Some times grown ups fight - and then later they forgive each other and move forward.

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

There is nothing better then forgiveness and reconciliation. What used to be an issue, is no longer an issue. So when we look backwards we can realize that life has moved on, where there was a fire before is now where flowers can grow.

No more Drama, we don´t want more Drama


i've downvoted this post! Why? I get the message but can't accept this in terms of "steem" PR - from both sides.. these actions harms US the hole community.

Are u guys aware of what u are doing here currently? Here are many poeple working their asses out for developing applications etc for steem to bring more value - how u are planning to add value again?

As a stakeholder - this is an important question to me!
if u want like u are actiong currently as STEEM testimonials/opinion leaders.


Currently it seems to me like childish EGO acting.

I will support every action who will bring you guys on the same table to get this issue done - ASAP!

You're probably right.

Steemit deserves to reap what it sows.

And if supporting these kind of people is what Steemit continues to do, well perhaps everyone's upvotes will fund a hired killer one day? Who knows. He's threatened to hire killers before, maybe he was just low on funds at the time? Actually I think that was the case since he allegedly couldn't refund all of those users that claim they were scammed on his exchange.

How dare me bring these things to light!

I should have just kept my mouth shut (like most of you) and let this guy continue cursing out women (because she deserved it according to most of you) and continue making things up about the person with the highest reputation on Steemit, and calling new users "assholes" and flagging them until they leave simply because they didn't agree with him, and flagging post that bring up his dirty laundry for all to see while claiming he's a victim of harassment.

Continuing to allow that be unchallenged on Steemit is MUCH better for all of us investors!

We all need to cower to the bullies and let them harass, threaten, curse, scam and flag whoever they want ... just so long as we aren't discussing it publicly, because that would be bad for our investment.

There's nothing worse than outsiders and newcomers seeing people fighting abusers into submission!

They need to see us cowering to them and allowing the abusers to continue doing whatever they want here! We need to show the outsiders and newcomers that we will do absolutely nothing to stop abusers out of fear of the dreaded "drama" comments!

Just so long as the repeated abusers say they're sorry and make $1,200 from it while sitting in their $5,000 massage chair smoking a cigar. I'm sure people like @heiditravels (and any other person that feels abused here) feels much better now knowing no one will ever stand up for her again. Because doing so would hurt her and our investment!

We must be vigilant in shutting down those who try to take the moral high ground and attempt to defend the abused! We must all form a gang against them and question why they are trying to shed light on the abusers when it's obviously hurting our investment to shut down any form of abuse in it's tracks!

I haz seen the light! Thank you all!

Only Jesus can accomplish that...and I'm not even kidding :)Hey @summon, I could try and go over my head to bring these two to the same table but I'm afraid it could be over all of our heads.

Have you seen some of the things these fucking children were saying / threatening?

I expect this from street drug dealers but not from what was supposed to be 2 distinguished bloggers on steemit who i held a reasonable amount of respect for. (Now completely lost after he threatened too pay someone too do something his bloated ass couldn't personally)

Also the fact they show their faces and are open about their identities makes it even more stupid because quite frankly if someone i knew the identity of threatened my life i'd travel too any corner of the globe to defend myself. At their front door.....

You would think this being an adult uncensored decentralized blogging forum that a certain level of mutual respect no matter the difference would exist?

When we talk about a free society people like this are one of the obstructions. We can't have people that when argued with threatens violence on that level. UNACCEPTABLE.

Prepare yourselves. This is reddit with upvoting that pays and downvoting that can destroy reputations. Things are bound to get hot. This is personally why I stick to trying to teach people about cryptocurrency and not focus so much on the money unless I'm using the funds earned to BUILD MORE STUFF FOR STEEM USERS!

It is very easy to get drawn in at times---especially when you feel like you are being attacked, but overall I see no reason that makes sense for me to upvote a post that starts with "I was sitting in my $5000 massage chair" and then goes on to paint a picture that fyrst has no place in this. Additionally, I see no reason why Tuck feels the need to put his energy into fighting fyrst. I personally am kind of stunned, though, by the sources he has produced for the community. Can honestly say it showed a different side of fyrst. Kind of thought his actions toward @heiditravels were a bit overboard, but understand how it feels to be stood up on interviews (if you consider one's own time important, that is). Adding to this all the attacks on Btctalk does make me have to shake my head a little bit.

