The photo above captures my worst day of 2016.
I had been running my PC hard, around the clock, without the air conditioning turned on. I was trying to save on monthly utility bills, as I worked from home, creating media.
But then, of course, something broke -- probably the motherboard, which was already 6-years old at the time.
The problem was, I had no money to fix it and it was my primary tool to earn income.
At the time, I was many months deep into a project that had yet to make any money. Worse, it had eaten up almost all of my resources.
I suppose that's why I snapped the photo. I was in total disbelief at the timing of the event.
After an hour with its guts laid out on my coffee table, repeatedly shorting the power connector with a butter knife, I finally gave up on my PC.
I ordered -- with tons of guilt -- new parts with money that was supposed to be spent on health insurance and tax payments!
Fortunately, as the summer ended, my gamble started to pay off. My income stream became respectable, and heading into Christmas was looking great.
But instead of buying a lot of shiny new things, I would eventually risk most of it on crypto.
You can say that I got lucky -- I just happened to have some extra cash when the markets were booming.
But I've been in crypto since 2011.
That dead Sandy Bridge motherboard, years ago, once held a couple of 6870's that mined 24/7. I've seen a lot of ups and downs.
Sometimes, I notice Steemians saying they're struggling.
I know what's that like. I spent years in the brutal Web/SEO market, and almost a decade as a paid YouTube creator, until they virtually cut off earnings this spring.
So I want to tell them the only advice that continually proves itself true:
You'll get what you deserve when you make the requisite sacrifices.
To get you started on your path to prosperity, leave a thoughtful remark below, and I will blast you a genuine gigafart.
(Need a reason to follow me? I generally upvote every comment, on every post I create.)
"Sometimes, I notice Steemians saying they're struggling."
Every passing moment, we all are struggling. It is not a matter of fame, fortune, glory, or poverty, depravity, emptiness.
You can be the most successful businessman in the earth yet you are struggling for control. The constant fear of failure, even a slight miscalculation that may send your business downhill.
Maybe you are the richest man in you country, yet you struggle for deep sense of security. You can eat the most expensive "wagyu A5" with all the fancy trimmings each day yet you barely have a good nights rest.
Or you treat yourself as the poorest of the poor, striving to live with whatever resources you have, toiling the day to survive. "Oh how cruel is this life!" you say.
Each and everyone of us has their own struggle. Maybe we are on the different side of the spectrum, yet we survive. But the path is never easy. You splendidly put it into words:
"You'll get what you deserve when you make the requisite sacrifices."
Yes, "sacrifices". You reap what you sow they say. Come to think of a farmer. The work is hard, it is to say the least back-breaking, but he endures, he doesnt complain, he is sacrificing, he is struggling. He knows that there will come a time where he will reap the fruits of his labor. Let us have this kind of mindset.
Thank you so much @gigafart. Such a motivating post you have. Continue to inspire us, keep the posts flowing. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Keep on Steemin'!

(You deserve to be followed and also a small .02 upvote token of appreciation. :D)
Thanks @gigafart for an inspiring post! I've been reading through the comments and your replies and it's really encouraging to have this type of positive engagement in the community.
You are so right! Guess this is life! I especially liked your "farmer" example. Thanks so much for that! I needed it.
It's my pleasure to give an encouraging word to others. Yes this is life! It is never easy, a bit brutal, yet we will survive! We will labor, and we will reap it someday. ;)
Thanks for your awesome comment.
Have some money! xD
Oh thank you so much. :)
I heard thru the grapevine that i should pump my first few payouts to power up my steem power. What do you think? Is that a good idea? @u@
Im back reading your latest posts about writing. I definitely need some more tips. :)
You're welcome!
I’m not sure what you mean. But you should horde as much Steem Power as possible.
It could be very valuable one day.
