The Evil Room in My House

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

The photo above shows a productivity death zone in my home.

Whenever I'm in this part of the house, the last thing I feel like doing is working. So usually I'll distract myself -- like, suddenly I'll get hungry, and then I'm snacking and watching YouTube for the rest of the afternoon!

It's so stupid, because I've known about the trappings of a low energy work environment for years.

Surviving at School

Back when I had just finished school, I was running a hundred Wordpress blogs, targeting all sorts of lucrative niches. It was pure grind work, and after several failed outsourcing attempts, I was left managing all those websites myself. The problem, as you can guess, was finding the motivation to meet this enormous challenge.

So I crept back on campus to recreated the exact environment that got me through school:

I plugged away at my laptop in the libraries, cafeterias, and empty lecture halls that I knew were conducive to highly productive work sessions.

I did more work as a fake student, on a borrowed wifi login, than when I was a real one the year before!

But somehow, years later, I forgot about this experience. Perhaps, because it's overshadowed by the painful memory of Google dropping the banhammer on my entire blog network soon after it launched...

The Evil Room

For several years, I've had my work desk in a corner of the room that I intuitively hate. It's dim, damp, and too close to my neighbor's residence -- I can often hear them gossiping.

So recently, I dragged my heavy desk, and all the computer equipment, to a somewhat awkward spot near the kitchen. It's a much higher energy location that I walk thru all the time. It just feels brighter and more alive.

This simple change has been amazingly good for my business. The struggle to initiate work has been significantly reduced, and I can work for longer periods without getting distracted or fatigued. (And it's also a lot closer to the coffee machine!)

Extending this workplace strategy, I've always wanted to work outside. I mentioned this in a previous blog.

Make The Move

Even a single productive hour, added to my weekly schedule, can have a significant impact on my overall goals. I've started to realize that physically moving to where ever I feel the most energy is a tiny cost for the benefit it provides.

My ultimate goal is to have all the power of my main workstation unchained from the desk. It's probably not a realistic goal for much of the work I do, but some things -- like using Steemit, or trading crypto -- can be done from almost anywhere.

I wonder if other people feel the same way.

Do you work better at home or at Starbucks?

Do you prefer a busy or quiet environment?

(Leave a decent comment, and I'll give ya the gigafart guaranteed upvote!)

There are 4 pages

Sometimes we choose places based on our mood. Heck, even our age. When we are young we tend to be more closed due to "the phase" — especially when we are teenagers. As we grow older we are dependent more on others since our social circles get narrower. A kitchen does that since it replicates the water-cooler spot at work.

Another factor is creativity. When we are too focused on something our minds get stuck. The same concept applies when we are trying to remember something. Using peripheral thinking (not thinking about the thing we are trying to remember) actually makes us remember the thing. A kitchen does exactly that. The flow of people plus our own venturing in the fridge (aka walking around) can get the creative juices flowing. Moving around also boosts circulation so our mind is bound to work better.

In other words, you body knows more than you do and it will make you do awkward things in order to get what it wants. aka Moving heavy, awkward furniture in in the kitchen.

I write an article everyday and usually I also design something as well. I find my creative juices flowing in the morning, right after I wake up sitting on my tiny crooked porch. If that doesn't work, a long walk in the park usually does the trick.


Thank you for those insights! I left this out of my blog, but I created a standing desk (regular desk on stilts). I find it so much better for thinking. When I'm stuck on something, I'll spontaneously walk in mini-circles. It's amazing for unlocking creative solutions!

Also, a huge reason why I go to the beach is for the bike ride. If I simply drove there, I'm not sure it would remain such a great place for inspiration. This sounds like your long walk in the park.

There you go.

Perhaps the most peculiar thing about this is how our bodies push us to do things. Natural hacking.

reminds me of this

a great post and I really like your posts.

Thankyou for sharing @gigafart

Hi comrade @gigafart , lately I see you are doing power down I'm curious, what is the reason you do it have you already don't want to dabble in steemit..???