I don't understand why people can't just get along and try to work together to build things of beauty. This is especially true when both are talented and capable of bringing much more to the table.

Fyrst---focus on bringing value to the platform and stop talking about how rich you are or who hurt you. Focus less on yourself and more on helping others (which, btw, you have proven competent in by way of some of your videos and articles).
Tuck---you now have made it pretty apparent that fyrst can go overboard at times. Leave it at that and move on (and maybe make some dank memes...Im sure people will bring a glass piece and a lighter to support that dankness).

Oh no, I'm done posting on Steemit bro.

I won't be doing anything except responding to false accusations that I am attacking or harassing this sociopath. So if you guys/gals want me to stop bringing up this sociopaths actions, stop bringing it up and I'll let it go until he unleashes on his next victim.

There are much greener pastures for me, but I will continue to defend the "Tuck Fheman" brand from those saying I'm in any way "attacking" or "harassing" a person for simply documenting (which is key) their abuse and threats towards others.

I hope you can understand my position.

I can see you have the best intentions. That is a big plus. Just wish it never had to come to this...
Though we dont live in lollipop land do we? Id be dumb to consider otherwise...

Yes, you are right. I tried to do the same but, it seems I don't have so much power to do it. I even made a post whit the title Set aside your ego and move forward!. At least @fyrtikken had the courage to admit that he was wrong.

You're insinuating that I'm wrong. I disagree. That's all there is to it.

You feel that I need to admit to something that I disagree with, so let it go and understand that I will never see it the way you do. You can continue attempting to profit off of the situation or do what you say you want others to do .. let it go! ;)

You keep saying; Let it go but, you don't wanna let it go! Don't forget, I'm not the person who started this! You must understand one thing; I know you believe that you didn't do something wrong, but for me and more other users you were wrong! I respect your decision, and I will stop saying; You were wrong! Let me know when the real You is coming back( that person who loved to make great photos). Cheers!

Stop harassing me, stop stalking me! lulz

That's me being the guy you blindly support. ;)

Downvoted that post too, and will keep downvoting every of your, @tuckfehman and @stellabelle posts that seek to continue that ridiculous flamewar. Stop already. All of you. You should be ashamed to partake in such silly trolling at your age.


I apologize again for any role I had in sensationalizing the situation. Poorly handled.

That is ok man we are all human and hopefully thinking as much about the steps we take forward as those we have already taken. :)

fyrstikken 2:49 PM You need to grow a thicker skin not everyone was born in a secure environment like you are coming from.

I like how you left the majority of our conversation out from your quote. Here's some of your own advice that may help ease your pain from me calling your threats and harassment of women out into the public light, instead of pretending to be some sort of victim.

There is no need to say that he is attacking women (as though attacking men would be ok?)

This behavior can be detrimental to many, including...but not in any way limited to women.

The only reason I'm not going to address what you said above is because I like you. ;)

when I apologized in public to @heiditravels for using explicit words when I was mad at her for not showing up to a Public Relation Interview when she came to Perú, an Interview that would have gone out on Television to 10 million Peruvians in prime-time and maybe secure 200,000 new signups for Steemit

It is baffling to me that you can claim your post impugning Heidi with accusations but not evidence an "apology".

You should not be rewarded for this behaviour so I am flagging your post.

It is baffling to me that you can claim your post impugning Heidi with accusations but not evidence an "apology".

this. that was pretty much a non-apology

Man I wish I could disagree...

People recommending to buy synero-amp so early is extremely bad form. But what you invest in is your business. The thing that's even worse is the fact that certain people are oblivious to the notion that their recommendations are being followed.


Right? That´s what I´ve been saying!

