too bothered, will keep the stagnant pool as is, to tread water in, for time immemorial.

I used to have a mild issue with monetised YouTube accounts, but only because of the compromise between being an independent reporter and a supporter of commercial product placement and the advertising of companies that you might not ethically agree with.

Anyway, I have waffled, as I do, but had to comment. I am here for good and only recently (before joining Steemit) used Facebook, after 40+ weeks of non-use, to share a water scandal, involving Nestle, as Facebook seems to be where most people 'live', but I feel that this was an error, although we did get 11,000 signatures in six days.

but I digress and after the horse has bolted :). Thank you for sharing this and I hope your move is realised as the genius idea that I feel it is and that Steemit helps your organisation to grow in more ways than you first thought possible.

All the best.


Thanks a lot. I enjoyed reading this.

Much appreciated, and much obliged.

Looking forward to that post on decentralization.

Thanks for the reply.

Yes, your post was uncannily timed and was like an echo of my thoughts. The post I mentioned is on the list, with 'Fighting the system with the best weapon ever created - Cryptocurrency!'

I am sure these have been covered somehow, but the angle of perception can bring new light to issues, and this is the place to share thoughts, feelings, ideas, ideals, etc.

All the best and I look forward to following your posts.

Enjoyed this reply and while I can agree and relate to the topic at hand, I had to also mention that I've already had a seperate moment of synchronicity on a phone call today. I love those moments in life where things are so perfectly timed with one another, allowing 2 seperate experiences/conversations/pieces of information to mutually give each other a better sense of context and purpose.

Hello @ectodoobie,

With you saying, "and while", I was waiting for the "but" :). Nice comment and I have a feeling that the synchroicity that you mention does not arrive at the table alone. I feel that we are at an unusual point in time, where there may be aliens among us, lizards ruling the planet, which isn't a planet, but a flat earth and where the actions of bankers, leaders, movers and shakers, makes all of the above, easilt believable, by comparison of legitimacy.

I like synchronicities. They make me laugh and in this world, you have to find your own entertainment, talking of which, here we are :).

Thank you for the comment and I look forward to growing with you and many others.