Sorry to see you go. Thanks for having supported my witness for so long. You're awesome, feel free to hit me up in Discord or Steemit chat whenever.

ok ok I was just unvoting en mass the other day. I didn't think it would effect you... I might also be supporting in other ways you dont know about. xD

i prefer my learning desk where i get to do more research with my laptop rather than on the go. Multitasking on a smart devices can be quite difficult so i often do all my writings on my laptop. With trading, its everywhere i go and its kind of very much interesting as i monitor trades all the time.

I'm sad that it's too late to upvote this because this is GOLD!
I have such a similar story. I have an office in my studio and I hate that office, so I work from home. But I hate my home office - the energy sucks here.
You've just lit a fire under me. I'm tearing this office to bits RIGHT NOW and rebuilding it into something that ENCOURAGES creativity and focus rather than stifling it.
Thank you :)

Nice! Blog about it if you get the chance.

You have no idea how much I relate to this, it's incredible how different energies of your environment affect you, I really wish I still had the picture of what I made into my office a couple of years back! It would be so much better to get the visual but I'll just have to write it...-- a tent in the back yard. I kid you not. I was, at the time, sharing an office space with my husband and my pre-teen son would take over my husband's monstrous PC every chance he could, and it was incredibly difficult to concentrate. And then as the nicer weather became more prominent it dawned on me. I could put up the tent, face it to the woods so I could just use the mesh screen for the entire front, and also leave the top canvas off when there was no threat of rain, giving me both fresh air and privacy. It was amazing the difference that made!
I live in NY so unfortunately this arrangement couldn't last forever (though I really pushed it, more and more layers as the fall progressed lol!)
Happily my husband understood that I needed the privacy, and now the office is mine..but actually as I'm typing this to you I'm starting to consider that tent, at least for the rest of the summer... (if I wasn't afraid of a hostile takeover of the office in the meantime ;)

I dig the post. Good tip on energy-based seating choices.

I also struggled hustling Google for blog ad revenue and I can tell you -- which you know -- is hard.

Suffice to say, my belief is in crypto and the decentralized future. I prefer to work in new places, while adventuring. Definitely love jacking a public wifi and working at a bar or coffee shop, outside is cool too🐳🔛

Yea, the easy-money days of blogging (on the open Web) are long over for most people. Better things have come though!

FullSizeRender (1).jpg

Here is my work space.
I love the natural light that comes into this room.

My main distractions are my 4 roommates that love to come chat with me when I am in the middle of work lol

I like that spot. You can see outside and get some fresh air when you want. Also, your desk space looks decent.

Seems like you have a 2nd laptop on the right. You should set them both up, side-by-side, to look like a boss! Also, looks like you were browsing some of my comments on your screen (bonus points).

I find it very difficult to work at home no matter what room I am in. Especially during the summer time with three kids home and my wife. My solution had been to use our travel trailer as office space - table, bathroom and fridge. I love out in the country so driving to town was never even a consideration.

Sounds like a great man cave! Wish I was in the countryside.

We left Houston last year, best decision ever.

Actually shifting your workplace can help a lot. Because I have already experienced it. Back then I found it really boring to write or working on my projects when I used to sit on a table in a corner. But then one day a clock start ticking in my mind and I changed my desk location in my indoor garden. That's the moment I highly aprreciate because from the moment on I have never been bored at my projects.
The way you described this whole idea really deserves a round of applause. It's a simple thought and you gave it a reality by transforming it into a blog post. Very wise @gigafart

@gigafart, it was interesting and insightful to read this... a couple of thoughts:

I don't know you, but part of my trouble with working (from home, as I do) relates to the fact that I am ADHD as hell (at least that's how society wants to label me) so concentration is tough. And there's nothing that'll make me check out and start looking for distractions faster than something that looks too much like a "dedicated work space."

Now, I'm an "oldfart" so I've had a while to work on this... but regardless of when or where I am trying to work, getting things done is usually a result of me "having to lie to myself" about where I am, and what I am doing. Sounds to me like that's a bit of what you're getting to work for you, as well.

Most workspaces are inherently dull... and "inherently dull" is a creativity killer. When you drag your setup into "an awkward spot near the kitchen," sure you're in a higher energy spot... but you're also (subtly) lying to yourself about working; somewhere in your subconscious you're getting away with something.

