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RE: Noganoo - Hero? Victim? Menace? And what about you?

in #steemit8 years ago

"I hate the most people in this community, they treated me unfairly "

That's just a wrong perspective. Most people in this community doesn't know that you or I even exist. All that drama is between, at most, dozen of individuals. Spreading it all over the whole Steem community is not a good idea.

Luke Skywalker once said: "Do to others as you would like them to do to you." Or... maybe that was the other Luke? Either case, they knew what they were talking about. Be like Luke. Do the right thing.

"steemit (...) prohibiting me from change my information such as profile picture, name and description"

No worries, nobody can effectively stop you from changing your account settings. All you need is cli_wallet and your private active key.