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RE: Synereo Wildspark. Why it won't be a Steemit Killer

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

"platforms already for sending tips".. Lol oh heavens no, twitch streamers get donations, it's the downfall of AMP. Please... Tell me how you tip the Billions of videos on Youtube? Or blogs? Whatever it may be. AMP is n't looking to completely replace existing social media platforms. It's currently working WITH those platforms. Which for the everyday person, is HUGE. Nice try though?


If an author wants to receive tips (or call it donations) he can use existing systems or alts as I wrote. If not, he wouldn't receive it in AMPs either. Am I missing something? How that's better than just adding a support us link to the youtube video (as vloggers already do)?

It's arguably at least a bit better because the WildSpark plugin doesn't require clicking any external links. Everything happens right there, on-page, using the plugin.

This is very important in light of the demonstrable fact that people avoid clicking links and extra page loads, etc.