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RE: Flagging. Someone has to do it.

in #steemit7 years ago

The Internet back in 1990 was big on netiquette.

As a micro-minnow, might I suggest an article on what we can afford to do and still try to grow our account size? Maybe something based on account value ranges?

Usually, I'm just hoping to add enough value in a comment to get a few cents from an author. I don't yet get many eyes on any root posts.

Suggestions? Another root article?

Thanks in Advance


That's a good question. Maybe what you can do is contribute on the chat via steemcleaners or other initiatives and use their link drop channel to bring abuse to their attention. That way powerful accounts will do the flagging and you can keep your voting power to build up your account. In some case you can even get a reward payout for helping out. I don't know the rules on how that works, but I've occasionally seen some payments come in to my wallet for helping expose plagiarism or abuse.