Are some posts irrelevant?

in #steemit7 years ago

Yesterday I saw somebody comment on a post that was a few charts from and then a few comments from the poster, this guy asked what value did that post add to Steemit if anybody could just go to and get the same information.

This got me thinking, you know, like for example I see a lot of people just put a comment and a link and that is what there post is about, then there are some who post a video and a few words, I can also assume this doesn't add value as I can just go to his youtube channel and see the same video.

Or a lot of people post videos of info-wars which I personally don't like as I really don't harbor too much good feelings for Alex Jones. Do these posts add anything to Steemit? Or the posts that are just also talking about @dan and his EOS, or other posts about ICO's or other crypto news, I can get those same news items at other sites, do they add something?

So I wonder what value do these posts add? Well I think for one I get to see posts even if they are only links that I wouldn't have seen if they weren't on Steemit, I get to comment on these posts and also read comments made by others which I sometimes find interesting.

So yes I do believe even these posts from coingecko (which I also use) do add a certain value to Steemit, and above all the fact that you can post these things makes Steemit a much friendlier and as our libertarian and anarchist friends say a freer platform, I can post about anything I want and I don't have to worry if some people don't like it, in fact I don't have to worry if nobody likes it, because they are my posts and I guess they get what they deserve.

So in a word yes some posts are irrelevant but the poster has all the right to post them.


Mate, Post whatever you want. Because you are free to share your ideas your posts and everything you want none because it's freedom of speech and none can take it from you.

I'm quite new here but this is what I can gather is important: curation, commenting, and community. My opinion is that if one of these things are lacking it actually is pointless. This doesn't apply to just steemit, but any social media platform.

One thing that steemit has right is that you can't "dislike" content, a concept that is outdated and unnecessary to determine whether something is worthy of views. I guess by following people you can create a feed to bypass a lot of the stuff you don't want to see.

But you can be flagged, which amounts to the same thing.