How To Get Noticed on Steemit (6 Rules to Find Success)

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Congratulations, you found my blog. In this post I'll detail the tricks I've utilized to carve out a niche for myself here on Steemit. Grab a pen..people still use pens don't they?..anyways..moving on..

In the endless sea of Steemit minnows, only a few lucky survivors will make it out of the school of fish to thrive on this social platform. The rest will flounder and probably end up chum, or beach themselves on the shores only to become lunch for hungry crabs or birds..or maybe some other predator I don't even know about yet?

Credit: deviantart

Here are some of the qualities that will help you get noticed..

Rule #1 Have Passion

download (1).jpeg
Credit: thetelegraph

If you don't have passion for what you do it will show and people won't take interest in you or your blog. I throw myself into my work and I think it shows! I've hand drawn dicks, spent numerous hours scouring the internet for disgusting People of Walmart to make fun of, I've also written thrilling stories that have reverberated through the echo chamber that is this site. You can feel my passion and it probably wouldn't surprise you to know that most of the time when I compose a post, I do it with an erection.

Rule #2 Get Social


To have people take interest in you, you have to put in the work. The network. Visit other people's posts and leave comments. Not the "nice post" or "I'm following you now follow me" type. We hate those, infact we won't upvote those or visit your site at all when you say that. Be a regular on blogs you enjoy and get yourself noticed. Steemit is a two way street, if you visit my blog and I see you around I'll most likely check out your blog too. If I genuinely enjoy what you do you'll get me as a follower. Also if you send me money that's another great way to get me on board. Make the checks out to Mr. Big Dong III.

Rule #3 Use Nice Pictures


Your title and your pictures are crucial to engaging your audience quickly. You want to interest users and pull them in to your posts. Also, the first couple of sentences of your post will be displayed in the menu so keep that in mind aswell. I try to start mine off positively because people enjoy that, once they're in that's when I disappoint them with my content. Sometimes they'll feel bad for me and leave me upvotes. You have to find what works for you.

Rule #4 Upvote Good Comments

Credit: mymancrush

If people take the time to leave you insightful comments you should reward them with an upvote. Even if nominal it's just a nice thing to do. They'll see you did it and it has a psychological effect on them, it's like saying "thanks for caring enough to engage me." If you're low power you could just reply and thank them for stopping by. I reply to every comment I recieve because I don't have much going on in my life. I'm also dying for any kind of affection.

Rule #5 Positively Impact the Community


This ones important to me. I want to see the people I follow helping out others thus helping out the platform. If that means curating minnows, raising money for charity or just telling others about Steemit, that's enough. We're all ambassadors for this site and while I maybe a rotten person in real life, online I try to be helpful as I can. Sure alot of my content is low brow/just bad, but I think I conduct myself with a bit of class and try to impact the site in my own way.. thus adding a smidgen of value.

Rule #6 Never Get High on Your Own Supply

Credit: theirishtimes

How are you ever going to make money if you're smoking all the product you're supposed to sell? Any dealer with a dam knows this is not the way to stack a profit! Now you're saying, "@goldenarms, what's that have to do with blogging?" Well stupid I'll tell you, nothing. It's just a good rule if you ever wanted to sell drugs. You see this blog is a wealth of knowledge so take a little bit of what I'm telling you here today and use it for your own benefit. This is Rule #5 I'm illustrating here, providing worth.

So that's it really. Follow these rules and you too can reach rep level 61 in less than 5 months. You could also wield the incredible power of 8 cent upvotes and ofcourse the respect of everyone else on the site.. 😎


Class dismissed,


Banner by @bearone

There are 2 pages

this was hilarious and it inspired me to write one like yours...ha ha! This was really golden in a sea of shitposts!

this was a fine line:

I reply to every comment I recieve because I don't have much going on in my life. I'm also dying for any kind of affection.

Well done! You earn this award from me today, as your post was the only one that made me laugh:

I only wish that graphic was bigger so it'd take up more room! 😂 Oh I'm so excited you stopped by @stellabelle u legend. It happened organically too, although we were talking briefly on Discord the other day. I'm glad I could put a smile on your face, your comment had the same effect on me. We're friends now 👫

hahah! It's nice for me to find organic gems! And one of your sentences really made me crack up, but i was too embarrassed to say.

is this big enough for you? doesn't display as big as i made it...

see how being yourself pays off? it's nice to find something real and funny

Never smoke up(power down) your profit!

