It's not Steemit that makes you rich... It's this!

in #steemit7 years ago


Yesterday, I read a fairly long exchange of responses of Steemians, led by @ned to @dan decision to move on and his arguments for ensuring functional governance structure in the Steemit community. A post he titled 'Proof of Good Governance' and you can still read it here:

Of course there were a lot of cool stuffs, intelligent suggestions and genuine questions and as expected, @haejin and @berniesanders also had their chance to spar a bit. Lol

The real issue seemed to be about flagrant 'abuse of power' and the 'theft of/from the common purse' -same issues of the centralized society we all are already used to. While reading through the long chain of comments, I observed that in spite of Steemit's novelty and the utopian intentions that might have underscored it's development, the usual human dynamics have not changed. Whether in real life or on Steemit, people will always be people and if we think mathematics will solve that...just know that mathematics is not the exclusive preserve of a chosen few as there are those who will still seek out means, legal or illegal, to short-circuit the system for their selfish gains. Some do it for gain, others do it for just doing it!

No matter what, we all are not rational the same way. Dear Bravheart, accept this as a fact of life and move forward from there...

The issue then is not the system but the mindset of those who don't just like systems (and we've got an army of those system-haters amongst crypto-lovers). Ironic.

The question then becomes how do we punish or disincentivize selfish behaviour if we can't stop people from perpetrating such behaviors? In a centralized system, it would have been a lot easier with the assignment of law enforcement but in a decentralized system, we have to resort to 'democracy' which isn't always the best form of government especially when the bad guys control most of the funds.

Even if you return everyone to ground zero...once the bad guys increase their worth, they will most probably use their means to increase their worth even if it means doing bad stuff. With or without money, bad guys are bad.

On the other hand, when good guys increase their worth, chances are that they will not always use their means to put the bad guys in check. Again, the means is neutral but the men aren't. The problem is not the money. Bad guys will always do bad things with their means, same way good guys will rather do good stuff with their means and more often than not, the good stuff doesn't include fighting the bad guys!

However, as a coach my real message is for those who consider themselves minnows and are carrying the mindset of poverty onto a supposed 'platform of abundance' like Steemit. Stop seeing yourself from a disadvantaged position. You're not poor because someone else is rich and if you continue that victim's mindset in 2018, it doesn't matter whether on Steemit or off it, you'll continue to be a victim.

Change the way you see yourself. This is very important. If you change the way you see things, the things you see will change.



See, if you're carrying the zero-sum mindset that you're not making money because the whales are making all the money, you'd probably not make any. Yes, I know some of you may say 'I'm not really on Steemit for the money' Really?! Then go back to FIT: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter because you're missing the point here.

So, get the point: you've got to first (re)program your mind that in spite of whales, you too will thrive here. In addition, do your best to 'add real value'to the community. Focus on doing what you do because you love doing it and know turn you'd be rewarded for it. Appreciate (not necessarily upvoting) those that are doing well, you too will begin to attract success. You don't attract what you despise.

Also know this, the principle of seedtime and harvest works everywhere everytime. For some people, Steemit is their harvest, you have no idea where they've been sowing seeds and for how long...

In conclusion, remember it's not Steemit that makes you rich... Steemit is just one platform that helps in delivering the goodies you're creating in your mind.

I love you forever and I believe in you.



N. B.
I'm currently running the #2018ProsperityChallenge, an intensive coaching program for Bravehearts like you who desire to develop prosperity in their ecosystems. It's free, join here:


Good points, resteemed.

@fechaugger thanks a lot. I just followed you. Nice posts you've got there.

Maybe the mindset can change over time. You can’t expect people to grasp decentralization quickly and like you so wisely pointed out, some have been sewing seed in strategic places and for much longer. I agree, there is no point in seeing yourself as a victim. That is human nature and often male ego and should be kept in check. I don’t think there is such a thing as good guys and bad guys. However, I will concede that Steemit has some loopholes that are shamelessly exploited and it gets annoying. Upped, fllwd and rstmd

@edouard thanks for your comment. I agree with you that it will take time for people to fully appreciate the 'pros and cons' of decentralization.

As per the system, and in light of those exploiting it, I think we should just keep tweaking it... but the fact is: it will never be perfect because of human nature.

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Very well.

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@bobbyr thanks a lot for your kind words. I celebrate you