Very good and valid points you make kaylinart. Personally, I am still in the stage of "do I want to even invest time" when I know my work is guaranteed a payout elsewhere at a rate I know I will receive. But on the other hand, the potential payout here on Steemit could be much more and more lucrative if the reels spin right. For most it is a crap shoot and gamble on Steemit right now, of course, there is a good couple handful who I assume have connections or made connections early on who are doing and have done well, but the majority Steemit is more of a gamble and an unproven.
I don't type this to hate on, or delude Steemit, a matter of fact I hope it takes off to the moon and back, the creative space online needs it to for the sake of creators.
On your other point about diversifying, I have for a very long time looked at my income sources as all being little rivers flowing into the bigger ocean. Kind of cheesy, but it's a smart thing to do. For 15 years my main income was actually driving a big rig up and down the interstates of the US. At the same time, I was getting into the online space as the technology came available while being out on the road. Since I was little I always enjoyed writing and reading, so it was natural I started to share and eventually get paid for freelancing and ghostwriting. There are other little rivers running in as well, of which some you mentioned as investments and affiliates.
It truly is the smart thing to do, great post kaylinart!