I get it now. More steem power it is! Ill convert my upcoming payouts too steem power asap. They said it makes your votes worth more. That would be great! :)
And by the way, may i post my lengthy comment on your post on my blog? Ofcourse i will give credit to your post great post. I think that it would be a great encouragement to those who are just starting in Steemit.
Yea of course! You never need to ask me for stuff like that xD
Go make your channel great!
Sorry for the noob questions. hehehe.. :D
Okay i will post it later. have to sleep first, (12:20am now in manila xD)
Shower me with Steem whenever you want, i will put it to good use. Hehe ..(◕‿◕✿)Thanks for the support @gigafart. Continue to be blessing others. (especially to minnows like me. ^_^)
May the force of steem be with everyone who supports other minnows like you @gigafart and all minnows on the platform struggles except those who have deep pockets and can invest in Steem Power.
I hope you don't mind a quibble. Most of the farmers I know enjoy complaining at least a little.
Haha!! The new generation of farmers do complain a bit. The old farmers folks i know just work, eat, sleep, repeat.. xD
Just curious, but what exactly is a gigafart? Is that a billion small farts or a billion's worth in one large fart?
I hear you loud and clear the life of a miner is hard the road is filled with obstacles, forks and dead ends. I've been mining since 2011
The pics of the 100ghs 1000 Kwh Avalons I purchased for about $2000 each been sitting in my basement. They became obsolete before I was able to ROI.
They cost more in shipping than they are worth. I'm donating them to the local high school computer science club.
Today STEEMIT is the best way to mine.
Respect for taking the risk! Thanks for sharing.
This is what people usually don't see, but they should.
Yeah for me its not just about the profits. Though profits are nice. It's more about growing the network and helping crypto become one of the tools needed to replace our present obsolete monopoly ponzi economic system.
wow, that's crazy
Yeah bro. Mining is a tough biz.
My weekend was spent cleaning out the basement and these are sitting in my living room until drop them at the high school.
Wow! Just wow!
This is a real motivation to me and i think many of us. With determination and persistance, look at where you are today. I am planning to be the next gigafart. I believe i will be getting what i deserve. This is gigafart junior speaking. lol
We all start off as microFarts. I believe in your journey tj!
Absolutely agree with you: If you want rewards, you need to do the work.
No shortcuts in life but there are efficiencies:
Keep learning, keep applying what you've learned, and be relentless.
@scan0017 😘
Those are great points, and will definitely accelerate success. I def. agree about rewarding when it's earned.
Everyone has their fair share of difficulty times. Some how crytocurrency have changed and will change lifes of millions. You are very lucky to get into this spac so early but to most of the new steemians, we are not too late. So many people are still not aware of the existence of blockchain, bitcoin let alone Steemit. Potential for growth within this space is HUGE so just hang on and you will be rewarded handsomely.
Definitely early days here on Steemit! There's opportunity for everyone. I'm amazed at how many ways there are to play this game. We all have different talents.
@reggaemuffin just launched his lending bot. Can you imagine the economy that's going to spur? It's the start of Steemit's advertising network, and god knows what else!
And the king sent out the wise men to bring back all the knowledge of the world. Many moons went by until they returned. When they arrived to the palace with long lines of scribes carrying books, the king said: no! Fuck no! I'm not going to read all that shit...make it shorter.
So the wisemen convened. And toiled long months before they came to the king with a single phrase. It was: this too shall pass.
The king said: you fucking morons! Everybody knows that ending, give me something i can work with, something real, something that actually does some work!
The wise men were stumped. Their sophist-ication had been complete. They had lost the magic of the verdant herb. The creative power of a blooming flower and a bumbling bee. They had been asked for wisdom and returned with a prescription for endurance... the sky grew dim.
In the morning, the wise men left their academy for the palace. On the way they stopped for espresso -- which is always a good idea. While there a young girl of the kingdom showed up with the morning sun blazing in her hair and cakes of honey. She presented her offering to the master and said: thank you! Your teachings have guided me towards the light and now i have found plenty. Thank you! Thank you Master!
