I am not sure if I will be. I need to go somewhere else for a few months maybe. They do not like my many tr visa's at immigration. I keep getting pulled out of line.
This last time the first lady was all ready to cancel my visa and send me back to Yangon. Luckily a supervisor overruled that and let me in. He even said to her, "This woman has nothing to go to in Yangon." I thought I was going to pass out, and of course it was 2 am at the end of a very long day.
There is no law against what I am doing, and I have everything they need for entry, but the stress is about to make me insane.
If I decide to come back again in July, I'm going to have a letter prepared so at least I'm not stumbling around with my words while they question me.
So maybe I will go to one of the other countries near for a few months - I'm just not sure and don't feel like moving.
You do not know how many people have told me to marry a Thai guy! So many times in two years. Do you think I have even met one????? Where are they? I would do it lol.
You are right - I should just get out. I actually was fine getting off the plane - just not even thinking about it and then there I still was - an hour later - sitting there with a backpacker guy. Luckily they talked to me first.
I had brought every single thing they could have needed to see. It was my bank book with regular steemit deposits that did the trick. Thank God I take money out several times a week no matter what. He paged through it all and said ok.
I think the best Visa is Malaysia. I know people that walk out every 90 days and turn around and walk back in. They do not care how long you stay there.