Hahah that is great advice 😁 thx Julien, I'm glad we found eachother!

Hehe, this made me LOLZ. You’re a funny guy @goldenarms. Your points are valid though - community, community, COMMUNITY!

I'm glad I got atleast some sort of reaction PMM! Thanks for stopping by with your pretty face 😊

hehehe! it's my pleasure!!


Haha cat gifs. U certainly seem to know the way to my heart! Friggin love cats 😊

same! hence the name! 🙄🙄🙄

Thank you @goldenarms Sometimes I get so stuck in my rut of addressing all the wrongs in the world that I fail to take time out for a little humor once in a while. You have shown me the benefit of taking a little time out to look at a "sh*tpost' once in a while to keep my balance with the real world. Great writing, good insight and hilariously funny.

Life's all about balance. One thing I do not want to be is like everyone else. Thx for stopping by my blog!

Good insight there Skipper B.Dong. Some great lines here, but if someone held one of your hand-drawn phallis to my head and asked me to choose I would have to go with, "You can feel my passion and it probably wouldn't surprise you to know that most of the time when I compose a post, I do it with an erection." I kinda assumed that that was the case anyway, but it nice to get some confirmation. This was definitely a ShamWow post.

Oh and your comment was hilarious 😁

Steemit's so wierd. I've done some posts I've thought were fantastic and have gotten no views, then I rub one out like this and it's does pretty well by my standards. I've been making crazy posts like this quite alot as you know and I wouldn't say this ones that great. Ah well I'll take it 😛

Give yourself the credit! This is a deadly post. You took all these dry facts and made them VERY funny. That's something I (and 99%) of the population could not do. There! I gave you a compliment. Now that I have that out of the way, I was looking at your couple's portraits and your wife could have done much better. Does she have full use of her sight?

I like how you mixed genuine advice in with scatological sarcasm. It's left me inspired and bewildered in equal measure - a state comfortably akin to drunkenness.

Arrived via Stellabelle...

Haha I see that's kinda your banner msg aswell. I'm glad you found something in all of this to ponder. I want to foster real thoughts and discussion on this channel. Naw I made most of that up. I am being genuine when I say thx for stopping by. @stellabelle was kind for giving me a shout out. 😎

Brilliant, oh Steemit guru. Now I shall be super successful Steemit author #1!

Hahaha! Hillarious comment and pic

very nice article, I just want to share my thoughts on success is have patience.

Very true. Having realistic expectations helps aswell. I'm just having so much fun, truth is I'm happy with whatever "success" I receive here

hey nice to hear your thoughts.
checkout my blog and give some love on my post.

excellently written. great pointers for the noobs.

Thx so much for stopping by! Wow, You have one of the highest reps I've ever seen 😎

Thanks for your message @goldenarms. Please clarify what you have in mind when you say: “How are you ever going to make money if you're smoking all the product your supposed to sell? Any dealer with a dam knows this is not the way to stack a profit!”. Can you give an example or two?

From the viewpoint I have developed while working in my writing community, I would add that people should early on assess carefully the cost-benefit of making a big effort in Steemit, and in doing so they should define benefit in a way that goes beyond up-votes and Steem Dollars earned.

Playing the “earn Steem Dollars game" is a prescription for months of frustration for many people, and so they need to see the concept of Steemit rewards in a much broader sense that what that game entails.

Also, and perhaps even more important in some professional fields I know, investing a lot of time here to ‘be social and love the Whales’ will have detrimental effects on the time people need to produce high-quality work within their particular fields.

Wow, great comment. Well #6 was just a joke, albeit probably poor 😊 actually this whole post was a joke with a sprinkle of truth baked in for good measure. *Dont worry I washed my hands first.

Now I feel I owe u a real reply to your comment..

I think we all have varying expectations for success. For me getting a dozen ppl drop by and comment is enough reward for my time spent. This post probably took 15 mins to create but it was fun so any monetary reward I recieve is just a plus. I don't watch the trending page and think my posts will have that level of be fair I don't really visit the trending sections because I find that's some of the worst quality content on this site lol Managing your time online, whether here or elsewhere is crucial so I treat Steemit like any other site or like video games. I play a lil bit but try to maintain balance. Luckily I'm having so much fun on here I dont consider Steemit time wasted. I also don't try to hob nob whales just because I may recieve their upvotes, I have pride and that just feels gross to me. To each their own tho. Thanks so much for dropping by and I appreciate your reply!

