Changing interests.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I did a little analysis regarding interest types on and how they are changing.

This may give a few hints as to what topics are currently found interesting and which types of posts get real views.

I then compared this month so far with the same period last year and the changes are quite dramatic.

There is a huge move to interest in content classed as shoppers... and what's with all this about health and fitness?

I suppose there was little to none of this category of content available last year.

Financial services is still our largest In-market segment, due to all the crypto etc. related content, but that dominance has declined since last year

Interest in educational topics is intriguingly on the rise.

News related things of many varieties are also pulling a lot of traffic.

These classification also only represent about a third of all traffic, so it shows that there are many small categories getting reasonable amounts of views and that speaks to the ongoing diversification of the content and audience using the steemit website.

This is Google Analytics data and presents traffic from a front end perspective.

There are 4 pages

More diversification is better! I'm waiting for times, then steem content will be comparable in quality with paid one.

This is great. We want a fully diversified Steem. As long as we don't have too much in celebrity news, then I am good! I don't care what Taylor Swift does. :)

Out of all the top trending articles this was the only ones worth reading. The development of real new and different markets.

Celebrities have the numbers. If they join Steemit they will make a killing... and bring a lot of people to Steemit too. :)

i am looking for the best strategies. I just joined this month.

heheheheheheh you are right. celebrity news is the silly sh..
anyway is rocking and nothing happens in a hint. I am patient and waiting to see steemit competing with YouTube and other famous platforms.

Well said @kimor! I also hope celebrities are no going to dominate, there is so much more beyond that, and way more interesting too. I thing the balance in content seem healthy now, and thanks for this great report @gavvet.

@kimor, agreed. Diversity is a good mix.

Well, the thing about these aggregator sites is the people decide what's interesting (ideally).

Perhaps steemit will become like reddit after mainstream adoption.

when is the anticipated mainstream adoption?

I've been using Reddit for, what, 5 years? It didn't happen overnight if that's what you expect. It will take years at minimum.

Steemit should copy youtube's format without the demonetization and censorship. Most users don't want to read essays all day. More videos.

who are the technophiles?

I enjoy that my steemit feed very rarely has political news. I do like the arts, science, technology and great causes. Celebrity news is best left for sites like TMZ.

but...but what about the Kardashians! :(

Reddit was focused around few topics for the first years. We're diversifying very fast and that's something we should encourage. Even if you personally don't like something, there are people that will so provide support for those people as well. When the content is here, the people will follow. We're on a good track.

I would like to be informed if Taylor Swift is run over by a semi-truck...

Great analysis!

I think the interests on Steemit are unique and it's nice to see them changing. A change should reflect more people outside our bubble coming in

Hopefully the Steemit community will find the right balance between creating comment targeted to the general interest and consciously trying to bring more value to the platform whether it brings immediate reward or not.

I love this insight. Thank you.

This is very insightful. I like diversity and it is good to see such a wide variety of interests. It reminds me that there are a wide variety of great tags based on unique content outside of the top tags. I like the wide variety of news and how the arts outrank politics. I avoid political comments in general but I do enjoy steemit because I rarely see politically oriented content on steemit. Totally different experience on other social media platforms. I appreciate you for doing this research @gavvet !

Good! The more topics discussed, the better. You don`t want this platform to become a closed bubble going around the same thing all day :)

interezante resumen , buena informacion , gracias

Very interesting analysis! An important thing to notice and probably investigate that this correlates to traffic and real views and not value which is the driving force of the ecosystem. I wonder if there is a way to try and correlate value distribution by interests/niches in some way with this traffic data and see what kind of disparities are there. There are certainly going to be many I think.

Great analysis @gavet! The value shoppers interest could be a huge opportunity for growth. There are a ton of sites and blogs like Slickdeals and Krazy Coupon Lady that post great deals for their communities. Right now they primarily monetize through affiliate links where Steem could provide an additional revenue stream to earn just for sharing the deal. This could lead to better "deal" content as these bloggers would be incentivized to share only the best deals and not just offers where they have an affiliate relationship in place with the merchant. If anyone wants to start using Steem in this way let me know and I'd love to follow and help contribute

Well if we're being honest, its gonna end up like reddit and crypto had a child and made steemit. Think about it reddit's is massive and the portray themselves as the front page of the internet but people post on reddit for the community and because its fun but what happeneds when you add money to the equasion.

a few things actually

  1. You get REAL content creators and people who can make a living out of your platform

  2. You get a community incentivesed to be on your platform which breings out the good more than the bad in people cause " if im good or funny ill get more money" ? (well maybe)

  3. growth of every topic under the sun will come on your platform and it will grow massivly.

but there will always be the bad.

  1. schemers will always try to profit from an incentivised system and some will do this very well and some not so much

  2. we may have follow for follow (if we dont already )

  3. scams , clickbait and the rueining of everything

in the end things will change money will be made and sooner or later the admins will pop in and take down your post or the best part about this whole system they probably dont need admins cause the community will not even look at what they dont like.

That is very useful data. Thank you for the information. I certainly did my part in education. :D

That's the beauty of Steemit, the diversity, it definitely gets people from all works of life who are channel to their interests, A recent study was done of most cities in Africa that has made huge money in the Last 3 months, Financial services tops the list of area that made money for these cities..