I have a home office... Yeah, it's a work space, but there's a cat bed on my desk; my wife's eBay business has its "shipping department" in the middle of everything and there are a jillion distractions... and I do all my best writing out on the adjacent back porch. I joke around that ADHD means having a bad case of "oh shiny," but I really just turn that to my advantage.

Long story short... you sound like you just need to work where the inspiration finds you; so CREATE that reality!

There's definitely a mix of personalities/identities in my head that are fighting to steer my behavior. Especially when work is involved!

Part of "tricking" myself, I've found, is having a ritual that can be used to overcome these opposing forces. It can be making coffee, cleaning the room, or traveling to a different work location.

Maybe those rituals are simply distractions for the parts of my unconscious that would prefer not to work?

Thanks for your insights!

Your space sets the pace.

Damn. That's a good one!

There's an interesting concept I once heard that reminds me of your post. Maybe a professor said it, can't quite remember. Basically, it's how when you're at home, you can hardly get anything done. As soon as you go to a hotel or friend's house, however, suddenly it feels like you have SO much more free time and flexibility to do other things.

When it comes to your own, familiar space, it's so easy to not only fall into a familiar routine, but also to get distracted by everything under the sun: food, TV, your pets, belongings throughout the house, YouTube... whatever there is.

I have definitely noticed that this is true. Sometimes, if I reeeeeally need to get something done, I'll head to a quiet coffee shop or just work in a new part of the house like the kitchen table or the couch. (That wasn't supposed to rhyme lol.) Or, somewhere with better light and easier access to caffeine, like you mentioned. ;) Nothing beats fresh air and sunshine outside, though!

We are definitely programmed by our environments. It puts us on autopilot for so much of our lives! I have friends that only work in Starbucks! xD

Another delightful post from the awesome @gigafart. I have resteemed this even before having a good construct in mind for a comment. ^u^

I can say i am guilty also staying in that "evil room" or should i say "evil nook/corner". When i started to blog a week ago here in Steemit, i found myself glued infront of my laptop, studying about blogging and the intricacies of this platform in that dimly lit corner of my room. I do actually feel fatigued and unproductive after 2 hours. The worst thing is that i even eat lunch right there on that gloomy sinister corner. Man, talk about being chained on a nook. QnQ

Thanks for making me realize that i do have to move it move it.. Heh.. ;) First thing to do is to to not eat my lunch on that corner, it maybe a simple thing to others, but indeed that will break the monotonous tone of my daily grind. Hurray! :D I gotta say, the simplest things do really matter.


If you work from a laptop, you definitely have some options!

A few years ago, I used to go to McDonald's at like 5am. It'd be empty, and I'd get a booth to myself to chewed through some work, while I enjoyed a large coffee and the air conditioning.

Eventually I had to stop. I got in the habit of eating there, every visit!

Well have to buy a better battery coz it drains so fast when it's unplugged. Huhuhu.. :3

And i try to sway away from doing my online work in McDonald's or Starbucks because like what you have said, i tend to eat there every visit!

Maybe i'll do that once a week or so, just to break the cycle and to have a breath off fresh air and ideas. ;)

If Im with someone that I know and I will tell him that I work, so I wish to be not disturbed, and he respects it, that is great enviroment, Im less likely to get disturbed, although, when he is watching my display or speaking to me some stupid stuff with no importance in it, then its very disturbing for me. Im still looking for a way to keep myself doing what I wanna do, not to snack and ytb, I do sometimes the same... Its also about a motivation for me, but I dont like that so much... When I really want something for some real strong reason, then I will do it. But when not, then I often dont do it. I dont like it, as that mean that my motivation its still depend on the outside, and I wanna be able to motivate myself whenI need to and do what I wanna do...

33 percebbt upvte for u!

if u post everyday u will get fifty or sixty percent uovotes even on commentes!!!

i will even help u come up with outlines for ur blog!! Iwant u to fuckn post more man everyay everyday lets go lets go hustle hustle

why havent u posted everydya?!?!?!

u HAVE to in order ti offset the recent loss which will be fine we will go back up

please tho remember u should be posting everyday!

I know it sounds crazy but sometimes when I want need to write, I go to a library of school building where I do not have internet! I cannot go on anywhere that will be a distraction. All I can do is type! It works...

