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RE: Will Europe's new laws ban Steemit?

in #steemit7 years ago

It appears freedom of speech may become a thing of the past. And I quite understand them censoring things that are harmful but, this looks like a slippery path to me. Who gets to decide what is hate speech for example? Is the person deciding on what constitutes hate speech impartial enough to do so? What agenda does this person, people, organization have and can they be trusted? If it is the EU then it will almost certainly have a globalist agenda. It makes me laugh when you hear people talking about fake news. Most people are diligent enough to research a story to be able to decide whats real or not however, it can be used to call something fake that they don't agree with. You could call even the MSM fake as quite often they do not report on all the facts just the ones they want you to hear.