I thought you meant..... don't upvote yourself.

Like.... don't $hlt where you eat kinda thing.

......this doesn't change ANYTHING!

Does it matter if I make that check out to "Big Dong 3" or does it have to be III? What if I made it out to "His Excellency Big Dong the Third"??

No 😐 Please just do it like I said above. What is it with some people?.. Jesus..


Awesome advice dude! I doubt your a rotten person in real life...

I'm playing a character 😎 this is my Steemit Identity. Hey remember that show, "My Secret Indenty" was that a Canadian show?

When you could fly with those areasol cans?

Great post and advise

One I hadn’t thought of was upvoting good comments

Something I should start doing

It's nice to fire off a few. Encourage discussion and reward thoughtful comments. You're on the GoldenArms reward program now. Boom 1 cent. One day these will be worth alot more..10 years 😁

Yes it’s a very good idea I must change my way of doing things

Don't listen to him. He is just trying to lure you in.

I have seen his type before..... hanging out on the fringes. Waiting for some unsuspecting mark to wander into his grasp.

Sure he tosses a cent on the ground in front of you..... but don't bend down to pick it up. Just don't.

Stay safe! I am watching out for you!

I am totally agree with rule 1, have passion. Make something fun is very important in steemit or in your real life, this article lead me a direction. Thanks s lot!

Thx @kona for dropping by!

haha I love the image of the fat dude on the beach. It's funny, and yes, I agree with all these pointers.

Sea creatures and predators...

What's that shark like creature called, that has a lantern on its head and lives in the deepest depths of the ocean? Those.

How are you ever going to make money if you're smoking all the product you're supposed to sell? Any dealer with a dam knows this is not the way to stack a profit! Now you're saying, "@goldenarms, what's that have to do with blogging?" Well stupid I'll tell you, nothing. It's just a good rule if you ever wanted to sell drugs. You see this blog is a wealth of knowledge so take a little bit of what I'm telling you here today and use it for your own benefit. This is Rule #5 I'm illustrating here, providing worth.


I'm watching you.
I been hearing your name around. Seeing dick graffiti that some witness or whale has tried to sandblast off their brand new BMW.
I know it's you. I know you are disgusting and a low life and you only make people laugh by telling dirty jokes. Well it won't fly here!

Your days are numbered.

I have my eye on you!

Yes more eyes! I want to disappoint even more people with my low quality content and poor humor. Tell your friends and neighbors to follow

oh no you don't ..

take your dirty penny right back. I won't have it. I'm not falling for your trap like @sherlockholmes did. He was in one of his heroin stupors again wasn't he... when you pounced on him!???

ya, you write quite well, it very helpfull for the newbie steemian, but now a days it raise your reputation and earing quickly by send money SBD or SP to some whale and other group. if you are decent steemian then you sure finding yourself in a good position after a year later!

Yeah I think after a year you'll know where u are and what to expect. If youre pretty consistent and visit and get social with others I can't see why you wouldn't be making a few bucks a day doing what you hopefully enjoy. Thx for stopping by!

Very good points, @goldenarms! I applaud you on how well you have done here in 5 months with your tenacity and good content. Keep on swimming!

I'm like Micheal Phelps, all drugged up and still winning! 🙌

love the way you ended that mate. Now VOTE MY COMMENT lol

There ya go, u sir get 1 cent. Invest that and watch it grow 😊

9% couldn't even spring for a full 10% cheapskate. haha

That's my bulbous fingers for ya. I'm on my phone, do u know how hard that meter is to gauge or how long it takes to be precise on mobile! Dont worry about that 1% my friend, I got some dolphin sized votes coming for u soon 😎

I gotta say @goldenarms, your such a nut-bar, but I love the way you write, I love your sense of humor and I love the posts you post. (That's 'sposed to be a compliment) This is yet another great post :)

That's really nice. I'm just having fun here, I may never trend but I sure get alot of fun ppl to stop by for which I'm greatful!

Thank you!

You're more than welcome!

we need this in a life in general. Not just here.
but it is nice becouse steemit is a part of our life. too

Great advice! I love rule #6

This post has received a 3.51 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @goldenarms.

