My collection of Steemit 3D printed designs

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


I joined Steemit last year in September. My first post was like most of us an introduction. After my introduction, I posted about an Indonesia layer cake "Spekkoek" which took me few hours to make it. A very delicious cake :-). For all that work I received 4 cents..... So I decided not to continue because I thought I was just wasting my time for 4 cents. My hus-
band (@tarekadam) kept telling me how much he earned after every post in the hope I would continue. But I refused to listen to him. But I also didn't know what to post about.

Three months ago I gave it another try and I suddenly had a brilliant idea :-D

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I wanted to make Steemit jewellery! So I told my husband about my idea. He wasn't really enthusiastic about the idea. But I asked him if he could print out my design. I told him how I want it to look and how big. So he printed out for me.
I was a bit nervous posting it, since Steemit is not Facebook where you share with people you know in real life. With Steemit, you haven't met or seen most of the people. But I was surprised that there were people upvoting my steemit earrings :-). On top of that I received so many nice comments and @ramta, who upvoted me and commented, wanted to buy my Steemit earrings :-). He lives in Norway, So I sent the earrings to him. I am not sure if he received them. @ramta, if you read this, I would like to know if you received the earrings? I hope you did.

diy steemit earrings #1

After the first earrings I wanted to make another pair of earrings but this time more extravagant earrings. I asked my husband again, if he could print out another pair of Steemit earrings again. He asked me: "Are you sure? I'm not sure if it would be something, again with steemit logo." But I refused to listen to him :-D.

diy steemit earrings #2

After 2 pair of earrings I wanted to make Steemit bracelets in combination with a golden chain. So, I asked my husband again, but this time he refused to make them for me :-(. He wanted me to learn 3D designing myself. So I will not disturb him with my 3d steemit ideas :-D. First I was angry, because I was not interested in 3D designing at all! I even did not understand why he bought a 3D printer. I told him he is wasting his money.

I kept forcing him to printing my designs for me, but it didn't work :-D. So I had to learn the 3D program Fusion 360 myself. He taught me some basic things like Extrude, Offset and how to import to Cura, a program that you need when you want to print out the design(s). But of course I had many many many questions besides Extrude and Offset. He refused to help me! Can you imagine? I tell you, I was pissed! He said I have to figure it out myself because he figured everything out himself by learning from Youtube and Google. So I was first forced to learn Fusion 360. Later on, I enjoyed 3D designing. I guess I have to thank him, because if he would help me all the time, I would not be this far with 3D designing. This was my first time I designed(same design, but selfmade) and printed out myself. :-)

Steemit bracelets in 3 colors

The second bracelet I made, was more masculine.

Steemit bracelet #2

I was watching a Bollywood movie "Devdas" and I suddenly was inspired by the beautiful hand jewellery. So I quickly opened Fusion 360 and printed out the same round Steemit logo and a ring in black and combined it with beads.

Steemit bracelet #3

There was a guy who commented on my post and asked me when I make a Steemit bracelet for men. After I posted I noticed men don't really like (to wear) jewellery :-D

Steemit bracelet for men

Here you see Steemit bangles in Pink, Black and White. I made the pictures in my laundry room.

Steemit bangles

After earrings, bracelets and bangles I wanted to make something else. Steemit shoe accessories

Steemit shoe accessories

Steemit headsets

Steemit headsets

Steemit key to Steemfest

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Steemit key to SteemFest

Steemit cat ear headbands

Steemit cat ear headband

Steemit tie in jointed sections

Steemit tie

Steemit chocolate in Steemit chocolate box

Steemit chocolate in Steemit chocolate box

Steemit Hexagon Bubble Blower

Steemit hexagon bubble blower

Steemit mosaic belt

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Steemit mosaic belt

Steemit (sun) glasses. This was my MOST complicated design and my #2 on my 3D wish list to-do's.

Steemit (sun)glasses

Steemit pocket mirror

Steemit pocket mirror

My #1 on my 3D wish list is a secret. It will come one day hopefully :-). It is a very complicated design and even my husband, the 3D guru, can not make it. I'm gonna tell you this: He wasn't even able to make the (sun)glasses and pocket mirror....sssshhhhh, don't tell him ok? :-D. I am very proud of myself that I have made all these designs myself( except the 2 pair of earrings that my husband did on Fusion 360). I guess I have to take back what I once said to my husband, that he is wasting his money buying a 3D printer. For now, I want to show you my other talent which is Fashion designing/sewing. I went to Fashion school, so I know more about fashion designing than 3D designing. I will post more about my sewing designs and hope you will like them as much as my 3D designs :-).