Recently, I upgraded my work space with a new iMac at home. I can see trees outside from the desk. It makes me fresh even though I'm sitting at the desk. :) @gigafart

Growing up, our family computer was in a room with many windows and a great view. Natural lighting really makes a difference. But it's something I've only appreciated as an adult. Funny how that works...

You're so right about certain places and locations being good for long hours and high quality work. Back when I was in school I did so much work. I never really ascribed my success to my outdoors lifestyle those days but now that you have mentioned it, I couldn't help but conclude that leaving the comfort of my room and traveling a few miles to another campus with lots of empty classes had something to do with the long hours I was able to put in without feeling fatigued or distracted.

Unfortunately I cannot go back to living like that because of numerous commitments. So I have to depend on the motivation provided by upvotes, my followers and other people who read my posts like you. Thank you for sharing.

My ideal location really depends on what gets me in the mood to be productive. When I've been surfing the web too long I know I have to change things up. I do like coffeshops. But, the one's that are more mellow with jazz or instrumental music in the background. Sometimes it's in a green space with wifi. My worst area is also the dark corners. The desk I have there is more of a fancy shelf for things to pile up. Thanks for the post!

Yea, corners are kinda nasty, even though they often make the most sense, layout-wise, for desks. Especially if they lack a window (like mine).

@gigafart, I prefer the local library, especially when there is minimal noise. I need to start taking earphones with me and play ambient noise, but I always forget.

Thanks for the reminder about finding the optimal space to work. When I home, I can not stay focused. Love my 5 kiddos but they are a drain on my productivity. Just too cute, I guess!

In the past, I've worn headphones just to block out noise in public spaces. Also, I once experimented with playing ambient forest sounds in my room. Actually, I think I might take another stab at that!

Let me know if it helps out. I have heard that just wearing headphones (without music or ambient noise) cuts down on environmental noise, but I have never tried.

Yes the environment affects me as well. I'm much more productive at home because the walls are relaxing to me and also it helps a lot when I'm hearing my favourite music. If I hear no music, for some reason I can't focus much.

The walls are relaxing?? xD

I mean the wallpaper :D it's blue and it has dolphins painted :D

Great post! I'm a huge believer in the impact that a person's environment has on their ability to work, their mood and even their overall well being. I couple years ago I took a six month course on Feng Shui and also one on environment psychology. They were both designed to empower me to change my environment and make it suit my needs. It's worked out very well as I really like design too so I've arranged my space in the most optimal way for me. I feel really good energy in both my office and home now and I would never want to go back to not being able to optimize my own environment again.

I remember, back in the day, when Feng Shui was all the rage! I'm really starting to appreciate how much of an effect this all has on my mind. I think my ego just wouldn't accept it for so long.

I too well know your pain...

Right now I am facing a blank corner wall. This is the "living area" and behind me to my right is the television that somebody else watches all evening.

I have a problem with focus - and so I often find myself turning back and forth even when I 'don't' want to. It is not helpful to my energy levels and I do sometimes sleep in this non-comfy chair in the sweltering and humid summer heat.

Music is my only counter - preferably something instrumental and up-beat - no lyrics - like some game music.

I feel that you have the right idea. Moving about is a necessity. I am glad that you are taking action to sort your situation.

Game music?? xD

Yea, I can’t think well and hear lyrics at the same time.

Well game music works for me, not necessarily for you. ;c)

You are probably familiar enough with the Super Mario tune (who isn't?) but sometimes games come out with pretty nice sound tracks. An obscure one is 'Morty on the Run'. Less obscure is anything 'Undertale' related (warning, mileage varies since the fanbase is strong but all over the place. This 4 1/2 minute clip is an OK compressed remix sample).

I personally like most non-brooding instrumental music however. It doesn't get in the way of thinking.

I feel I need to rearrange my work area now. Its always dim in here I'm noticing now after reading this article. I believe you a very right in feeling such ways. Ill just be sitting here surfing and just thinking of all these great ideas and stuff I should learn, then the "na" comes over me. Just want to learn and read but I feel less energized at times in my space. Like this post. New follower and thanks.

It's a good lifehack. Our environments tend to put us on autopilot. So if want to elicit some kind of behavior, it's best to figure out what triggers it.