The Master smiled and said: thank you child. If only attaining happiness and plenty was as easy as you make it look.
The girl said: it is Master! You told me to study hard and to apply myself, which i did, and now i am reaping the rewards.
Go on, said the Master...
It's simple, said the girl: You get what you give
The Master smiled. The other wisemen smiled too. And looked at each other like -- did you see that fucking touchdown!!??!
Off to the palace they went. Spoke to the king. He was ecstatic and particularly generous that day 'cause ol' King was no fool... Yadda yadda yadda...They all got fat sacks of gold and loaded paper wallets, new burner android cell phones, killer sunglasses and pre-paid visas and the week off.
Cheers, from thedamus
Please comment often!
As your name implies, when inspiration strikes it can be mighty.
I will look for your posts O flatulent one kenobi :P
You should get a profile image. I just realized you're also the robocoin dude!
...getting there
Ha! I just realized your the iPad at the beach dude!
How big a fart can I get?😂
Looks like I gotta blast a lot of people here...
Keep coming back for more tho, k?
Inspiring story man. Glad your gamble paid off!
Hope your EOS pays off too xD
I gotta wait until it's offered on an exchange I use.
Hey gigafart,
Great post, and cool history. I too have been in since early, but i'm not a miner. I got involved with buying a robocoin machine right after the first one went live in Vancouver in 2013 (had already been in for nesrly a year at that point).
Anyway, there has been (as i'm sure you recall) a ton of crap to deal with re: robocoin. It's a long story, but i'll be quick... we shipped our 9mo delayed robo to Japan to be set up in a "sure spot" with a reliable operator. It didn't work. Weeks of tech bs occurred and worked -- for 9 days. Then robocoin shat their entire bed...
Time went by. Slowly. My partner and i argued. Things were shit and we still owed large dollars (to finance machine) and it wasn't working. We changed its brain to GeneralBytes. Dude in japan couldn't get it to work.
Years went by. We persevered and stayed involved in the crypto scene, then
3 months ago we got it shipped home. We found a spot, got hooked in with bitcoiniacs, and BOOM! Got it lit up.
It's now been running for nearly a month and earning money. We are vindicated! And as you say, rewarded for our perseverance.
We're not making huge money or anything, but, we're doing it. Making our dream of bringing more bitcoin to more people a reality.
Our machine is at 3rd st and Lonsdale in North Vancouver!
Just wanted to tell my story in support of your thesis. Keep on keeping on!
Cheers! from thedamus
Yes, I've heard tons of bad shit about robocoin over the years xD
I'm so glad it worked out for you, despite the stress of it all. I'm sure you're a crypto ATM wizard now, and getting your next machine(s) up and running will be 1/100th of the effort. Vancouver sounds like a great market to tap. Maybe you'll try Japan again, someday.
Thanks gigafart! Back i can do right now (re: uv)
I have done two stories on bitcoin ATM's -- the original location at 900 Howe, and then recently, the honeybadger machine at Granville&Smithe.
Next one will be on my own spot :)
Cheers! You're def one of the good guys
I feel you man. You worked hard and now you're here. Am so proud :d
Plz don't gigafart me, i'm fine :D
Cats are susceptible to reverse psychology xD
Oh no. Then please gigafart me hard lol
I really sympathise with this post @gigafart - mining is a bitch of twists and turns! Thank God I found Steemit and I now mine with my posts :) Now I just mine Zcash happily as a side hobby - I really enjoy my mining now :) Thank you Steemit!!
Mining and everything else I’ve ever tried is a bitch xD
The biggest problem was the 24-7-365 thing - keeping it all going without it hanging, having power cuts or heating the apartment to 52C/125F! Thank God for the cool and calm of Steemit now :)
Hahaha @gigafart you always make my day with your sense of humor and being genuine. Most people think that steemit is the silver bullet even without putting in hardwork , building contacts and good contents. There is no free money (even if you are in charity , you still have to beg for the money), so hardwork, dedication and being true to yourself are some principles needed to succeed in life. Thanks for sharing.
