Just going to go with the title here.
How serious are you about Steemit succeeding
Currently I am not in a position to invest in Steem but what I can do, and have done, is to go full-time. By which I mean that I actually terminated client work, and contracts, in order to focus on this.
All while having to grow organically (initially). It is a risk but as I've posted before, I play the long game. Part of playing the long game will also be to as soon as possible invest in 20k SP, whether via delegation or eventually owned. I feel 20k is when SP can truly be used favorably to help/promote/reward, it's IMHO a clinching point. In the spirit of disclosure, yes I will use that 20k also to upvote one of my projects, but only one and not self-upvote, but I have diluted over multiple accounts which also comes at a cost as such.
The rest, while not holding currently, is up to me and us. Being free of clients is both nice a thought, but also a challenge. Let's see what happens. I don't think this is a punt but if it turns out to be, it will have been an interesting one and hopefully it will also have been one heck of a ride. I love roller coasters.
I predict lots of #flearn and that, that I'm looking forward too.
The long game players are the ones that will bring the benefits both in the short term and long as it the space they create for all of the others to initially run with. For me, I am a collecting midfielder hoping to feed the ball, a communication point between groups. A lot of the communication needs to be cleared up here and perhaps I can help with that since my technical know-how is lacking.