This post received a 20% vote by @msp-canada courtesy of @goldenarms from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ). Join us in Discord.

Upvoting this comment will help support @minnowsupport.

Too much cock talk ; it's self defecating to eunuchs imo

Thank you for your opinion. What's "eunuchs?" Also this blog does reference male genetalia quite a bit (alot actually) so if you don't approve I'd understand if you didn't follow me. No hard feelings @poias

I don 't mind.... I was just thinking of Eunuchs feelings/. ,,..just my big liberal bleeding heart speaking out of place again.... I love your dick humour

The term eunuch refers to a man who has been castrated typically early enough in his life for this change to have major hormonal consequences.

Castration was typically carried out on the soon-to-be eunuch without his consent in order that he might perform a specific social function ; this was common in many societies

You're an intelligent dude, we need those here too. Don't go! 😀 Next blog will be well written and engaging i promise

Wow you S.S me ( Smart Shame) on a public blockchain. Is there no line of political appropriateness you will not push with those golden arms. If you are trying to create a fan base you are going about it the right way Mr

Nice.... thanks for the advice. Always good to remind yourself on why you’re posting in the first place, and what to do when you do it!

This post has received a 4.61 % upvote from @buildawhale thanks to: @goldenarms. Send at least 1 SBD to @buildawhale with a post link in the memo field for a portion of the next vote.

To support our daily curation initiative, please vote on my owner, @themarkymark, as a Steem Witness

FANTASTIC @goldenarms ... I see some 'good' whales have already made similar posts like yours to get as much exposure out there to the powers that be and can ultimately correct the flawed platform we love/loved...

Hang in there - If it's not fixed soon it'll plummet and I truly have faith that the necessary changes will be made when the whales incomes finally are in real jeapordy of disappearing

You’ve created an interesting persona for yourself! What an entertaining & informative post. Thanks!

Great post....all these rules are so important to follow in order to get noticed and survive in this community ..thanks for sharing..

All great suggestions! # 2, 4, 5 are absolutely necessary. My blog is a hodgepodge of garbage, but it’s my garbage and I’m passionate about it. 😀

You gotta own your own crap I say! 😛 Thx for the chuckle bro

Nice post. I follow you now, plus upvote my post.😁

(No one downvote me, we're friends. I'm taking the piss)

You have received an upvote from STAX. Thanks for being a member of the #steemsilvergold community and opting in (if you wish to be removed please follow the link). Please continue to support each other in this great community. To learn more about the #steemsilvergold community and STAX, check this out.

The title grabbed me but it was Arnold photo that sealed the deal-Lol! But , yes, great advice for new folk and good reminders for not so new folk--upvoted!


"Most of the times when I compose a post, I do it with an erection"

Hahahahaha...... oh, You mean the erection of the mind and brain?



Haha, totally agree... also mannequins like me can have followers... Steemians need just a little bit of creativity :-)
Great post!
Big hug
Steemitri The Mannequin

I found this very useful, for beginners like me.I will surely follow your ideas so that I could improve on my own blogging.Moreover, your efforts for making people understand on these process is highly appreciated and recommendable.I am looking forward for more post like this.

Wow! Thanks for putting this out there, I've picked up a couple of things in this write up. Great post all round.

its very useful post for the new user and also for me bc i am a new user .. thank u for your information . i will follow the all rules.

Thank you, there was lots of good advice.
I hope to see more quality shitposts from you in the future!

Hahaha yes keep an eye out for my shitty posts! 😝

nice post

Thank you for posting lots of content and effort in all the posts you do on steemit 👌🏼look forward to the next post ....... Keep up the good work from @devosdevosi

I'm new in the steem game but hope to one day have big guns like Mr shatzerblogger. . . Learning from your post I'll be adding a few passionate dick references to my future posts . Thanks

Careful, they're not for everyone. Sometimes ppl get a lil miffed reading an unexpected Death comment. Maybe being newer id warm your audience up first lol

I'm sure death comments would cause some concern hehe ;)
Good point though... Got to play the the steemit posting strip tease

In the endless sea of Steemit minnows, only a few lucky survivors will make it out of the school of fish to thrive on this social platform.

Is happening as far as I can see already.
Some have given up almost, some peek in every so often but most, around the time I joined in Mid-July this year, have left.
Only about four to five dozen people in my community are faithful, post daily, comment an abundance and are on solid feet in this platform.

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