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RE: Content Writing Guide: Manipulate With Psychological Triggers

in #steemit7 years ago

I have very different opinions about these tools:

  • Commitment: Comes naturally to me and might be one of my strongest skills
  • Reciprocation: I always give more than I can afford but before Steemit that was never a good thing for me
  • Social Proof: I give social proof to others all the time but I never force it and I never care about the outcome.
  • Authority: I never liked authorities. If someone tells me not to do something I will do it ten times crazier than originally intended.
  • Liking: Comes naturally to me as I like to talk about private and embarrissing stuff. I never felt it served me well and I had to learn the hard way what it means when ten thousand people call you an idot within 24 hours.
  • Scarcity: Nothing in life should be scarce and particularly not when it is a fake scarcity like on these terrible funnel websites where a lecture or whatever is sold and it tells you that only X amount is left. I never touch stuff like that even if I would get it for free for some reasons.

Professor Flauwy entered the room, openned his arms and mouth and said (as I see on the avatar) ;p

I agree with most of what you said... heck about Scarcity I absolutely abhor those crappy funnel sites... but you do know why they're still used right?

Cheers Flo :D