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RE: I've reached 500 followers!! to celebrate im giving away 10 SBD to the best animal photo you submit in the comments

in #steemit7 years ago

Meet Truble (pronounced trouble). She is a rescue that was abused to the point she has PTSD, She also has Pica and is like having a 2 year old child where everything goes in her mouth, lol. But she is my baby girl and has a forever home.


thats horrible, at least she has a good home now and got a chance at a better life. she looks like a good lap dog

I don't understand why some people do these things. but sadly, the shelters are full of them. All 3 of our dogs were rescued from abusive homes and each was a special needs animal because of it. But when they finally break through the terror of their prior lives, they become the most lovable and caring animals you can imagine. They just need lots of love!

me either, the amount of people who dump their pets for no good reason is disgusting, they really need to start looking at them as family not a toy

You are correct. I read an article just the other day about how when a TV show like Game of Thrones show a lot of a specific type of dog or cat, suddenly thousands of people want them. They don't take the time to figure out what that specific type of animal needs or how they behave and when they can't deal with their behavior, off to the dog pound they go. They say shelters across America are filled with these animals.

yea i heard that too, any dog that looks like a dire wolf apparently... bastards.

Slowly people are starting to wake up, but we just have to keep reminding them, animals are a responsible. You hold their life in your hands.