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RE: Steem Giveaway! 200 Followers! Woo!

in #steemit8 years ago

I am not witty enough to make a comedic comment here - so instead, I will try to make a slightly pretentious "intellectual" comment on the reasons why people bother to respond to these requests.

The main reason I see is the combination of attention and financial reward - all humans on some level seem to value attention, and financial reward is an obvious incentive too. They both plug into what is known as the human utility function.

Put simply, all intelligent beings (which presumably includes humans) seek to maximise utility - utility being defined in a slightly circular manner as "that which we seek to maximise". For humans this tends to translate to things we get pleasure from, or things which get social respect from peers for (and this includes things such as the warm fuzzy feeling you get from donating to charity - it's ultimately about signalling to peers).

Everyone responding to this post is hoping to get attention and financial reward - a double whammy of two categories of utility. Even if the post does not win the financial reward, there is the possibility of attention.

Feed me attention. Even criticism of the slight pretentious nature of this comment is still attention by the way.


You got attention.

Hahahahahaha and an UPvote from me! ahhahaa


Looks like I'm your 44th follower.
I upvoted your cute cat.

yay - hopefully you read the main post and didn't just click upvote due to my cat being awesome and cute :)