Adding indentation to texts can be very useful to achieve a more formal look in posts or to develop a personalized structure in the presentation of poems or other artistic writings.
The markup languages do not recognize the consecutive blank spaces, therefore the space bar or the tab key are not useful for this purpose.
I was researching and trying several codes in the editor until I got some results and decided to share them through this brief post.
No HTML tag was useful for this, <dir>, text-indent and other codes designed for this purpose were useless. In the end the only method that worked for me was to use the character code simultaneously to obtain consecutive non-breaking-spaces.
If, for example, you want to add an indentation of five spaces, it would be written in the editor in the following way:
Any text.
Any text.
Very useful bro, the markup lenguage is a little confuse and you can mess up really easy here