Great idea :D

Your the BE$T and I definitely want and nd 0ne 0f th0se Steem Guy Bracelets
Steem Guy Bracelet.PNG

STEEM Chocolate B0x.PNG

Will be in touch with you soon and I'm 0r we are very thankful f0r what you do and also f0r STEEMit.

Thanks @tradz! Im afraid i cannot send the products to you. Im a bit scared with shipping products to a foreign country. I had bad experience. Maybe I should send my designs in Sketch to thingyverse or something. And then you can ask a printshop to print it out. :-) (i still have to check how it works)

Mind telling what you experienced?

Well, i was writing my thesis about chocolate and made an importplan for an indonesian chocolate shop located in indonesia. So i communicate sometimes through email. My teacher asked to get some chocolaye bars from that shop. The chocolate bars arrived. I had to pay a 80 euros. But i paid it anyway because i need to communicate with the shop during my thesis. I transferred to the bankadress they gave me. They said they never received the money. After that the communication was gone and i was in trouble with my thesis. Another thing, some people can put drugs in your package and when you receive the package, police coming and you go to prison, that never happened to me but to some people: locked up abroad.

Wow great knowledge BUT we are the BL0CKchain Bebe! We can go thru escrow via platforms such as 0penBazaar ;)

Ow, i never heard about it. I have to check one day. Im so superbusy at home you know, kids and cleaning and posting... thanks for the info :-)

I kNw y0ur Super busy!
H0pe your able to make time f0r researching "0pen Bazaar" considering you are apart 0f the Crypto-space ;)
Decentralized Marketplace(smart-contracts;)
The look 0f their website changed(not to my liking) but it is still a wonderful place. I have an acc but have not yet sold anything. I believe I have my computer up f0r grabs that I must take dwn ha!
F0r now this place is great f0r crypto-heads such as us who are looking to buy/sell from each other as the ppl who are not into this space, will say it's too much 0f a process. Actually it's quite simple as downloading the software(platform;).

Thanks for the information :-). I will check soo :-)

That is an awesome collection :-)
Upvoted and resteemed :-)

Danke schön @lichtblick :-) Du bist immer sehr freundlich ( when ich das gut sag :-) )

Sehr gerne. Das hast du sehr gut gesagt. Danke dir für das nette Feedback :-)


Forget about the jewellry. Just give me the chocolate. :-)

wow! some great stuff! good for u learning how and making all this awesome stuff. I like it all, but that manly steemit bracelet is the best IMHO. :) i'm following u and upvoting now. resteemed, too cuz it's so cool!

Thanks @chinito! Hahaha! You're the only one then :-D. Thanks for reading, upvoting, resteeming and following :-)

Really cool! Impressive collection :)

Thanks @herverisson and thanks for dropping by :-)

My wife would love this... =)

My 16 cents to join your 4 cents... totally deserved!

Hahaha! Thanks! :-)

That is some effort

Good going

awesome! a video walk-through of you making one of these pieces would be really cool too.

That would be cool. Im not so fond of the videocamera, but may be I will do it

Nice collection and work, Upvoted and am following you.

If i can give a tip to make them look like molded parts, i would suggest to use sandpaper (i use 800 and 220) if you would sand the printed parts for around 10-20 min, first with the ruff grain later with the fine grain, most of the printing artifact will be gone and the results will be super smooth and polished.

Making the fine sandpaper wet and sand the parts again will even polish it more.

Sanding is cheap, takes some time and is not so much fun but the results will pay off, and it will empower the efforts you already doing.

Thanks for the tip @techtek! I sometimes sand things. But with certain colors it will fade away....

These are some really interesting designs.

Thanks @eroche! Yes, I also agree with you :-)

100% upvote - you are a creative lil genius :-)

Thank you. Hahaha! How do you know im little? :-)

Oh man that is so cool. Ive always wanted a 3d printer, I have so many ideas! I love those steem peices you made, they look awesome!

Thanks @cyberblock. It would be cool if you can design and print out your ideas with a 3d printer! I wonder what your ideas are :-)

Thats a lot of work both on the post and jewellery!!!Great!!!!
checkout my post on community development

Please, please, please read my post HOW TO START YOUR OWN HOMEBASED 3D PRINTING BUSINESS. There are other platforms, that you can use in conjunction with Steemit, to take your pieces to the next level. Loooove all of your designs. Always, love to see another woman succeed. Wishing you much success in selling your 3D designs. Great post.

Thanks @whileoutsanch :-). I have checked your post. Very interesting! But selling my designs cost me also money to ask other 3d companies to print out for me or a website. My printer is also not for mass production. It's kinda slow. May be in the future i will consider it. Thanks that your ideas to help me further. I really appreciate your good intention :-)

Maybe think of making custom one-off designs to save time and money, so you can make the money from each piece that you deserve.

