I have been in love with Steem since before my account was ever approved. Our relationship has been fruitful, but the future is looking even brighter. For those of you who do not have accounts, please sign up at Steemit and start getting paid in a cryptocurrency representing shares of Steem's total market cap. This is not investment advise, and is strictly for entertainment purposes. I have had life issues pull me away from Steemit over these first three months, so it is definitely possible to grow a lot faster than I have on Steemit. Please make my replies blow up like a Migos trap phone and I will upvote them.
▶️ DTube
You are right on with all of your comments about Steemit. Keep on evangelizing and we will rule over facebook and the other leaches out there.
decentralized holistic anarchy
Same with me...still learning. but really great platform.
Excellent. Encouraging to hear. I kind of am doing it in an opposite way than you did. I'm adding new content 2-3x a day without doing much research about best practices. Somehow I felt I needed to find my groove and then tweak what I'm doing to generate more followers and like-minded people. Not sure if that's right or wrong, but oh well. Good stuff!
@tacostate I think most importantly in both of our cases we are acting instead of sitting idle.
Very true.
I joined the Steemit community in January and was really into it then I fell of the bandwagon with life catching up to me. Now I'm really working to make D.tube and Steemit a part of my daily habit and share my experiences of being a raw vegan doing an ultra cycling event.
I will be sure to keep an eye out for all your future content!
And fruit on!
Oi where you riding for the uce?
The race is called Steens Mazama 1000. Its a giant loop around Oregon, USA that climbs two of the highest mountains in the state and covers 1000 miles.
Thanks for your reply @jeremiahsvaren just followed you.
i can totally agree with you! I startet 2 months ago and saw all the possible power of steemit and for all the steeians themselves. For me Steemit is the beginning of another big century