So financial services are always the goose that lays the golden egg followed closely by real estate

Ooh, I love all this data! Please keep it coming. What are value shoppers? For some reason I immediately pictured a heretofore unknown contingent of Extreme Couponers on Steemit whom I had managed to completely miss.

Hmm, I can't stand celebrities so I know that trend wasn't me.

Love to see all these details. It's not going to affect what I post because "I gotta be me. What else can I be?"

Great information... thanks for the effort in compiling it!

To sum it up - Newly created Crypto Millionaires that are in News are spending/shopping a lot on Health & Fitness and probably Collecting Arts :)

You might be right. If so, go buy my art over at @AbstractArt and check out my homegirl Ashley's art over at @ahauvsart :)

Lol, thanks for the offer.. I am not a Crypto Millionaire yet, give me a couple of years, I will buy some of your lovely art work then...

Very kind of you to say. Here's wishing you loads of crypto success!

Same can be said for me. I wish you the best of luck bsameep!

Haha.. you got my upvote.

But I think Newly created Crypto Millionaires are divided between those who Spend/Shop a lot on Health & Fitness, and those who Spend their wealth on Arts & Entertainment... I'm not rich but if I was, I will be the latter type.

This is great news. For the platform to survive and thrive it needs to diversify away from purely crypto and crypto topics and this seems to be happening. To make it successful we need to embrace a broad church and whilst the platform seems to still be heavily reliant on crypto content that appears to be changing.
Crypto needs to facilitate things like Steemit but ideally be invisible to the end user. I think steemit pretty much achieves that. Now we just need the content to diversify more to attract a wider audience

hmmm some interesting reading there, thank you @gavvet

@gavvet Thanks for the report of différent topics, I was actually asking myself what was the position of Entertainment -gaming and streaming :) it sures tell me more about the interests of steemit profiles ;)

what a comprehensive job man

Steemit heading in the right direction!

Great post as always @gavvet! 100% UPVOTE!

@gavvet I think this trend is AWESOME! I want Steemit to have something for everyone. Better yet, I want a GUI that makes it very easy to consume the created content.

The future of Steemit is such that we need more consumers than creators, otherwise growth will be impossible. If creators are the primary users, we will have a forum where everyone will have megaphones and nobody can afford to turn down the noise and listen.

5 million consumers with low SP is more valuable than 5 creators with a vast amount. Digital despots are created by the concentration of power, and Steemit needs to see more consumption to balance things out.

OMG Celebrities news!

II can confirm that health and fittness are of high interest as I had an article posted in health and experienced significant feed-back for my level. It looks like people are more and more interested in how to have a healthier life, but to me that is normal. There are a lot of new diseases which even young people do experience and that could be a reason why they what to be more careful with their health. Not to say that the younger generations are more narcissistic and care a lot about their look so they search for ways to improve their look when they do not like it.

Interesting to see the diversity, thanks for sharing this.

This is a very useful reference for posters.

Excellent post. Amazing. Well done. I believe we will enjoy and have amazing time here to collaborate and learn for other members through writing.

Well, as steemit is growing in size in terms of users, it's only logical to see a rise in many types of interests. I guess in the early days of steemit, most users were people who's interests were mostly cryptocurrencies but now we see much more diversity here.

Thanks for sharing! This is definitely valuable information we all need to know as our platform Steemit continues to rapidly grow. Interesting to see the Avid Investors section go down, but that's only expected as we continue to get more and more people on board. Here come the facebook mom's and all of their shopping and educational posts! The more the merrier.

Well said michael!

Great stuff man, a very enlightening analysis.

Very interesting...I think it shows us the diversity of steemit. Gives the idea ample space for growth.

This is quite interesting...

Good analysis........this will help u to make followers........same way I follow u and u follow me........

I'd really like to see more in depth stuff on psychology and philosophy. Also, steemit can be an excellent platform to talk more about anime and cult hits that doesn't get any significant attention in the mainstream social media/news/blog landscape.

Cant believe I am only seeing this post now. nearly missed the boat to vote.

I was only recently wondering about this.

Where did you get access to this data? would like to combine Google Analytics data with steemit data to do some BI analysis

Hmm, that's interesting.

Thank you for sharing!

thank you for smiling

Interesting to see what the interest is here, wonder how it equates out with ages of folks. Thank You for sharing this @gavvet!

Wow , you have lots of patience ! Thank you for your time and great getting to know you @gavvet.

Excellent post. Amazing. Well done. I believe we will enjoy and have amazing time here to collaborate and learn for other members through writing.

Excellent post. Amazing. Well done. I believe we will enjoy and have amazing time here to collaborate and learn for other members through writing.

Makes sense. People who are obsessed with crypto currency will have made up a large proportion of the first users, with interests diversifying as there are more users. Health and fitness is such a massive industry, makes sense it's boomed so much. Great sleuthing!

That is cool... I think there are still a lot of unexplored and underrepresented areas of topics on I'm exploring ways to make steemit more user friendly and attractive to a larger audience. peace !

All this is Steemit user data? Quite enlightening, the categories as well as the changes.
So as per my understanding, this seems to show that shoppers' topics are rising the most and the financial market news topics are going downhill the most. Thanks for putting this together @gavvet!

There are 4 pages