Make love Not War

I don't think that is completely fair and honest. We both know you are a fiery character and we both know that the facts presented on your end are cutting out large portions of information others need in order to get an honest overview of the real situation. Tuck does bring in some stuff that you say (linking to it even) that does surprise me.
It is not exactly fair that people could walk away thinking tuck is an evil person who is just picking on someone who didn't kind of start the wars himself. I don't say that to be mean fyrst. I respect your work. But seriously man...some of the stuff you say could definitely use a quick breath and the benefit of a cool head. I say this in the hopes that you see that some of the things you have said/done are a bit overboard and like it or not---you have a high reputation here. This means you are in the spotlight. I just wish people would act like their reputations give them more responsibility instead of seeing it as having more firepower.

you have a high reputation here. This means you are in the spotlight.


He lambaste @stellabelle for saying something positive about Synereo that Steemit could do better, blames her for others actions and says she should know better because of her high reputation.

Yet he doesn't apply those same rules to himself after he curses out a fellow Steemian (with his high reputation) and claims harassment if someone informs him he's done something wrong (which he should have been able to determine on his own, yet wasn't able to). But of course it wasn't harassment for him to call out stellabelle. Oh no. He's above his own self made laws.

The guy plays both sides and either is knowingly being deceitful (likely judging by his online documented history) or is completely oblivious to the cognitive dissonance world in which he lives.

Edit : Upvoting to prevent censorship from the fyrstikken flag team.

Make love not warcraft* ;)

make lovecraft, not warcraft.

unrelated but when they released the achievement system, this was the first achievement everyone was getting. It was spamming my guild chat like crazy. I cant believe that was 8 years ago.

ahhh, steem drama :) but on a serious note though is the flagging system kinda broken? If a couple of people all of a sudden don't like you can they gang up and just smash you into the ground? Or does it cost them something to vote you down?

@cherryleaf they have more reputation-power so their flags can do damage. Power-abuse is what I call it.

I agree, it's abuse of the flagging system. Your rep is just as high as mine and you flagged me repeatedly first pretending you were butthurt over a comic while telling me to grow thicker skin, after you verbally abused a women and felt it was OK.

The cognitive dissonance is astounding with this one.

First and foremost. Abuse of women is a stretch. Being a bit insensitive---perhaps---and I can sit on that train.

Secondly, I think fyrst will likely be the one to have to deal with the fallout from his actions. I don't think it needs a downvote war.

Third, and most importantly, both of you have MUCH better stuff to do with your time (that will help make us all wealthier in the end). Consider doing that! ;)

Let that sink in ladies.
Welcome to Steemit!

Yeh because its so obvious how terrible i am towards women...

My point that it is a free world and anyone can be as much of an asshole as they want to be. Hurting someones feelings and lying is a double edged sword. I suggest people realize that attacking men is no better than attacking women. Adding "women" instead of people just makes you seem to onlookers to be covering one side (and they will all assume what your motivations are).

Fyrst and you are both charming hotheads. That is all there is to say about it for me. I do thank you for bringing the threats up though. Heidis experience was the only one i had seen on here that was bad from fyrst and i assumed it was just one incident and that there wasnt a history of this stuff on other boards. I thank the tuck team for this. At least one of the tuck team, though, really needs to chill out sometimes.

Abuse of women is a stretch. @officialfuzzy

Let that sink in ladies.

Welcome to Steemit!

"..that she has a loud voice in this community, and that she therefore must be careful advising people about investments and projects..."
A person cannot tell another person what to do with their money, without a broker license.
If anybody does so, they are breaking AN EXTREMELY SENSITIVE Federal law, an immediately punishable felony. D.C.'s federal prosecutor machine in Kansas City or where ever she lives will JUMP at the opportunity to rack in the bounty cash from this activity. Its a major deal to those people.
If you have proof she was giving investment advice, you can ruin her life. Just thought you might be interested.@fyrstikken

If you read @stellabelles post, she was no where near the same neighborhood, state, country or planet as giving investment advice from an actionable SEC standpoint. If what she was doing was actionable, then nearly every single post talking about steemit here is actionable too.

She expressed her opinion. And, as has become popular here, everyone who didnt agree with her tried to criminalize it.
Its not a crime. Its just something that you dont like.

He's too busy giving shitcoin financial advice to noobs (and charging them I hear) to create another fictional story about her. ;)

hang in there Viking keep on smoking that cigar you deserve for your hard work here !!

thank you @gomeravibz thank you very much. Heartwarming <3

Well not at all as i have already told you your injection of mind blowing creativity in relaying info in a hilarious way so beyond compare here !! Its a sad day to see you dragged down to this level, like water of a ducks back !! like my dear old mother use to say of this sort of bad behavior !! keep on steeming please, we need you and your sort here for sure !!