I've realized, everyone has their own idea of what good content is. But good support? That's much less subjective. People will either show up to vote and/or comment, or they won't. That's where the real prize is...
I agree especially after the last update and many people (new minnows like me) basing their comments on copy and paste or F4F haha . Doing great buddy, more success to you.
Can I have 1.21 gigafarts?
This is as close as I can get with the slider. You might have to comeback for some change.
Thanks brothaman! Tell your cat to cough...errr, fart up the rest! ;)
K, now you own me about 15c
No rush tho
Here, I'll let Hitler MORE than pay you back! ;)
Your story of struggle and perseverance as certainly inspiring. I too know how it feels to squander necessity funds towards avenues of hope.
I've been able to get by - and in a sense I've been lucky too - my luck probably seated in material conservatism (its not without its drawbacks).
Yes the struggle is real but its often a lack in direction - or a lack in clear eventual resolution than disheartens - rather than the existence of obstacles in the way. And, of course questioning if that which one is putting out is valuable enough to be worth the space its written in.
Well thank you for adding some eloquently written perspective to the matter.
That is so true. In the midst of non-success, I've often questioned if I'm pursing the right path. It really helps to model successful behavior. The comparison will reveal a way forward.
I've often lived frugally to collect coins. Maybe I'll post about it in the future...
im also going through hard times. You moitivates me. Beautiful post so far. I appreciate with all my heart. @gigafart
So far, in my life, the hard times haven't stopped coming... but I get braver and stronger from all of it!
honestly i think they just keep coming, but tough times dont last tough people do!!!!
Ya know, what fascinates me in the Crypto community in general, is the obsession with saving (investing?) It's incredible. Your comment
really struck home with me. Years of obsessing over the next new 'toy' has become replaced by "how much can I put into this thing." Can you imagine a bank ever managing to attract investors in such a way. Cool ;)
Crypto is definitely for savers. It's one reason, I believe, why it's getting so big in Asia. You need to have money upfront to play!
So many cry about their lack of success on steemit. They make zero effort and expect a treat in the end. Steemit is going to break into two factions: workers and beggars.
Those that want more from their accounts, always testing and improving. Engaging and growing. You'll also have the other gang that is trying to game the system with vote for vote schemes, while no real content is created.
I'm with the hard work will create your own luck gang. SteemOn.
Steemit is a giant playground. There's just so many ways to play the game, and that's what makes it exciting!
I totally agree with your assessment of diverging groups. Just like in RL, we have savers and spenders, introverts and extraverts, agreeable and disagreeable people.
But having inequality is essential. How else could anyone climb the hierarchy?
I'm not sure what to say to that so...

Right on the line of gigafart worthiness. You can only use that once, k
Great to read you could turn things around last year, and all worked out pretty well with your PC, and I suppose also with your medical and tax bills :)
You being in crypto since 2011, must have brought you great successes before the last boom with BTC values much lower in 2011 than in 2016? Sure, a tremendous boom happened in crypto earlier this year, but I also remembered back in 2013 when I was looking at BTC just before the jump from low to more than 1.200$, crypto was already in good shape and building value. Only at that time I didn't see that, and my mind wandered other directions, so I missed all of that and jumped on Steemit only early this year and than in crypto trading only a couple of months ago, just when the boom happened/finished. So, that is kinda bad luck! Hope all my time I now spending in cyrptospace will somehow returned to me in some way or form, as you said "You'll get what you deserve when you make the requisite sacrifices." My sacrifices are the reduction of me social life in the real world, and to be honest, a lower focus on other work to generate income to pay my bills. BUT, I'm loving it to be in cryptospace :)
I sold all my btc from 2011 for very little. One the biggest mistakes of my life! When I bought back in, it was after the mtgox collapse. So I got to sit thru the crypto dark ages, with no profits and a lot of gloom, until sometime last year!
