It seems Today that the entire Internet is "abuzz" with talk about "sensible Gun Control". We've got Teenagers who eat laundry soap, (And the newest craze - "Snorting Condoms") attempting to dictate the policies of the most powerful Nation on Earth. This, despite the fact that they don't know WTF they're talking about.
All of America's Mass Media, and Thousands of teenagers are screaming to have "Sensible" Gun Control to prohibit the
sale of those nasty "Full Semi Automatic Assault Weapons"!!!
(No matter that Semi Automatic, and Full Automatic are completely different)
These narratives say that normal hunting rifles are "OK"
Apparently, the SPEED with which a gun can be fired is an issue......
Then again.... Maybe it's just the black color?
I know.... It's because of the size of the "Bullets"!!!
Here's a common 30-06 hunting rifle.....
But here's the thing nobody's talking about in this discussion about "Sensible Gun Control"......
THIS is why the "Founding Fathers" put that Second Amendment shit in the Constitution!!!
Your Kids cannot have a Lemonade Stand.
You cannot live self sufficiently or "Off Grid".
You cannot give a sandwich to a homeless veteran.
Your phone is tapped, and listened to. You can't get on a plane with a bottle of shampoo.
(Or those "Bitcoins")
Why should American Citizens rights to "Bear Arms" not be infringed????
These were US Citizens..... You tell me!!!
There's a lot of truth here that the sheeple just don't understand.