Thanks at @fyrstikken and @tuck-fheman . I see both have been throwing stone at the glasshouse

I was wondering what was going on.

Dude, what's really funny is ... I do live in a glass house, like literally. :)


I think you mean "throwing stones from inside a glass house". ;)

No, I will not get involved, previous past experienced , tell me so. I will remain Neutral zone here.
As I am a supporter for @fyrstiken, he help me occasionally.

I literally have no idea what you're talking about there guy.@bullionstackers

Here is what I meant in my response to your quote...
A glasshouse is a place where they make glass.
A glass house is a home made from glass.

You said they were throwing stones at places that manufacture glass. That didn't make a whole lot of sense.

I said they are inside a house made of glass and throwing stones. The obvious implication is that glass will shatter and they will both get hurt.

We are both wrong by the way. The correct metaphor is that people in glass houses should not cast stones. Meaning not to judge others especially since your own life is an open book and a very fragile thing.

I literally did not know that until I looked it up.

You got it.
My English is not that good

My every other language sucks. :D

A Fued!!! Stop the beefing and get out of the kitchen. A knife fight online loses it's meaning fast and although Steemit is semi permanent in it's nature, I have to admit that my attention span is far to low to dig through all the post of all the people involved to figure out who is right and who's wrong. It sounds like your all right and your all wrong in different ways on different points. Stellabelle gave advice people took the bait, people loss and now I guess shell have less followers, less people paying attention to her. Isn't that justice enough?

I believe you are 100% on point here. We need to not let our emotions get the best of us and instead focus on trying to improve ourselves and our own value proposition to the platform at large. Emotion makes it difficult though.

We should all just get along, fear and anger leads to hate, hate leads to the dark side!

Shitcoins is still the funniest thing I have ever seen!

thank you @kurtbeil :D I´ll try not to harm a fly, ever <3

ohhhh now I'm intrigued, I gotta have a link to shit coins, lol..

lollercoaster yay

That's the greatest thing I've ever seen in my life

whats that white stuff on your palm? lol...... hmm

it is my skin. A radiator blew up and steamed me. Got no pigmentation in that area. Damn BMW.

powdered doughnut... shhhh... :)

Thank you for the sweet and kind words Fyrstikken! Means a lot coming from you! You stole my snakey heart from the first hello! You are a Viking! Keep smiling you have a shit ton of amazing people around you! And I am very happy to have met you!

Just enjoy what you like to do and happy fun.

Not to pay any attention, be above it. Keep doing what you love and what helps people.

That was crystal clear ! Thanks for your statement.

OMG First Great Steem War coming! @fyrstikken, make pls comic show of this and don't take it seriously...

You are my HERO!!!

I like your posts man and this nobody can't change it! Like I said in my newest post you are a good person, and I don't believe what people says about you! Calling you like that it was just rude!

The only thing we know for sure is that there will be a makeup tutorial at the end of this conflict.

For sure :) For sure :D

@fyrstikken? Can I please write you in for president of the US? Please? (Meant as a compliment if you're not sure)

So I can't really tell if you've buried the hatchet or not. But there is a big problem in the works and I'm hoping you two can bury the hatchet for a minute and pop over here...

And sound some alarm bells!!!
p.s. If you think this is spammy just let me know and I'll delete it, but I wanted you both to know there's something bad brewing in cryptoland.@fyrstikken & @tuck-fheman

That is interesting. Not really making sense to me for gnu in the longterm

Why are you blowing a kiss to a cigar?
I'm lost on this one from the start, sorry.
If those puppet clips are yours, I love that shit and upvote it!
Keep up the good work on those.

I seem be having the same problems as ive posted about ! With other people and asses on this site , that have nothing better to do when they run out of things to blog about, or their mad for ANY REASON AT ALL, or they just think its fun to retaliate because thats what do when there bullies! Its the only way they know how to cope, with life and their own demons. As hard as it is im trying my hardest to just ignore the abuse , mute them, and move on! I know im the better person for doing so...

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