It wasn’t all bad, though. I had fun trading the first big alt wave. Like a bunch of counterparty coins. Somehow, that path led me to Steemit this year.
Cryptospace is like a rollercoaster, at least that is how I experience it. And for those who like some adventure; Rollercoaster are great rides! :)
Always interesting how roads takes us, Steemit is my first ever experience with blogging, and almost the first ever experience with the cryptoworld and it got me hooked to understanding of this special world, how creating a digital community works and it got me even in trading. And I was so sceptic when I was told about Steemit last October, thinking it cannot be anything else than a scam. Therefor it took another 3 months before I even looked at Steemit...well, also found time since I started a vacation :)
I hope many of my friends take the same path. First, get into Steemit, then learn about crypto. Being able to trade and manage coins is such an important skill. It will be commonplace in the future.
You might be right! But it'll for sure take many years before the mass get into crypto. But only time will tell. By then I actually think the whole cryptospace became easier, similar to what people are used to today with the old financial world; Since when it doesnt get to that simplicity level, the mass will not adopt Crypto. Time will tell though :)
The big issue is securing private keys. Steemit has an amazing solution for that. I hope in the future I can (easily) select my own family members for account recovery.
The Hustle and Grind is real, lots of people just don't want to put in the work to become successful. Mad respect @gigafart :)
It's true. The top bloggers here out hustle everyone else and make no excuses. One reason for writing this post was to motivate myself!
thanks for the motivation but whats a genuine gigafart??? is it stinky?!?
I guess im still trying to find my niche and my audience, but am super pleased to be apart of the community!!!
I needed to hear that.
We can listen to all the self-help we want but it still takes sacrifices to make things happen. I still remember what a friend of mine told me - give up the good to have the great.
Thank you for the reminder @gigafart!
I like you friend's words!
If you look at the top bloggers here, most of them out-work, out-smart and out-network everyone else. And most of them were successful (at some, or many things) before they even arrived here.
Everyone has paid their dues, in some way.
The prize is worth the price.
Happy for you that your gamble and hard work paid of at the end.
As I am happy I can power off and on my laptop, I dont know how long a motherboard is supposed to do its job, but 6 years sounds like it has done its duty.
I am pretty sure it is better to get through times like this to appricate what you have and how far you have gone.
My hardware was running too hot, for too long. I got good value out of it, though!
Steemit is a wonderful opportunity right now. It's way less competitive than other platforms.
Glad you're doing all right, I struggle but I have no complaints, sure sometimes I write what I think are quite insightful articles and get pennies for it, but I didn't have those pennies and they add up, sure everyone is here for the money at least that is part of the reason, but I have learned that my writing skills are not quite as bad as I thought they were.
To an extent, complaining is fine. Steemit is social network, and sometimes that's what it's good for! But we should always find our way back to a healthier state of mind, or it's just not worth it.
Those are great words of reassurance! I love being on steemit and putting the effort into making the best posts I can. As a newbie though, there's still that struggle for visibility for me so any vote I get is always a big deal to me. It's hard sometimes but I just keep trucking along. It's good to have those reminders from time to time though, and much needed as people continue on in this journey.
Virtually everyone gets a hard path. It just seems easier for some, because they did a lot of work before they even got here. Good luck!
Thank you!
What's the number 1 reason to mine instead of buying coins? I've been running a small mining ops for a while, but it just seems better to buy and hodl coins for all the trouble mining can bring..
Honestly, I think you have to enjoy it as a hobby. I gave up GPU mining fairly quickly, and just bought from the market. (Fortunately, the ATI cards were excellent for FCPX in a hackintosh.) The worst was the noise and added heat. I definitely have the wrong living arrangements for mining. No garage, no basement, brutal summer...