Thanks again for some more wise advice!

We're such sensory creatures and are constantly interpreting data from our environments - we can't help but NOT be affected by our environments. Just moved to California and have been in a hotel for 2 months, I desperately miss having an office space. When I closed the door and put on my headphones in that space it was definitely "go" time, and I felt safe in the confinement of it. Working on a couch on a laptop is definitely not the same.

I've tried working from the couch many times in the past. Aside from the poor ergonomics, all the subtle signals are promoting the exact opposite of work!

The key for me was finding the place in my house that suited me best. Turned out it was the kitchen table. Nearest everything I needed and plenty of space. No music or other chatter. The busyish sidewalks make a din of pedestrian voices, not listenable individuals.

The starbucks concept doesn't work for me due to the volume and distraction. Too many interesting things to look at.

I like a little noise, as long as I can't hear an individual conversation.

I hear ya! I've never been a Starbucks guy for that reason. They're normally too busy for me. But I have friends who thrive working there. Even when there's literally no elbow space!

Then again, it would offer plenty of material to blog about. Maybe I'll go there just to take notes.

Well said. I've been "working remote" for the last 8 years and I'm finally finding the balance point for productivity. For me, that means some time in the office, some time away (far away). Making my plan the night before and nailing it before noon the next day. Far less stressful than years gone by.

That is an excellent strategy that I've been working on myself. Basically, I wake up, and quickly get started on the business. The days when I fail to do that, are always low in productivity. I should just not check email until the evening. Problem solved! xD

Near the coffee pot. Definitely. I always prefer the kitchen. Mostly for that reason. I got lucky and now we got a place that I had the windows replaced in the kitchen as soon as we got it, they take up most of one wall for a great view. But, they had to open sideways to get it to work. What I dont have is a garage or barn here to hide the Jeep in. That was always the best help in getting things done. Hiding my vehicle to deter visitors. But a big window closest to the coffee pot is a good start.

I could definitely use more windows in my room! This is partly why I need to work outside more often. It's so important to be exposed to light during the day (of the right wavelengths), so you can sleep better at night.

Another good article from you mate!
I usually prefer the room, which receives sunlight whenever im using the laptop for many hours. Whenever i feel tired or drained of energy i go for a walk in the nature for an hour, surely it recharges me and equalizes
You know whatever makes you feel good vibes, makes you more efficient in work.

I've been trying to get an optimal amount of sunlight each day. This is a major reason why I want to work outside. I love walking in nature, too. I just wish it was nearer to my residence!

Even i wished the same here bro. Btw playing nature sound in background for the ambient is really a clever idea. Will try that,might elevate my mood.

You have to figure that throughout our entire evolution we were surrounded by these environmental cues. Only recently do we live (and now work) in structures that block out almost all of the natural world.

True that! and we believe that we are evolving and modernizing while in truth we are just isolating from the nature/creation, which we are part of it. That thing has effect on our health
Wish we could change some things but i guess its an inevitable crisis due to our ignorance and greediness

I think I've sat though a days worth of meetings and workshops on the topic of workplace ergonomics during my working life!

I sussed it out myself though during final year at university. Had a nice desk, well lit, a suitable chair, the right music, a tea rota, and my work improved so much I almost walked with a 1st with honours - the first 2 years of bad habits cost me though!

We tend to learn the most important things late! If I had a time machine, I'd also teach my younger self proper nutrition, sleep, and exercise. I donno how I survived college!

I prefer working at home behind my desk at my room. I have much more energy and organization there. Ofcourse sidejobs like checkups and followingups or browsing some quick sideinformation (wich is moslty important enough to proceed with what i am doing) I do that on the bus or train and when On my cellphone or even on my laptop if I decided to take it along with me somewhere. But yeah my desk is my deathzone :) I use my desktop and at my desktop I am the most productive. More then from behind my laptop or smarthphone.

We have a small house open area. I prefer to sit in a comfortable overstuffed rocking chair that also twirls. Quiet time for me. I am easily distracted by conversation and other voices on radio or television. Sometimes for a change of pace the library works. Free wifi there. Regards! 🐓🐓

It depends on the project. If I'm writing or paintings, I like to be in a quite place. If i'm just making sketches or doing simple easy tasks online, I love working at a coffee shop. You are not alone! It would be cool to travel and work full time​. That's why I love Steemit! Gives me a chance to live that travel work lifestyle.

