Ok, but its even better for others as they don't come with the history.
IF they aren't putting out sufficient content, they will do best by not hiring bullies to take their rewards, it breaks the very thing that gave steem its initial value.
But, i can wait, lets see the numbers.
My autovoting account brings in about 7usd a month on 1500 sp.
Mostly due to folks buying bot votes.
This account does even worse, because I generally refuse to vote a post that has 1sbd on it already.
I think the people with less than 1sbd need the coins more.
You have a lot of rules, for an anarchist. :-)
Just trying to win at this game.
Games become nogame without rules.
Leaving aside anarchy more properly defines as 'no rulers', and not 'no rules'.
The bullies rule us today, hopefully, they won't rule our grandkids, too.
Unless we change, the bullies win, and our children lose, because we couldn't measure up to a few bullies.
Just as our parents have failed at freeing us from them.
I don't like losing.
I don't want to be bullied my entire life.
Ergo, I push back.
The problem with parents is, past ones that is, they forced religion on people, their own one, they force fed their children their political views, they modeled people, in their own fucked up mind.
Right, it is inevitable when folks want to be boss.