Yeah i had 6 months a small farm in my room. Not the best time ever! I take it u bought into that gigawatt token? Not sure if legit though
I haven't but... I'm in a great position to shill that! xD
I'll read the white paper soon. Looks easy.
Yeah exactly u should! lol
There is nothing more depressing in life than to be unable to make ends meet. I have been in that same boat many a time in my life and just when things are at its worst, a miracle happens. I also bought some crypto a month ago when it was already so expensive. Now I am waiting patiently................ Did not know of its existence until I started to steem in full force a month ago. All of the best for you and your endeavors. Thank you for the motivating post .................. I will continue to work hard and wait patiently for the rewards!
I had most of my money (which wasn't a lot) in crypto. I refused to sell it, and things got... uncomfortable. When the unexpected bills showed up, there were some miserable times!
@gigafart, I am facing a stressful time right now. To be honest it is not as bad as the one you described, but I am looking for ways to provide for my family and am having a hard time getting a job.
It is so easy to think that we deserve something better, but too often we do not want to put in the time, effort, or money to make things in our life better.
We need more stories on Steemit like this. Every story is not a fairytale, very few are. We need more stories about hard work and calculated gambles. Thanks for being one of those examples to everyone in the Steemit universe.
If you look into the histories of some of these successful bloggers, you really begin to see that they came to Steemit with their success. But it's easy to think that they somehow were given an easier path.
You took a risk and it paid off, a lot of people who are too scared to make moves never reap in the big rewards. I had many odd jobs before it builds character and teaches you lessons you can never forget.
I've worked some awful jobs, and been around some awful people. The world isn't kind at the bottom of the bucket. Taking a risk is how you escape!
Life is UP then down, then UP .. glad you recovered. Im blasting you a genuine gigafart.. lol

I have a huge incentive to be here on the Steemit, and publish the original content. Part of the money earned here, as I invest in various cybercurrencies. And all because I want to build my own home for my family. Steemit gave me hope that it can be real.
I hope you can build a home one day with crypto! That’s one of my dreams as well.
Very true. I had a similar experience when mining btc in 2011 but my PC was always a luxury, never needed for work. Now it is vital for my job, so I can feel your pain. I'm glad it all worked out for you in the end.
I now have a decent backup PC. One of the images in my post shows a 10-year old MBP, that I needed to use to install the OS on the new rig. Man, that was dicey!
Ever wonder why it's always one step up and two steps back? Life's a country song of misfortunes!
I'm just going to leave my wallet alone and let it grow until it's easy and uncomplicated to withdraw. At that point we'll all know if cryptocurrencies will stand the test of time.
If you believe in it, buy and hold. The most money I've ever lost was from trading, and cashing out for no good reasons!
Inspiring story. Its not for the first time I see here successfull people, that started from crap hardware and money troubles. So it gives us the hint of the day -
To succeed on Steemit you should buy old computer and stop pay taxes )))
I did both))
Good luck and Steem-on!
Good luck with the tax thing. LOL
How do you handle "seasons" of struggle? Like are you diligent with planning and saving or is it more of a gamble . I feel like this lifestyle is awesome and can definitely be prosperous but there's so much risk involved.
A lot of people are brainwashed into "playing it safe". Then they lose their job, or they get sick, or they go bankrupt doing very normal activities, like living off of credit cards. I've had some very dark moments in my life!
You probably want a safety net, though. Whether that's cash or family.
But some people just want to feel safe all the time. That doesn't lead to live-changing events!
Bitch slap them graphics cards homie and keep on STEEMiN'...
I've upgraded the GPUs. But no more mining these days!
I hear you. I poured some money into cloud mining and kind of regret it. Wish I would have bought more steem power. That's okay, I keep buying more steem every few days. I see you got plenty. Well played sir!
I dono where to hear the truth about cloud mining. But I know it ain't any more shady than the vast majority of coins and icos Ive traded in the last year. tbh. scams/ponzis kind of intrigue me xD
and you earned my follow...