Hope Steemit opens up some opportunities for you!

I think it will. I've been on this platform a little over a month now, and I see how much value and potential there is. It's also a plus that I love to share my thoughts and blog. :) Steem on!

I have a favorite room in my house, my room. In my room I can distance myself from those who judge me, like a frightening ghost. I do not like being in the living room. Because the place is very disturbing to me when all family members start gathering.Haii @gigafart...

hey I prefer a quiet environment without people yeah at home or with friends that can also help, heheh to put the computer into the kitchen :O :O I think would be fat after one month :P :P :P

I have a whole 'nuther strategy to deal with over eating . Hehe. Good point though, for many of us...

or you just buy fruits and vegetables, overeating can not be possible anymore, or just watermelons xD

I actually switched from a meat-heavy diet to one that's 'whole food plant-based'. I will write about this sometime. Thanks for mentioning it!

yeah I would like to read, I was 4 months vegan, but it was way too hard, I could not eat anything in restaurants, had to prepare and to cook everyday, then I switched to a vegetarian, and then I figured out I need just a little bit meat, I am eating just chicken, fish, and if I am traveling then also other meat, but just to be polite :) it is important to figure out what your body needs and how your body feels well in general...if you are just forcing yourself to be a vegetarian you will get in a bad mood very fast ..

Fake student.. lol .. I can work at home and did for many years, guess it depends on the space. I usually like a big open room (loft style) with no boundaries.

I love open space. I have a standing desk now, and just eliminating the office chair has made the room seem larger.

lovely... :)

Still my favorite name on Steemit :)

It's true that working against a wall is not easy. I dream of an office in the center of a room with a view on nature. I'll follow you because I like the way you see things.

That is something I've literally dreamed about: Glass walls looking out at a forest!

I do better work when I force myself to a deadline.

If not it's iPad and chill.

Wish I was better at enforcing deadlines. I just don't have that trait it seems...

I usually have to pretend that if I don't finish (this) by (x time) that dark agents will swarm in and kill my first born child slowly in front of my eyes.

Then I barely want to do it.

Thats true a single productive hour can make you really productive

Nice my wife and I moved out laptops in out backyard and set up a little office , so much better working outside instead of a stuffy ass room lol

That sounds wonderful! Some good seating and a bit of shade...

It is the most brilliant idea I've heard this week - to move your work place closer to kitchen and coffee machine!

It's weird, but it's worked well for me!

Nah it's not weird at all, man. I feel you!
It's never bad to improve the quality of work and fix something in it so it won't feel like struggle anymore. But constant, enjoyable and smooth achieving your goal.

That spooky title. At the beginning, i thought you're being haunted by your notebook or washing machine lol.

This house is haunted. I might blog about it one day...

I have the same problem when I take my work computer home and try to get stuff done. I never get as much done as I want. I now make myself stay at the office until I am really done for the day.

That was my punishment in grade school -- staying behind to complete the next day's homework, because I'd rarely do it at home. Maybe it shaped my sensitivity to work environments....

Get a fidget spinner

Holy shit! Not jking. One just arrived from Amazon when I read that. It's not for me tho. xD

I'm super lucky to live in the country and have a huge covered porch. Working outside is the shit!

My "porch" is the street xD

Huh. I have only a desktop, so moving it ain't feasible. But I'll try my other work (learning lines) outside more.

I guess if you’re in improv, you don’t really give a shit about rehearsing in public. xD

I mean... no? But one doesn't learn lines for improv.

I got RANGE.

last week i started working at the beach, so instead of being home tool my laptop and sit there without internet just writing :D. I seemed to improve and the fun came back.

Cool! I’ve been trying to figure out the best ergonomics at the beach. I’m thinking about a folding/camping chair maybe. Some kinda shade would be nice, too.

a quite environment with natural breeze that's what all i need.

So true, and I create my own breeze!

I find that anyplace where I can be at peace works the best for me @gigafart

There are 4 pages