At my previous job the phrase "victim mentality" was used at my previous newspaper on employees like a rolled up newspaper is used to punish a bad dog.

It used to drive employees crazy. If you wanted to challenge anything in the work place that wasn't agreed with by management, it was simply brushed off by them as you having victim mentality.
Victim Mentality in the Work Place
Victim Mentality is the thought that everything is out of your control so why try and make any changes. It is beyond your control so you might as well accept the fact things are the way they will always be.

The place I work now I see why this mentality is so infuriating. The mechanics will complain about how unsafe the work conditions are with oil or grease on the ground, but won't do anything to clean it up. They will go out of their way to complain about the condition, but would trip over an object in their walking path instead of walking around it or picking it up off the ground.
Making Minamal Effort - Too Much to Ask?
I'm not even asking you to change the world, but for goodness sakes keep your mouth shut if you're not going to make the minimum effort to make the world around you a fraction better.
I'm not asking you to clean the entire shop floor and pick up after everyone else. Just pick up the greasy rag in front of you or clean up your work environment after you're done with the job.

Be the Change on Steemit
The same can be said for Steemit and I'm just as guilty as others on the platform. It's easy to complain about your great posts going unnoticed, but what are you doing to help get those posts noticed.
I'm not asking people to troubleshoot and debug code on the platform who have never programmed in their life. Start by being an example of the changes you want to see on the platform and remember that Rome wasn't built in a day. Culture changes are slow and hard to make, but can happen with the right push and motivation.
Yep, playing the victim does no good for anyone. Lead by example, right? Be the change you want to see in the world!
It is like... if you want to change the world, you should start by changing your self.
Far too many people seem to suffer grandiose delusions when they look at the big picture but are unable to deal with the pixels that make up that picture. They want change the world but heaven forbids they have to start the first step themselves and it didn’t make a title wave of change.
There are many things I would love to see changed here and I am guilty of not doing more myself. Like many things in life one has to weigh the benefits vs consequences. I much rather make a small change over the week(s) to come then than create an all or nothing scenario that so many people seem to fall in. Granted in life there are times when you also have to run the table or lose your seat at it. Most of the time it’s never as dire as people act it is.
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Exactly. I just read yesterday that a country that doesn't nurture the victim mentality breeds bravery. Not cowardice.