Seems to me like you enjoy a gamble. :D
I think just about everyone in crypto likes to gamble!
Mining is rough, I'm glad I just buy and lend
Even when BTC GPU mining was profitable, it just seemed like a better idea to buy from the market. I think you really have to enjoy mining, like as a hobby, to maintain your own rig(s).
I'm not even technically sound for that, I just hobby mine xmr from my PC
Awesome story. Thanks for sharing it and the wealth! 👍😎
We are all sharing stories and money. It's hard to wrap my head around that! xD
@gigafart You sir now have a new follower. I've only started going in the crypto markets about a couple of months ago, and I am here for the long game. I know nobody will get rich over night, so neither will I, but at least I know I'm sacrificing a bit of "fun" and "spoiling myself less" now, so I can secure myself for the future. I've also poured almost all of my savings into cryptos, right now I'm bleeding money due to the crashes we've been seeing in the last couple of weeks, including today, but I won't sell anything, I will keep on to my coins as they are gold - because they are.
I am glad to see things worked out for you! Good luck in your future plans!
Take comfort that SP and blogging earns you money. The vast majority of other coins don't offer anything but a dream. How many of these coins/icos are going to survive?
Love the post. I keep scratching my head at those who think this platform is a get rich quick scheme.
You get back what you put in
Make some connections, post quality content and the rewards will start to flow. You have obviously been in this for a while and are reaping the benefits. So to all the complainers out there, head down, arse up, start posting good stuff and you will get noticed!
It only looks like 'get rich quick' if you enter the platform with existing resources: high SP, existing fans, experience in marketing, etc.).
But all that was paid for at some point in the past.
Great to see a happy ending for you. gigafart lol that's a unique name
It's what you do when you fall that makes the person. Thank you for this post of encouragement. From someone who is in the grips of success it says a lot about them when they make it so others can relate to them.
"...grips of success" xD
I still have a long ways to go!
I hear ya! Always room for improvement. I'd like to b in ur shoes on steemit 😆 Here's where I stand.
Remember: a storm can't last forever :)
It's funny how we know that, yet in the midst of the storm, it can seem like things will never improve!
Your hard work pays off , it's nice to share your experience with us from which people will get to know about you that how much you have given to this community
Thank you for sharing @gigafart
I think hard work almost always pays off. It just isn't obvious over the short term. I've failed at many projects in the past, but now I have skills that I wouldn't have acquired otherwise.
Yes, because now your thoughts are very clear and your dedication towards your work is getting stronger and stronger. You are doing a spectacular job and I wish you do the same and help people through your work !
Sometimes when you take risks and go for it, it pays off. :) No pain no gain. No risk no disk. Good to hear things have gotten better!
Thanks! Things will really improve when I cash some of my crypto out. Well, let's hope so.... xD
That's what it looks like when a computer gigafarts! Haha
Much love and respect to your hardwork, knowledge and hustle!
Not sure what all those characters mean.. god I hope it's not malware xD
It was the emojis from my phone while I was posting, lol
Yea, bust the farts outta the floppy drive and get back to alphabet!
instead of buying new toys and thinking of turning up that bae, i'd rather put in work to become a gigafart someday. i really appreciate the time and energy people like you put in here to help minnows like us. thank you so much for those motivational lines. i have just followed you, hoping you follow back as i look to reading your future articles.
I will help anyone that helps grow this network, minnow or whale. Thanks for hearing my message. We all gotta put in work to see Steemit dominate!
I am glad things worked out for you. You mentioned YouTubers coming to steam. That is actually how I heard for the site, from a YouTuber wanting to transition to I've been looking through Steamit the last week and it's been a blast! I even started my own blogs as of last night! I'm looking forward to more posts from you!!
It's a great time to get set up on Steemit. Right before it goes mainstream, and everyone you know wishes they got in earlier!