Im not sure whar you mean? You mean sending my sketch design and let others print themselves? That would be an idea :-)

The jewelries are cool
loved the chocolate very much

in words great concept

Thanks for liking my collection

This all makes me want to go out and buy a 3D printer.!

Just do it! :-).

You can use all your fantasies. Its really fun. On youtube there are many good tutorials

Very well-done @fathin-shihab. I love the tie thing! :P
Upvoted & RESTEEMED :]

Thanks @msg768 :-). I love the tie too!

This is very interesting and nice. Keep it up @fathin-shihab. I wish to do more some day.

Thanks @anidear24 :-). Just do it! :-)

wow Very interesting Really beautiful work, @fathin-shihab Thank you for sharing

You are even more obsessed than me about the steem logo.
I just have a tshirt and was thinking of a backpack while you have carved the design literally on almost everything that you own.
Steem on!

Hahaha! Im indeed obsessed with steemit logo :-) im curious about your backpack. You too steem on

Since I now know about your skills in designing I would request you to design one.
I'll get that design to the backpack makers and order them to make two identical backpacks. One will be shipped to you of course :)

Sounds like a plan:-). But im afraid with shipping to a foreign country..... you never know if things arrive or not.

I did a free giveaway of tshirst a month back. Two reached properly while two failed and asked for extra charges. I'll opt for DHL shipping service from now on wards, they are good. And we can track the shipping and will get notified when the receiver receives it.
Lets proceed with the plan :)

I have bad experience unfortunetely. :-(. I have to refuse, sorry. There are other 3D people on this platform. Maybe you can ask one of them or you can find on the internet like thingiverse to print out for you, since I live in the Netherlands. Good luck :-)

Hey don't be sorry! It's alright since you had a bad experience previously.
Yet, since we tried to plan it together if I come up with something good in future, I'll try to send it to you via a friend who stays in Netherlands.
Cheers! Steem on!

Someday, I want to try 3D printing. Good work. Love the tie, especially.

Yes, its fun to do! Thanks!

Dope story!! Really speaks to how we can learn new skills pretty quick if we put our mind to it. A 3d printer has been on my list of business investments and i think i'm about to put some time into learning those programs.

Thanks @opinizeunltd! You should definetely try 3d. It's really fun once you know the basics :-).

wow amazing picture.......

Thanks :-)

i will follow your account to see how are you doing;) please follow me

Thank you for following :-)

What you design is really interesting. something different. Can be a choice of accessories for the Steemians.

Thanks @dsatria. It's indeed different. I try to be different to stand out in the crowd :-).

Very beautiful hon... I follow you☺☺

Upvoted and also resteemed :)

Thanks @imbritish. that's very kind of you :-)


I love these hand jewellery too. It's kinda Bollywood/Gothic :-)

Good one, I realy love the ideas

Thanks @bigjames :-). thanks for reading my post!

This is another level stuff glad to see your post's you are really amazing love your creativity :D

Hehehe opsie I think ur husband already read it , I think it was great that he got u learning 3D designing , good ideas spring up from a thought I can do this and when u think u can do something why not learn it even if it's not ur passion creating more idea will make u learn to love it and turn it into a hobby. :-) really great designs uve made , a few I would love to have hehehe , like those steemit ear-rings or the headset or even the bracelets, or the ring with beads . :-)

hahaha, yeah he just read my post and laughed :-D.
I just love making things and share it with everyone.
I guess we have the same taste then ;-)

hehehehe cute, oh yes! we sure do have the same taste :-)

This is amazing! I specifically love some of the bracelets :D

You should start selling!

Thanks @sjennon. It's very kind of you. I see your good intention :-). But my 3D printer is not suitable for mass production and printing a single piece takes a lot of time.

Ah! Well the more valuable and exclusive it is!

You did very well! :)

Thanks @tarekadam :-). you do too ;-)

Nice, just goes to show, write about something your passionate about and your audience will find you.

Yes, @spidersprog. We have to write and post about anything we like so we will find our own audience :-)

This post has received a 0.78 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

I love your designs! The very first set of earrings are my favorite.
I also love that you can print fashion and jewelry these days. Exciting times

Yeah, the first is always special :-). Thanks for reading and commenting!

Amazing works, you must be a fashion desginer of some sort of that!

I am not sure if I am a fashion designer. When can one call herself a fashion designer? So I prefer to say I like fashion designing :-). I see you are from Singapore? I went there for exchange to NTU. I love Singapore!

Who is doing fashion designing is a designer, isnt it? Haha. Glad to you have been here, and I hope for more creative works from you!

Wow great 😍

thanks @fikri :-)

You're wellcome fathin, good luck everybody

that is so cool , awesome .
3D make me confused but this post make me a little understand (y)

Thank you @madamuhammad. I am glad you understand it now :-)